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About Darkb0t

  • Birthday 04/12/1986

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  1. okay ... this is NOT carder forum, I know that, carder and forbidden subject here, rules are rules, right? this is a software created by Romanian brothers, I do not know whether private or public, or if you sell someone Nemanja need pos software, if anyone knows send me a pm or post here grateful!
  2. shit pablik,
  3. thanks for the information on cryptolooker, Why did you post a link to a carder forum scammer? are you crazy?, everyone knows that abh and largest forum of shit web remove this link from this forum shit, right? maintain respect here, here there is not scammers, ABH are forum ripper are you selling this shit for 20k? very high price, who pays for it? which proves that you are serious seller? If you were serious seller would probably be in a private carder forum, this forum and white hat, right? you say you have vouch for abh, ALBORAAQ LARGEST FORUM AND WEB RIPPER, then I suggest you go up a serious forum, or verifild Lampeduza and ask for your buyers use scrow, okay? nobody will send you 20k and then you wait to send you the cryptoloocker files, you are kid? If you were not seriously be selling this software to vouch scammmer on a forum, your site looks legitimate, the more you seem ripper
  4. nice work bro,keep
  5. software are infected,[shit,X (] features/update,look here Solar Bot
  6. and indeed, should be banned, never use VirusTotal, using private scanner they send reports to companies Antvirus, concertaza new updates for Antvirus in relation to the solar botnet builder having to use a good crypter for camouflage
  7. great tut, thanks learning, post more
  8. vulnerability in one of the sites aol.com xss cross site scripting reflected link:=b2018%3Fs%3Dw&clickref=11lwWekk"]http://aol.nextag.com/?page=3&fl[]=b2018%3Fs%3Dw&clickref=11lwWekk Proof:View image: xss by Darkbot15 situation: reported waiting for reply Regards,
  9. Darkb0t

    [xss] at&t

    Akkilion congrats, good job you received as reward $$ ?
  10. wow, nice thread bro congrats, hope you get a good reward, good work, keep
  11. they did not sent me anything, motherfuckers
  12. omg, you are crazy? here is my proof to you View image: xss by Botmaster55 this vulnerability was fixed,
  13. well, it seems that you understand I used Webscanner and appeared several sql google xd look at this link:"]https://books.google.com/local?err=1^source=s_d&saddr=&daddr=&f=q&source=s_q&output=js&hl=en&geocode=%20&abauth=51f1d3aeLSQzxdG_MVmBQfyVtK-Ji9AUe8o&f=%20[GOOGLE] I found it interesting
  14. lol, you made ??me laugh,
  15. hmm, I'm interested, I have some SQL INJECTION GOOGLE, I do not know more powder may enter the program rewards google proof:View image: sqlinjection google have a message box, since I typed cookiesinjection, then a dialog appeared, I think cookies, but I do not think I can do again, maybe I'm using the wrong parameter, I think google maps has no rewards AKKILION;
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