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Posts posted by Gonzalez

  1. Objective : To upload files from premium ftp servers using rapidleech without fxp or ftp software or programming. Audience : Members/users of Rapid leech and seedboxes.There has been many questions raised regarding uploading server to server using rapid leech without downloading to the desktop. Most of the suggestions have been using of FXP protocol (file exchange protocol) or modification of php configuration.Also suggested in many forums is that it is not possible for users of Rapidleech installed in shared hosting with TF ( torrent flux) Combo.Scenario with a real life example of mine :I am a seasoned releaser of quality movies[regional India] usually 0 day releases in the P2P community. I use the services of


    . I have subscribed to the TF+RL combo plan. I have also subscribed to premium ftp servers(not RS or MU) who offer sources of the movie and other releases prior to those being available for the public for the private tracker and public tracker p2p community. I had been working on to find a solution for directly leeching from the ftp servers using rapidleech to my seedbox. I tried various methods posted on the net. Either they were complicated or did not work. The solution and attribution :Vikas the admin of


    ( where I am a subscriber as mentioned earlier) came to my rescue. He made it look so simple.Most of the forums had suggested to paste the url


    of file to be leeched from the FTP server. I tried and many have tried resulting in 0 byte of transfer. Solution Provided by Vikas, tested by me."Just open Firefox.Put this as URL :


    when done, firefox will open your Remote FTP server and you can browsethe links.To download any link/file, Just right click and select, Copy Location."Paste the copied location in the transload field in rapid leech. there you go your file transfer starts and there has been no disruption while the transfer. I get around 250 KB/s to 300 KB/s. I am comfortable with the speed. higher speed is possible. I suggest you visit RapidLeechHost.com | The Most Trusted and Reliable RapidLeech & SeedBOX Host and Official RapidLeech.com Hosting Partner | Now at Reduced Prices and drop a line to vikas for higher speeds. This is no way a soliciting post/thread for the service provider. I decided to start sharing this information/process with the community since I found many across the globe facing this issue.

  2. 1. Prevent Access Attempts to HtaccessThis line(s) are to increase security of the file of htaccess so if any attempt to access the file, it will give an 403.dont forget to give the file chmod 644

    order allow, denydeny from all

    2. Deny Accessing Specific Filesto Restrict access to certain files you can use the following lines (change the name of ssteam.txt)the file will be hidden and if there would be an attempt to access it the 403 will show up.

    order allow, denydeny from all

    3. doing the same As .2, but now to Many Files:

    Order Allow, DenyDeny from all

    4. preventing users to restrict browsing with file extensions:

    IndexIgnore *. wmv *. mp4 *. avi *. etc

    5. PHP Extension disguise:We can replace the php extension with extension to our application we have already registered, probably "LOL", "hacking", etc.. Now with the following code, the file will still be read as a PHP file. Now with the following code, the file will still be read as a PHP file. (no need to change the original setting on the Apace))

    AddType application / x-httpd-php. Hacking

    6. prevent access to a Local Area Network:

     GET POST      order deny,allow order deny, allow     deny from all deny from all     allow from From allow     

    7. Protected against DoS (Denial Of Service) Restricting upload file:this simple methode we can use to prevent Denial of Service attacks. (NOT DDoS)....Here we will limit the upload size of 10240000-B wich is equivalent to 10mbs.

    LimitRequestBody 10240000

  3. iphone-reception-pc-0963-rm-eng_5f369ee6-c6d2-4329-81c1-4f1d683e7f26.jpgApple announced today that they will be giving away free cases to all customers with an iPhone 4, because they can't make enough bumpers in this quarter.Apple said they will give the free bumper to all customers who purchased the iPhone 4 before September 30, 2010, or will issue a refund if customers already purchased a bumper. Sadly, Apple will not be issuing a hardware fix for customers, but instead remedy the situation with a free case.Users will need to register through the Apple website with their address and information to receive their free case.Anyone who is still unhappy about this, may return their undamaged iPhone 4 to any Apple Store within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.So there is the answer everyone has been waiting 22 days for, a free case for their phone.
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