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Win-get ii pentru windows,ce ii apt-get pentru linux,cu acest programel potzi cauta programe freeware de la sourceforce.net,si sa se instaleze singur,cu o singura comanda: win-get install clamwin Aceasta comanda va cauta clamwin-ul si va instala odata gasit: Alte comenzii : win-get [switches] [action] [application] Actions: win-get install [app name] - gets and installs the app win-get sinstall [app name] - gets and installs the app using a silent installer win-get do [app name] - downloads the file only and does not execute it. win-get info [app name] - retrieves the description of the app win-get search [keyword] - search the repository for matching files win-get help - display help and usage information win-get uninstall - launches the windows gui uninstall system. win-get version - shows the version of win-get win-get restore - pulls down a users remote software list from a repository and auto installs it. win-get dorestore - download applications for a restore but do not install them. Switches: -r - use requests table of repository -noreport - turn off error reporting -rep= - use the specified repository -u=[username] - set the username -p=[password] - set the password Download: http://windows-get.sourceforge.net/win-get.exe Homepage: http://windows-get.sourceforge.net/index.php Va multumesc pentru atentie!
Homepage: http://anonymz.com/?http://www.idsecuritysuite.com/products/id-executable-password.htm Download Link: http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/45008099/Bufy_49.rar.html ID Executable Password ver 1.2 description: Secures under password all Windows executables Prevents unauthorized access to the programs Provides direct Internet links for upgrades Protects against network intruders Tests protected computer applications Detailed features: ID Executable Password is a high-security protection program that prevents any outside interference by password protecting all executable files. ID Executable Password protects all of your personal programs and applications, by the use of a secure password set by you. It allows you to choose and modify that password in order to maintain your privacy. Incorporates password protection directly into the .EXE file, modifying its content and making it impossible to be accessed by anyone else. It supports both 16-bit and 32-bit executables. Checks selected executable files at your request to search for already protected ones. It also keeps you informed and aware of secured programs and the ones you can set a password protection for. ID Executable Password works with any network configuration, providing protection against all network users, as well as ones directly using your PC. Tests at your request any computer application. ID Executable Password runs programs inside itself for an easy program testing and does not run in the background in order to provide its functionality. ID Executable Password has an easy to use, convenient graphic interface which requires minimal space on your disk to operate and run efficiently.
Avetzi internet cu viteza mica,va enerveaza ca nu vrea sa incarce mai repede paginile web? Atunci am ceva pentru voi,un tutorial cum itzi modifici serverul de dns : Intrati la : Control Panel -> Network Connections -> si alegetzi conectziunea voastra,in exemplu aceasta voi folosi Local Area Connection -datzi right click pe Local Area Connection si apoi datzi Properties -apoi datzi dublu click pe " Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) " -la tab-ul " General " bifatzi "Use de following DNS server addresses " -la " Preffered DNS server " punetzi : -la " Alternate DNS server " punetzi : Datzi ok si datzi restart la calculator DNS acesta ii de la OpenDNS ( http://www.opendns.com ),acest dns server are anti-phishing activat Daca stitzi servere mai bune ,suntetzi liberi sa postatzi,daca avetzi internetul foarte tare probabilitatea ii mare sa nu obs nimik,nici la download nu obs nimik,pt ca mareste viteza de incarcare a paginilornu a downlodului Trebuie sa mentionez ca eu am folosit aceasta metoda mai putin de luna,si nush dak imi taie netul sau altceva in genul asta Source link: http://www.opendns.com/start/windows_xp.php
Intratzi in folderul acesta: C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\ml -acolo trebuie sa avezi o fila cu numele de " ml_online " (dak nu o avetzi,downlodatzi ultima verziune de la Winamp) -deschidetzi ml_online si modificatzi niste string-uri (prima data facetzi un backup la ml_online) -Youtubu-l o sal pun in loc de AOL Games,la mine ii la ElementID7 -inlocuitzi ce ii cu ElementID7 , ElementIcon7, ElementSubbed7 , ElementName7 si ElementURL7 cu: ElementID7=10700 ElementIcon7=11002 ElementSubbed7=1 ElementName7=Youtube ElementURL7=http://youtube.com/?cmd=mini Acuma salvatzi si datzi sa fie Read-only la fila,right click pe ea -> Properties si bifatzi Rad-only,pornitzi Winamp-ul , intratzi in Medi Library ( Alt+L ) si o sa vedetzi la sectiunea " Online Services " Youtube Ca sa pui alte adrese trebuie sa-i schimbi numele si linkul , la sfarsitul linkului,trebuie sa pui ?cmd=mini , de exmplu : [url]http://linkul.respectiv/?cmd=mini[/url]
Am incercat un film de 700 mg compresat cu codecul "DivX
Cum vezi cine te-o sunat cu nr secret
Bufnitza_49 replied to Bufnitza_49's topic in Tutoriale in romana
Scuzatzi dar acuma am vazut ca mai o fost postat mai odata,va rog sa stergetzi topicul acesta din sectiunea aceasta -
"Hai sa vedem cine ne suna cu numar ascuns Prima oara intram pe telefonip.ro unde ne facem cont (este free) apoi ne confirmam contul bla bla bla .. primim un mail cu niste setari de la ei ... intram aici : http://www.counterpath.com/index.php?menu=Products&smenu=xlite si descarcam x-lite . Dupa ce instalam x-lite pe pc il configuram cu setarile care le-am primit prin mail de la telefonip.ro acum urmeaza sa configuram telefonul mobil trebuie sa redirectionam apelurile cu numar ascuns catre numarul care il primim de la telefonip.ro .Eu la v1075 al meu il setez asa: Setari - Redirectionare apel - Apeluri voce - Active redirectionare "Daca nu este disponibil" La numarul dat de telefonip.ro cu alte cuvinte daca vad ca ma suna un numar ascuns apas tasta NO si il redirectioneaza catre numarul de la telefonip (iti dai seama de asta pt ca iti va suna pc-ul daca ai instalat x-lite si l-ai configurat ) daca vrei ii poti raspunde chiar poti inregistra convorbirea . Acum k sa ii vezi numarul de tel intri pe telefonip.ro te logezi dai pe "Apeluri primite" si ii vei vedea numarul de telefon acolo Succes si sper ca ati inteles ... daca nu postati orice nelamurire aaa era sa uit acum am vzt ca nu merge pe cartela decat pe abonament .... (eu fol abonament) Daca este sa copiati acest tutorial puneti creditz avkhackteam from avkhackteam.com contact : avkhackteam [at] gmail [dot] com" (avkhackteam)
Yahoo messenger EOption sender (YM password stealer)
Bufnitza_49 replied to a topic in Programe hacking
nici avg ,good post -
Bufnitza_49 replied to Bufnitza_49's topic in Programe hacking
nu cred ca am postat unde trebuie ca aproape fiecare prog ii pentru spart ceva ... de ex: ii un prog Win key care itzi schimba hash-ul de la admin,si ala ash zice ca intra in categoria "Programe H4ck",nu stiu,poate intr-adevar am postat unde nu trebuie -
Vrei sa ai lista completa a programelor ce ai in calculatorul tau? Trebuie deschis cmd : Start > Run > cmd Acolo trebuie scris : cd desktop (obtional,unde o sa fie lista cu prog) dir D:\ /ogn /s > lista.txt (am ales driverul D,in exemplul meu) Asteapta cateva momente si vei gasi pe destop un fisier pe nume lista.txt cu toate prog din driverul D in ea P.S. : In cazul in care ai multe program sau se blocheaza notepad-ul sau ce o fii ... atunci ash zice sa downlodez Notepad ++ ,ii freeware
SecretDrive is a small, efficient and reliable program to create up to 8 encrypted virtual disks. Virtual disk is protected by one of five modern encryption algorithms: * AES (Rijndael) * GOST 28174-89 * Blowfish * Twofish * CAST 256 Virtual disk looks like usual hard disk, so you can format it, defragment, check, backup and do other operations. It can be located in a file or in the random access memory (RAM). Key features * Strong "on the fly" data encryption by one of five modern encryption algorithms * Simultaneous work with up to 8 virtual disks * RAM disk support * Optional creation of up to 4 hidden disks in an existing one * Backup and restore secret disk header * Encryption/decryption of files * Simple and intuitive user interface * Containers are protected from accidental deletion * Passwords generator tool Requirements * Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista * CPU: Intel Pentium 2 * Free hard disk space: 10 MB * RAM: 256 MB Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/34676584/Eterlogic.SecretDrive.v1.21.rar.html Pass : Bufnitza_49 Homepage : http://www.eterlogic.com/Products.SecretDrive.html
Va prezint datele ei personale:contactele si niste poze,furate de niste paparatzi din Hollywood Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/34621069/Paris_Hilton_Mobile_Phone_hacked.rar.html Pass: Bufnitza_49
Bufnitza_49 posted a topic in Programe hacking
Passware Kit combines over 25 password recovery modules in a convenient and cost-saving software pack. Features * All MS Office modules (word, excel, access, outlook and vba) * Windows Key (local admin password) * Windows Key (domain controller admin password) * Lotus Notes module * Encrypted File System module * One year upgrade subscription Include 1-2-3 Key, Acrobat Key, ACT Key, Backup Key, FileMaker Key, Internet Explorer Key, Mail Key, Money Key, MYOB Key, Organizer Key, Outlook Express Key, Paradox Key, Peachtree Key, Quattro Pro Key, QuickBooks Key, Quicken Key, RAR Key, Schedule Key, WordPerfect Key, WordPro Key and Zip Key. EFS Key Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/34480096/LostPassword.Passware.Kit.Enterprise.v8.0.2596.Retail.rar.html Serial : LBSMM-RNN62-SYJSL-HFRSD-7Z4HEJ Homepage : http://f.lostpassword.com/ -
Uitatzi aici un manual fain cum sa dai spaga ... itzi da niste tip-uri foarte buna dupa parerea mea ... Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/32801308/____-_Manual_de_spaga.pdf.html P.S. :Nu am stiut unde sa il pun ... si lam pus aici,va multumesc pt atentia acordata
!!! Droguri care se iau prin ultrasunete !!!
Bufnitza_49 replied to Bufnitza_49's topic in Programe utile
Poftim si celalalte .drg-uri cele mai noi,nush dak mai mere faza sa stergi din registru ... Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/32611893/Dose_Files.rar.html Maine mai va pun mp3-uri