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Everything posted by Dr4k3

  1. contine'>http://share.urbanfriends.us/savefile_php/uploads/f139b1fc1e.rar contine 10 lectii foarte usor...n00bie
  2. wrong both is dinamovist
  3. aia nam vazt...am auzit decat is nebuni rau d tot
  4. Manual'>http://share.urbanfriends.us/savefile_php/uploads/157436ffbd.zip Manual c++ contine 9 anexe si niste surse
  5. pus'>http://balcau.iad.ro/c++book/C++book.html pus de mine pe lx features: Bibliografie Exemple Istoric Programare pe Sisteme Unix
  6. Dr4k3

    Hi5 romani gay

    ma scarbeste ra ud tot poza aia god damnit!!!!!!!!!!
  7. ) asa e da yo vorbesc foarte serios chiar au deschis usa de la avion...au rupt niste scaune...au batut niste oameni )
  8. tu il ai? da e chiar asa de greu sa il uploadeze cineva?
  9. What is SHA-1?What is SHA-1? SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) is a most commonly used from SHA series of cryptographic hash functions, designed by the National Security Agency of USA and published as their government standard. SHA-1 produce the 160-bit hash value. Original SHA (or SHA-0) also produce 160-bit hash value, but SHA-0 has been withdrawn by the NSA shortly after publication and was superseded by the revised version commonly referred to as SHA-1. The other functions of SHA series produce 224-, 256-, 384- and 512-bit hash values. History of SHA series. SHA-0 published in 1993 as the Secure Hash Standard, FIPS PUB 180 by National Institute of Standards and Technology. SHA-1 published in 1995 in FIPS PUB 180-1. SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 first published in 2001 as draft FIPS PUB 180-2 and released as official standard in 2002. SHA-224 published in 2004 as change notice for FIPS PUB 180-2.
  10. Om bun noi tocmai spuneam cã este un fals ºi cã nu se poate sa creezi conturi de yahoo cu aºa ceva
  11. Oameni buni vã rog din sufleþelu meu de copil inocent sã-l mai puneþi o data
  12. Apropo de avion am vãzut acum la ºtiri cum cã au vrut suporteri de la Dinamo sa deschida uºa de la avion când erau in aer ))
  13. pus'>http://balcau.iad.ro/ pus pe lx de mine...contine date despre md5 shi algoritmul sper sa va placa
  14. mmbah au fost sterse posturile nu prg ca nu e nici unu )
  15. am nevoie de lectii...vreau sami fac un site vb p mess sper
  16. ok nene noi e prieteni nu ne certam ok ?
  17. nene e prima data cand salut p cineva...sfaturi
  18. si tu ai?mnah ai sa nu ne certam k noi santem preteni ce sa editez?
  19. acu o sami zici ca te apuci de visual c++
  20. niste'>http://share.urbanfriends.us/savefile_php/uploads/4b6cbfacc1.zip niste probleme de c++ shi rezolvarile lor
  21. Microsoft Visual C++ is a programming environment used to create computer applications for the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. It uses C++ as the base language and relies on various libraries to extend it. MSVC supports a large collection of languages (including C++ and Managed C++) and libraries (including Win32, MFC, .NET, and COM, just to name a few). On this site, we provide lessons, topics, and links on how to use the .NET Framework as it is implemented in Microsoft Visual C++ .NET. We have separate sites for C++, Managed C++, and Microsoft Visual C++ MFC.
  22. felicitari acu poti sa ma critici cat vrei:D
  23. ai dreptate acu am vazut shi yo
  24. Dr4k3


    poi ey ceam zis...uitate la credite
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