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About Mexic

  • Birthday 01/03/1984

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  1. Mda, multe exprimari confuze pe acolo "Packet injection is the process of interfering with an established network connection by constructing arbitrary protocol packets (TCP, UDP, ...) and send them out through raw sockets it's used widely in network penetration testing such as DDoS, TCP reset attacks, port scanning..." Injecteaza pachete chiar si intr-o "conexiune UDP", ceea ce trebuie sa recunosti ca e tare. Dupa titlu ai zice ca face cine stie ce operatiune complicata, macar drop la vreun pachet trimis ca sa ii foloseasca sequence numberul sa injecteze alt pachet in conexiunea tcp existenta... dar din ce am inteles eu de acolo, doar trimite un pachet... Totusi, din articol e bun codul ca exemplu, daca vrei sa inveti python.
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