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IMO hacker == NULL Cum zicea si Nemessis a fi hacker nu inseamna nimic. Treaba cu white or black si definitia promovata de evreul infect Richard Stallman si alti ratati e doar propaganda. Also IMO marea problema aici este: "The most important contribution to peace of mind is never to do wrong. Those who lack self-control lead disturbed and tumultuous lives; their crimes are balanced by their fears, and they are never at case. For they tremble after the deed, and they are embarrassed; their consciences do not allow them to busy themselves with other matters, and continually compel them to give an answer. Whoever expects punishment, receives it, but whoever deserves it, expects it. Where there is an evil conscience something may bring safety, but nothing can bring ease; for a man imagines that, even if he is not under arrest, he may soon be arrested. His sleep is troubled; when he speaks of another man's crime, he reflects upon his own, which seems to him not sufficiently blotted out, not sufficiently hidden from view. A wrongdoer sometimes has the luck to escape notice but never the assurance thereof." Seriously, maintaining a strong security posture for prolonged periods of time is an extremely stressful and difficult act.
Serviciul de mail securizat ´´Lavabit´´ inchis
booksfreak replied to bodostyle's topic in Stiri securitate
Aveam cele mai importante conturi acolo. Fuck. -
Long live MAC spoofing huehuehue
^ https://archive.org/details/TheAnti-humans After the Bolshevik conquest of Romania, the Soviets, undoubtedly on orders from their masters, maintained a pretense that their occupation was merely temporary and further disguised their purposes by keeping on the throne as King of Romania the legitimate heir, a young man who was merely a puppet in their hands, but served to give to the people an illusive hope that Romania, though devastated and impoverished, might again become a free nation. In this hope, of course, the Romanians (like many other captive peoples) were encouraged by the governments of the Western nations that had won the military victory. Those governments, especially in the United States, maintained a pretense that they were not the servants of the Bolsheviks' masters, and, whenever they deemed it expedient to administer a little verbal paregoric to their own population, manufactured oratory about "defending the Free World" and "containing Communism. " Mai citesc ceva aproape de tema asta dar nu pun aici.
BREAKING: HALF OF TOR SITES COMPROMISED, INCLUDING TORMAIL The founder of Freedom Hosting has been arrested in Ireland and is awaiting extradition to USA. In a crackdown that FBI claims to be about hunting down pedophiles, half of the onion sites in the TOR network has been compromised, including the e-mail counterpart of TOR deep web, TORmail. FBI bids to extradite 'largest child-porn dealer on planet' - Independent.ie This is undoubtedly a big blow to the TOR community, Crypto Anarchists, and more generally, to Internet anonymity. All of this happening during DEFCON. If you happen to use and account name and or password combinations that you have re used in the TOR deep web, change them NOW. Eric Eoin Marques who was arrested runs a company called Host Ultra Limited. Host Ultra Ltd - Irish Company Info and Credit Scores - SoloCheck Host Ultra - High Quality Low Cost Web Hosting He has an account at WebHosting Talk forums. How much is a $6.95 enom RETAIL account worth. - Domain Names - Web Hosting Talk A few days ago there were mass outages of Tor hidden services that predominantly effected Freedom Hosting websites. View image: 1375598050636 "Down for Maintenance Sorry, This server is currently offline for maintenance. Please try again in a few hours." If you saw this while browsing Tor you went to an onion hosted by Freedom Hosting. The javascript exploit was injected into your browser if you had javascript enabled. What the exploit does: The JavaScript zero-day exploit that creates a unique cookie and sends a request to a random server that basically fingerprints your browser in some way, which is probably then correlated somewhere else since the cookie doesn't get deleted. Presumably it reports the victim's IP back to the FBI. An iframe is injected into FH-hosted sites: TOR/FREEDOM HOST COMPORMISED By: a guest on Aug 3rd, 2013 TOR/FREEDOM HOST COMPORMISED - Pastebin.com Which leads to this obfuscated code: Javascript Mozilla Pastebin Posted by Anonymous on Sun 4th Aug 02:52 Javascript Mozilla Pastebin - collaborative debugging tool FH STILL COMPROMISED By: a guest on Aug 3rd, 2013 FH STILL COMPROMISED - Pastebin.com FBI Hidden Service in connection with the JavaScript exploit: 7ydnpplko5lbgfx5 Who's affected Time scales: Anyone who accessed an FH site in the past two days with JavaScript enabled. Eric Eoin Marques was arrested on Sunday so that's the earliest possible date. "In this paper we expose flaws both in the design and implementation of Tor’s hidden services that allow an attacker to measure the popularity of arbitrary hidden services, take down hidden services and deanonymize hidden services Trawling for Tor Hidden Services: Detection, Measurement, Deanonymization" http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2013/papers/4977a080.pdf The FBI Ran a Child Porn Site for Two Whole Weeks http://gizmodo.com/why-the-fbi-ran-a-child-porn-site-for-two-whole-weeks-510247728 View image: 1375598095154 On any other day one would say these sick perverts got what they deserved. Unfortunately the Feds are stepping far beyond just pedophiles in this latest issue. The js inserted at Freedom Hosting? Nothing really, just an iframe inject script with a UUID embedded server-side. The iframe then delivers an exploit kit that appears to be a JavaScript 0day leading to...something. It only attempts to exploit Firefox (17 and up) on Windows NT. There's definitely some heap spraying and some possible shell code. The suspect shell code block contains some strings that look to formulate an HTTP request, but I haven't been able to collect the final payload yet. The shell code also contains the UUID with which the exploit was delivered. Any UUID will work to get this part of the exploit. I'm still pulling this little bundle of malware apart. So far, I've got that the attack is split across three separate files, each loaded into an iframe. Calls are made between the frames to further obfuscate the control flow. The 'content_2.html' and 'content_3.html' files are only served up if the request "looks like" Firefox and has a correct Referer header. The 'content_2.html' is loaded from the main exploit iframe and in turn loads 'content_3.html'. Short version. Preliminary analysis: This little thing probably CAN reach out without going through Tor. It appears to be exploiting the JavaScript runtime in Firefox to download something. UPDATE: The exploit only affects Firefox 17 and involves several JS heap-sprays. Note that the current Extended Support Release is Firefox 17, so this may also affect some large organizations using Firefox ESR. Javascript Mozilla Pastebin - collaborative debugging tool The script will only attempt the exploit on Firefox 17, so I'm no longer worried about it being some new 0day. Enough of the "Critical" MFSAs are for various sorts of memory corruption that I don't have the time to find out if this is actually a new exploit or something seen before. View image: 1375598182136 Logical outcomes from this? 1. FBI/NSA just shut down the #1 biggest hosting site and #1 most wanted person on Tor 2. Silkroad is next on their list, being the #2 most wanted (#1 was Child Porn, #2 is drugs) 3. Bitcoin and all crypto currenecies set to absolutely CRASH as a result since the feds can not completely control this currency as they please. I don't always call the Feds agenda transparent, but when i do, I say they can be trying harder. Source: TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter
Vreau sa multumesc lui pyth0n3 si begood pentru carti (si pentru alea din trecut) Dincolo de motivatie - Poti s-o faci! Esti un campion! Legea atractiei! Experienta unui om, sintetizare de chestii citite din alte carti. 60 de pagini in romana, easy read. Desi nu prea vine cu nimic nou si multe stiam deja poate fi luata ca un rezumat sau start stiu eu? Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life by Nassim Nicholas Taleb credits: begood Nu am termint-o dar merita citita! Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes by Maria Konnikova Nu am terminat-o dar merita citita! Pana pe la pagina 50 nu a venit cu nimic nou. Am citit Sherlock Holmes deci cartea n-are cum sa nu-mi placa. Mean Genes: From Sex to Money to Food Taming Our Primal Instincts "Happiness is a tool that our genes use to induce us toward behaviors that benefit them" "While we will never be finished, we are built to feel that permanent satisfaction is possible if we could just get a little bit ahead. [..] Because our dreams are always just a step ahead, we work inexorably to better our situation." "To maximize our pleasure form physical activity, we should spend as much time as possible in the zone of rapid progress" "To take adavantage of our thirst for progress, we need to divide big jobs into digestible chunks" "Because of our relentless optimism that the future will be different - and better - than the past, we flock to these sorts of deals. (If aliens ever conquer Earth and keep humans as pets, they'll probably view this irrepressible optimism as our most endearing feature)" "Because we recover faster than we expect we should take more chances" Mind Performance Hacks by Ron Hale-Evans Companion for Brain Rules pyth0n3 mentioned I guess Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me) by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson On my list Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average Halfway through, ok pana acum. Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister Geniala cartea, nu am terminat-o dar o s-o fac. Recomand. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green fiction Mi-a placut foarte mult. Dupa ce am terminat-o (am inceput-o si nu m-am mai putut ridica 6 ore de la pc) am stat toata ziua urmatoare gandindu-ma la carte. Recomand, merge bine niste fictiune dupa mult non-fiction. Daca vrea cineva cartile si nu le gaseste (i.e. lene sa caute) poate sa-mi dea pm. Mai citesc dar astea le consider cele mai interesante si worth mentioning. A shot in the dark: as fi interesat de book list citite de begood in 2012 si 2013 1 August 2013 apare You Are Now Less Dumb: How to Conquer Mob Mentality, How to Buy Happiness, and All the Other Ways to Outsmart Yourself "A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle - Kahlil Gibran"