#include <iostream> using namespace std; char caesar( char ); int main() { int option; do { cout << "1) Criptarea Cesar " << endl; cout << "2) Underconstruction" << endl; cout << "Please select an option : "; cin >> option; if (option == 1) { { string input; do { cout << "Enter cipertext and press enter to continue." << endl; cout << "Enter blank line to quit." << endl; getline(cin, input); string output = ""; for(int x = 0; x < input.length(); x++) { output += caesar(input[x]); } cout << output << endl; } while (!input.length() == 0); } //end main char caesar( char c ) { if( isalpha(c) ) { c = toupper(c); //use upper to keep from having to use two seperate for A..Z a..z c = (((c-65)+13) % 26) + 65; } //if c isn't alpha, just send it back. return c; } return 0; } ---- alta varianta la limita dar nu inteleg altceva #include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<iomanip> #include<time.h> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; int prima() { system("color 0b"); system("cls"); cout << endl << endl << endl; cout << " Program tema de casa,10+ " << endl; cout << "________________________________________________________________________________" << endl << endl; cout << " Introduceti cifra corespunzatoare optiunii dorite: " << endl << endl; cout << " 2) Cesare" << endl; cout << " 3) Despre program" << endl << endl; cout << " 0) Iesire" << endl << endl << endl; cout << "Optiunea: "; return 1; } int despre() { system("color 0f"); system("cls"); cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl; cout << " > Bine ati venit! < " << endl << endl << endl; cout << "_______________________________________________________________________________" << endl; cout << "9) Meniu anterior 0) Iesire program " << endl << endl; cout << "Optiunea: "; return 1; } int meniu3() { system("color 0a"); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << " Cesare " << endl; char caesar(char); { string input; do { cout << "Enter cipertext and press enter to continue." << endl; cout << "Enter blank line to quit." << endl; getline(cin, input); string output = ""; for (int x = 0; x < input.length(); x++) { output += caesar(input[x]); } cout << output << endl; } while (!input.length() == 0); } char caesar(char c) { if (isalpha(c)) { c = toupper(c); //use upper to keep from having to use two seperate for A..Z a..z c = (((c - 65) + 13) % 26) + 65; } return c; } } int iesire() { system("color 0f"); system("cls"); cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl; cout << "_______________________________________________________________________________" << endl; cout << "| ATI ALES SA IESITI DIN PROGRAM |" << endl; cout << "| |" << endl; cout << "| |" << endl; cout << "| VA MULTUMIM |" << endl; cout << "| |" << endl; cout << "| |" << endl; cout << "| |" << endl; cout << "| |" << endl; cout << "|_____________________________________________________________________________|" << endl << endl << endl; cout << " 2015 "; return 1; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 1; if (argc > 1) i = atoi(argv[1]); else prima(); while (i != 0) { if (i == 9) prima(); cin >> i; if (i == 3) meniu3(); if (i == 8) despre(); } if (i == 0) iesire(); } cand sterg if (i == 3) meniu3(); si int meniu3() dau run si merge. cand imi bag programu nu mai merge wtf