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Posted (edited)
import re , urllib2 , sys, urllib
lista = []
backup = ['wp-config.php~','wp-config.php.bak','wp-config.bak','wp-config.php-bak','/wp-content/uploads/blog-backup.txt']
def unique(seq):
seen = set()
return [seen.add(x) or x for x in seq if x not in seen]
def grabwp(ip):
s = ip
page = 1
while page <= 21:
bing = "http://www.bing.com/search?q=ip%3A"+s+"+?page_id=&count=50&first="+str(page)
openbing = urllib2.urlopen(bing)
readbing = openbing.read()
findwebs = re.findall('<h2><a href="(.*?)"' , readbing)
for i in range(len(findwebs)):
wpnoclean = findwebs[i]
findwp = re.findall('(.*?)\?page_id=', wpnoclean)
page = page + 10
except IndexError:
def searchbackup(site, config):
try :
read = urllib2.urlopen(site + "/" + config).read()
rs = re.findall("USER",read)
if rs :
print "BACKUP FILE > " + site + "/" + config
except :
def scan():
final = unique(lista)
for site in final :
for config in backup :
searchbackup(site, config)
print "\!/ Server Wordpress Backup Files Scanner By YASSINOX.TN !/"
print ''
ip = raw_input("Server Ip Adress : ")
final = unique(lista)
print "Done ! Grabbed " + str(len(final) ) + " Wordpress Sites On This Server"
print "---------------------------------------------------"
print "---------------------------------------------------"

Edited by Ganav

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