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Everything posted by lazar73

  1. un account Paypal VBV italian cu cat se vinde?
  2. cei care folosesc Maru-l:dece nu v-ati cumparat un XPS-13 ori un XPS-14 si ati instalat un Linux cum inima vuastra vrea sau Win?
  3. Dece oare vad o gramada de romania ,aproape toti,folosesc Windows in-loc de o Distro Linux? fiecare : dece foloseste W in loc de Linux?
  4. lazar73

    VPS /hour

    Cunoasteti Hoster pentru VPS-uri la ora? ceva care nu logeaza..ori logeaza fuarte putin..
  5. pana la urma am luat la digitalocean,pare simplu si bun,si are SSD
  6. imi aminteste de celelalt baiat care a scris un script in perl cu un dictionar de cele mai folosite parole,si a incercat la pentagon,si a reusit,si a declarat ca nu-si astepta sa reuseasca.
  7. da il stiu,dar dupa haos-ul cu megaupload nici nu mai poate lua fil-urile vechi.deci cautam ceva mai low-profile.. PS: mega imi da probleme la upload.des se blocheaza. PS2:pentru optiunea 2a m-am gandit la un FTP public sau ceva de gen..
  8. Bunaseara. Il stiam pe drop.io dar a fost cumparat si stins de facebook,era un bun file hoster,nu cereà informati particulare ,si era fara log-uri.intrebarile mele sunt: 1-cunoasteti un file hosting mai anonim? 2-daca as vre sa m tin file-urile multimediale si alte mai importante pe net,ce im serviciu/modalitate im sfatuiti?.
  9. Bunaseara baieti si fete(daca sunt), imi trebuia un sfat : fac un joc MMO si imi trebuie un vps ,de ar putea sa-l iau?pentru maxim 15€-nu conteaza capacitatea Harddisk-ul.
  10. dar pentru Vodafone italia?am teapa?
  11. OFF:cer iertare,dar nu vorbesc romana de mult.M-iar face placerea de a ma corecta? ON:vodafone italia,deja iam zis,si unca optiunea este sa platesc 25€ pentru un control de 7 zile,in aceasta perioada de timp daca cineva ma suna prin anonim,iei o sa inregistreze numarul adevarat.Nimic altceva.
  12. Scuzatima,dar vroiam sa va intreb daca stiti or cunuasteti vre-o metoda de a descoperi un numar Anonim? imi rupe cuaiele baiatu asta..
  13. The biometrics hacking team of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has successfully bypassed the biometric security of Apple's TouchID using easy everyday means. A fingerprint of the phone user, photographed from a glass surface, was enough to create a fake finger that could unlock an iPhone 5s secured with TouchID. This demonstrates – again – that fingerprint biometrics is unsuitable as access control method and should be avoided. Apple had released the new iPhone with a fingerprint sensor that was supposedly much more secure than previous fingerprint technology. A lot of bogus speculation about the marvels of the new technology and how hard to defeat it supposedly is had dominated the international technology press for days. "In reality, Apple's sensor has just a higher resolution compared to the sensors so far. So we only needed to ramp up the resolution of our fake", said the hacker with the nickname Starbug, who performed the critical experiments that led to the successful circumvention of the fingerprint locking. "As we have said now for more than years, fingerprints should not be used to secure anything. You leave them everywhere, and it is far too easy to make fake fingers out of lifted prints." [1] The iPhone TouchID defeat has been documented in a .The method follows the steps outlined in this how-to with materials that can be found in almost every household: First, the fingerprint of the enroled user is photographed with 2400 dpi resolution. The resulting image is then cleaned up, inverted and laser printed with 1200 dpi onto transparent sheet with a thick toner setting. Finally, pink latex milk or white woodglue is smeared into the pattern created by the toner onto the transparent sheet. After it cures, the thin latex sheet is lifted from the sheet, breathed on to make it a tiny bit moist and then placed onto the sensor to unlock the phone. This process has been used with minor refinements and variations against the vast majority of fingerprint sensors on the market. "We hope that this finally puts to rest the illusions people have about fingerprint biometrics. It is plain stupid to use something that you can´t change and that you leave everywhere every day as a security token", said Frank Rieger, spokesperson of the CCC. "The public should no longer be fooled by the biometrics industry with false security claims. Biometrics is fundamentally a technology designed for oppression and control, not for securing everyday device access." Fingerprint biometrics in passports has been introduced in many countries despite the fact that by this global roll-out no security gain can be shown. iPhone users should avoid protecting sensitive data with their precious biometric fingerprint not only because it can be easily faked, as demonstrated by the CCC team. Also, you can easily be forced to unlock your phone against your will when being arrested. Forcing you to give up your (hopefully long) passcode is much harder under most jurisdictions than just casually swiping your phone over your handcuffed hands. Many thanks go to the Heise Security team which provided the iPhone 5s for the hack quickly. More details on the hack will be reported there. Sursa:CCC | Chaos Computer Club breaks Apple TouchID
  14. mi sa sfatuiti si alta configuratie: SignalR(.NET) + * vazand ca este un joc va trebui ceva in real-time.. EDIT:sa aflat ca NodeJS nu are suportare pentru BSD.Trebuie sa aleg bine,pentru ca este un project cam mare(or o sa devina) si as prefera sa nu-l refac odata ce o s am trafic mai mare.
  15. ai dreptate. cand ma intorc acasa o sa ma uit le iele.
  16. Buna baieti. Vroiam sa va intreb ,ce sfatuiti sa folosesc pentru o platforma de gaming multiplayer: ieu m-am gandit la NodeJS+MongoDB
  17. sunt in intarziere pentru a ma prezenta dar ...Salutare tuturor,vad ca este un forum foarte activ,presupun ca aveti si niste reguli ..
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