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Everything posted by BizZaroO

  1. pai stiam si eu faza cu iepurii. Asa faci mai repede adrese de yahoo. nu mai stai atat sa faci adresa. Ma rog. Stiam... io stiu dak mnai e asa?
  2. Inca 1 si faci 900 hai zbeng Apr... Interesant tut, ma apuc sa il citesc mai in amanunt
  3. Uneori lucrurile mai simple sunt mai bune. Asa-i shocker?
  4. Arbitru e extrem de vinovat nu vinovat. Dar mai vinovat e sora ca a dat dupa ce a zis arbitru stop. Ma rog. Tot o abureala. Nici nu am mai inteles care a fost ideea. Deci arbitru a zis stop, ala a lovit, toata lumea da vina pe arbitru ca nu ia despartit (deci si eu) Si sora spune ca era in serie (cu loviturile) Doamneee tot o abureala. Stateam aseara si ma intrebam dak a fost facatura. Parca pumnu ala nu a fost asa tare nu?
  5. era un topic in care ceream o pagina de scam ptr rune scape si dupa multe vizualizari nu am aflat nici un raspuns ocupa spatiu dejaba in forum
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  7. Ma bag si eu in clan dar: 1. Am citit ceva de bani... Cum trimit banii si cat 2. NU prea ma pricep... so... dak vrei sa ma bagati I`m in
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  11. Ma bucur ca va place programu. Si mie imi place si e folositor ptr cei care joaca crims. Corectati-ma dak gresesc
  12. era o chestie tare pe rst. Cu o harta si iti arata unde esti dupa ip. Io am dat si ma localiza prin america. O ave legatura cu Aol?
  13. Freddy vs Jason. Cel mai tare film de groaza. Vil recomand calduros
  14. putea fi postata in mai multe locuri... Am zis sa il pun aici. Ca puteam sa il pun si la stiri si la wireless hacking. si am zis sa il pun intre, la off topic
  15. Invatati din greselile altora.. .E in engleza, si imi pare rau. poate o sa il fac si in romana. Adik sa il traduc, ca nu e facut de mine Sper sa va fie folositor si sa invatati ceva In a rare wireless hacking prosecution, federal officials this week accused two Michigan men of repeatedly cracking the Lowe's chain of home improvement stores' nationwide network from a 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix parked outside a suburban Detroit store. Click here for Core!! Paul Timmins, 22, and Adam Botbyl, 20, were charged Monday with penetrating and intentionally damaging a Lowe's system in violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. According to an affidavit filed by FBI agent Denise Stemen, intruders first hopped onto the wi-fi network at the Lowe's store in Southfield, Michigan on October 25th, at 11:20 p.m, and used the store's network to access the company's central data center at Lowe's North Carolina headquarters. They returned at least six times over the following two weeks and used the network to access store networks at seven other Lowe's locations around the country, in Kansas, North Carolina, Kentucky, South Dakota, Florida, and two stores in California. The intruders deployed unspecified hacking software at some of the stores, in one case crashing the point of sale terminals at a Lowe's in Long Beach, California, according to the affidavit. At some point, Lowe's network administrators and security personnel detected and began monitoring the intrusions, and called in the FBI. Last Friday evening a Bureau surveillance team staked out the Southfield Lowe's parking lot, and spotted a white Grand Prix with suspicious antennas and two young men sitting inside. The car was registered to Botbl, and the passenger, later identified as Timmins, was seen typing on a laptop. After 20 minutes, the pair quit for the night, and the FBI followed them to a Little Ceasar's pizza restaurant, then to a local multiplex. While the hackers took in a film, Lowe's network security team poured over log files and determined that the intruders had installed a virtual wiretap in a program that handles credit card transactions for all the Lowe's stores nationwide -- though the altered program had collected only six credit card numbers. "They were not able to access nationwide credit card files or get into corporate systems," says Lowe's spokesperson Gina Balaya. "They did access six credit card transactions from one store." Warparking The scene at the parking lot repeated the next night; this time the FBI watched as the car settled into a spot near the lumber entrance, and driver and passenger worked in parallel on their own laptops. The Bureau filed a criminal complaint on Monday, and the hackers were each released on an unsecured $10,000 bond, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney's office in Detroit. They're allowed to use computers only for work and school. Timmins works as a networking specialist for a Michigan software company; Botbyl is a student at the ITT Technical Institute. Timmins and Botbyl, known online as "noweb4u" and "itszer0" respectively, are also part of the Michigan 2600 scene -- an informal collection of technology geeks that meet, blog, eat pizza and attend hacker conventions together, but generally balk at penetrating systems or otherwise committing felonies. "My initial reaction when I heard the charges was one of skepticism," says Karl Mozurkewich, founder of the Michigan software company Utropicmedia, and a member of the group. "Eighty percent of the people in the 2600 group in Michigan are more the curious type. There's probably 20 percent that actually want to go out and see what they can get away with." Timmins declined to discuss the charges; Botbyl could not be reached for comment. Mozurkewich speculates that the hack may have begun as a war driving exercise -- a legal pastime in which hackers search out and map wireless access points -- that went too far. "The sense I'm getting is they were messing around, and things just snowballed," says Mozurkewich. "We don't agree with this kind of behavior at all, but it's understandable to some point. It just goes to show a certain amount of immaturity." Security researcher Mark Loveless says Lowe's may have invited trouble. Loveless says he's noticed that at least some Lowe's stores don't take the basic precaution of turning on wi-fi's standard encryption -- called WEP -- to declare their network off limits. "There's a Starbucks near a Lowes that I go to a lot, and I've gone in there with a box running Windows, and actually [connected to] Lowe's network unintentionally," says Loveless. "It kind of pisses me off, because I've used a credit card at Lowe's before." Balaya, the Lowe's spokesperson, declined to say whether the Southfield store used encryption. "I couldn't release any information about the security of the system," she says. In February, a jury acquitted Houston security consultant Stefan Puffer of similar federal charges for penetrating a Texas county's wireless network to demonstrate its insecurity to a newspaper reporter. Puffer was not accused of modifying software or stealing data, and the jury concluded that he didn't cause damage to the system.
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  18. Sry.. n-am stiut, dak vrei le zic sa le stearga... chiar nu am stiut la cautare nu mia aratat.
  19. Se gaseste pe net.. tre sa sti unde sa cauti.. oricum... iata tutorialul Tutorial pentru a iti crea propriul post de radio pe internet Descarcarea utilitarelor necesare pentru a va crea radio-ul Pentru a va crea propriul post de radio, trebuei mai intai sa descarcati de pe internet cateva utilitare: NullSoft Winamp NullSoft WinAmp reprezinta unealta de baza cu ajutorul careia veti emite pe internet sau cu care va veti conecta la un alt server deja existent. Pentru a il descarca de pe internet dati click pe link-ul de mai jos: http://www.winamp.com/player/free.php 2) SHOUTcast server Acest program va permite sa va lansati pe internet propria statie de radio. Urmariti acest link pentru a descarca acest program: http://www.shoutcast.com/download/files.phtml SHOUTcast plug-in Un plug-in de WinAmp cu ajutorul caruia va veti putea configure serverul de internet din interiorul programului. Acesta este accesibil pentru descarcare la: http://www.snapfiles.com/get/dspwinamp.html B. Configurarea utilitarelor pentru a putea emite Inainte de a putea emite, exista cateva setari pe care va trebui sa le faceti.
  20. Stiu stiu... sunt bun
  21. enjoy you`re stay. Simtete cat mai bine. Sa nu faci prosti pe aici ca o sa t simti rauuuu
  22. Nui nici o problema. nu mam simtit Jignit in adevaratu sens. Ca oameni suntem nu? oricum. Multumesc tuturor pentru primire
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  24. Ai dreptate. Fecare actioneaza in felul lui. Si dak stam bine sa ne gandim. dak ai fi atacat si cineva tear ameninta ca iti rupe mana, u ai mai tine cone, ca e zi sau noapte, ca l vede cineva sau nu? sa fim seriosi. Dar poate sa fie si regizata. Nu zic nu...
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