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Where is the bug?

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Here is a simple proggy, and your mission is to find out the bug, and how someone could exploit it.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILE *fd;

void writing_pass_to_file(){


void some_crypting_here()
printf("Doing some crypting now..\n");
printf("Crypting done.\n");


system("rm /tmp/test");
return 0;

About the proggy, let's say that in real world would be a piece of code responsable for some user/password management...It takes the password from command line and does some stuff with it like crypting...

What happens when the program is run in superuser mode?(In Linux)

I will post the simple solution later, when it will be enough responses.

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ma asteptam sa vad buffer overflow dar nu am vazut deloc.

m-am gandit mai departe la line splitting. adica sa introduci parametrul argv[1] cu endline-uri.

de exemplu s-ar putea exploata cu un scriptuletz de genul:

./proggy.out password"

totusi nu vad cum ar fi folosibil pe codul prezentat... asa ca ma gandesc la alta metoda ..

ma gandeam la intrebarea pe care ai pus-o "ce se intampla daca programul e rulat cu root ?" si banuiesc ca acesta ar fi un indiciu, right ?

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