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About floris2003

  • Birthday 04/04/1990

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  1. Predator v13 Original + Decompiled Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!gUgA1aCK!AheGnwGzFL0sJpQDCBmwUedjYdgiJAB6PKqH0iecdzI
  2. GSA Auto Website Submitter The GSA Auto Website Submitter is a program designed to submit your web page to thousands of search engines and directories. It will save you considerable time and money since it's fully automated. You just enter some details about your web page and the program does the rest.Promoting your web page has never been easier.Search engine rankingMore individuals are using search engines like Google and Bing than in the past. An investigation showed that more than 75% of all traffic is coming from search engines.It is important that the website is not just listed on them, but that it is listed at the first pages since almost no one will go beyond page 10 of the search results.You have to make sure that many other websites link to your page to get your web page listed at the initial result pages inside a internet search engine. This is usually the main criteria for search engines to rank a site.GSA Website Submitter will make this happen while submitting your website to thousands of directories and search engines.Automated web site submissionUnlike some other programs it will accomplish this not semi-automated but almost fully automated. Filling out categories and a description is all you need to do. It is also possible to fill up Captchas automatically either by analyzing the image codes through the program or by using so called captcha services for a small fee (e.g. 6 USD for 1000 captchas).Make your site known to othersIf you aren't listed in these search engines, people won't even know you exist.It is simple to list your site with all of the search engines and directories by utilizing GSA Website Submitter.BacklinksProbably the most important utilities for increasing your position in search engines are backlinks.GSA Website Submitter helps you gain these important links simply by automatically submitting you to directories in addition to search engines.Every directory you are listed in provides you with a inbound link.UpdatesThe program is getting updated several times per month to ensure that all of the included submission sites (over ten thousand directories and search engines) are still working.Save yourself a lot of time, money and other resourcesTo transmit your own sites to every single search engine and directory supplied by GSA Website Submitter would probably take you weeks or even a few months of work.You can now submit all of your websites within hours. Take your time back through automating the submission procedure, so you can improve your productivity in operating your company.Avoid high website marketing costs and start submitting your website today.Features for Website SubmitterIncreasing the traffic of search engines to your websiteAutomated submission is saving you time and energyIncrease inbound links through directory submissionsRegular updates along with new directories and search engines almost once per weekE-Mail validation tool (logs into your E-Mail account and automatically clicks the verification linksAutomated captcha solving with DeCaptcher, DeathByCaptcha, or even BypassCaptcha.Usage of rewrite syntaxMultiple proxy usage (auto find new proxies)Link report tool - See more at: Website Submitter, Directory Submitter, Search Engine Submission Am o versiune mai veche dar care merge f. bine. PM me
  3. Salut!

    Ma poti ajuta si pe mine cu baza de date email pe Romania sortate pe judete ? Am si eu una de firme pe judete... aproximativ 70.000 total. Daca vrei le compliez impreuna, elimin duplicatele (eventual verific valabilitatea adreselor) si ti-o trimit si tie inapoi.

    Multumesc anticipat.

  4. @poppers13 Exact la fel se intampla si la mine. Sa fie de la versiunea Python ?
  5. "This promo has expired. Please check back soon for new offers." acum 5 minute...
  6. Component 'actskin4.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid
  7. Am rezolvat pana la urma: este "anotherpassword". :)

  8. Salut!

    Te rog sa-mi dai si mie baza de date cu Emailuri Romanesti. Spune-mi cat costa sau ce iti pot dat in schimb.

    Toate cele bune!

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