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About suckithard

  • Birthday 04/05/1956

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  1. din nou mai trebuie sa demonstrez ceva?!reverse psychology bitch! nu era vorba de ps-axl aici,se stie cum am spus se vede de la pretenasi cum reactioneaza specific,si cum ii simt oraganele competente ,,oricum nu e important. dar era vorba de forum cum a deschis vorba Nemessis "Daca vreti sa acuzati membrii comunitatii de ceva macar puteti sa ii acuzati individual pentru faptele de care se fac vinovati. Iar voua, membrilor RST, va dau un sfat. Renuntati la aceasta comunitate spre binele tuturor. Rar ma insel si in privinta a tot ceea ce s-a intamplat pe RST in decursul ultimilor 6 ani de zile nu m-am inselat niciodata."
  2. de fapt sunt ps-axl si demonstram ca deobicei:P cat poate fi de usor manipulat orice forum monitorizat/i know you can suck my dick in my other forum:P relax admins chiar nu sunt semne sa va futa nimeni inca
  3. nu,asteptam sa vad cum sar pretenasii lui sa demonstreze indirect cu ce jeg se ocupa inteleg ca sunteti pe forumul lui cu vip and shit,dar nu-i prostiti decat pe niste copii care viseaza sa fie ca "el comandante" si sfarsesc sa scape sapunu
  4. cand incerci sa vinzi passport id scanuri HQ ,programe si surse de botneturi cu webinjects care ti-a aduc si banarea pe forumul respectiv... i'm sorry laura
  5. credeam ca forumul combate cardingul si ilegalitatiile dar pentru postul de aici https://rstforums.com/forum/62039-rst-fapte-nu-vorbe-9.rst#post491610 primesc avertisment de la un super moderator cu "Tine-ti impresiile pentru tine, ps-axl nici macar nu mai e activ aici." si este inchis si threadu respectiv cand erau 20 useri activi mda ult activitate ps-axl 05-09-2013 cu posturi profi despre citadel si carberp
  6. cine vindea acum cateva zile pe trojanforge passport id scanuri HQ ,programe si surse de botneturi cu webinjects care ti-a adus si banarea pe forumul respectiv cine e acum futut mental si nu are legatura cu cardingul domnule ps-axl nu degeaba de ceva timp consumi droguri, stii ca sfarsitul ti-e aproape prea multe greseli lasate in urma
  7. First part: Bypass Phone Verification Description This tutorial will help you bypass phone verification on any website, this can be useful when you need to use a phone number to sign up to a site and do not feel comfortable giving your real phone number, or if you want to make multiple accounts. Step-by-Step Tutorial 1) Sign up to Tpad at the following link: Code: https://secure.tpad.com/signup/ 2) You will then receive an email with your Tpad number and your email verification link. It will say "Your Tpad number is 1752xxx.". Verify your email and save your Tpad number. 3) You must now download the Tpad program, you can download it using this link: http://www.tpad.com/downloads/ninja-dl.php 4) You must now go to ipkall.com and register with the following details: Choose your account type: SIP Choose Area Code for your IPKall Number: 253 SIP username: Your Tpad number Hostname or IP address: sipx.tpad.com Email Address: Your email Password: Pick a password # of Seconds to ring before hanging up: 120 You will then receive a number by email, this is the number you use on the phone verification. The email will say: "Thank you for signing up. Your IPKall phone number is: 253-802-0xxx." 5) Open the Tpad program, and enter your Tpad number and password. Wait for the phone verification call. Second part: Verify phone calls -(sms/call) Things you will learn in this tutorial: 1. How to verify automated calls that provide Code 2. For those who don’t live in USA, will have a USA phone number to verify. 3. Works with calls and sms. 4. BONUS: Call free to any USA phone (unlimited talk time)! First of all, I assume that you don’t live in USA and have some site that needs a usa phone number to verify your identity (example: ebay.com) Here you will have your own USA phone number to provide at the site and accept voice call and sms’s. Let’s get started! Step 1: 1. Goto https://mdns.sipthor.net/register_sip_account.phtml 2. Create an account. 3. Check your email for the sip login details and password. 4. Save it for now, we will need it later. Step 2: 1. Download this SIP client: http://www.nch.com.au/components/talksetup.exe 2. Setup the application, don’t choose any add-on during the installation, you wont need those. 3. After finishing the setup, click “I already have a sip account” 4. Enter your details to setup your client. And now it will test your internet. You will need some ports unblocked (I don’t remember which ports). If the port is open then the application will run correctly and tell you everything is OK. Verification works in two ways, i will explain the two ways here. 1. Automated voice call, 2. Automated SMS with code Step 3: (This step is for voice call) 1. Goto https://www.tropo.com/ 2. Register for an account. It’s free. 3. Now goto “applications”. 4. Click “Create New Application” and chose “Tropo Scripting” 5. Give any name to your application. I gave “eBay”. 6. Now click on “Hosted file” and then click “Create a new hosted file for this application” 7. On the file name, write any name with php extension. I wrote “ebay.php” 8. Now paste this code on the second box: Code: answer(); transfer("sip:your_sip_info@sip2sip.info"); ?> 9. Replace “your_sip_info” with the username you register earlier. 10. Click “Create file”. 11. You will see your application now. Click on “Add a new phone number” 12. You will see to drop-down boxes, click the box right to “US and Canada Local Numbers”. Chose your favorite USA city. And click on the “plus button” 13. You will see a phone number added to your application. Write this phone number down. This is your personal USA number. 14. You’re done! Whenever someone call you on the USA phone number, it will redirected to your SIP client installed on your desktop! You will need microphone and headphone to talk. Step 4: (This step is for SMS code) 1. Create a new application on tropo. 2. Put this code on your application: Code: $myID = $currentCall->callerID; $myVarible = $currentCall->initialText ; message("New SMS FROM: ".$myID." --- ".$myVarible."---", array( "to" => "+155", "network" => "SMS")); hangup( ); ?> 3. Replace your phone number with international code. Like +155 4. Add a phone number. 5. You’re done! Whenever any one sends a sms on your USA number, it will be forwarded to your real phone!
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