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Everything posted by DJAx3L

  1. nu conteaza asa mult ca i`a dat cu 1 sec dupa ce a zis arbistru stop pentru ca zmarandescu era tot cu garda pusa si era ca si in meci, adevarul e ca i`a plasat sora bine lovitura, ASTA O FO PENTRU GAINUSHA ZMARANDESCULE!!!!
  2. also am optat pentru ultima optiune ... iar parerea mea e urmatoarea ... genul de muzica pe care il asculti denota o parte din caracterul tau, e vorba de gust, nu vreau sa jignesc pe nimeni dar spuneti un om cu facultate din viata de zi cu zi (tv, radio bla bla) care asculta manele .. .. waitin` .. da stiam ca nu o sa gasiti pentru ca nu sunt, oamenii cu facultate si care au ceva in cap nu asculta manele, manelele sunt asa ascultate pentru ca sunt mediatizate si pacat ca la majoritatea chefurilor prietenilor mei fie ei manelisti sau nu se asculta manele , asta pana merg eu .. asa ca .. faceti cum va zic eu ? no manele per day keeps the enemyes away .. lol , eh si inainte de toate, ce naiba de piese sunt alea, e vorba de bani,masini,femei dusmani, nu e o piesa care sa fie vorba despre altceva, nu stiu ce vad toti idoli in ei, e adevarat ca au bani asta tot pentru ca fraierii le cumpara albumele .. techno rules ..si toate genurile in afara de manele
  3. off: am auzit si eu de pe mess de la cineva si am cautat pe net si n`am gasit nimic... so this turned to be a false story
  4. pe rapidshare am incercat sa il pun si imi zice prostia aia cum ca nu mai e spatiu sau ceva de genu ..2 sec .. "Unfortunately all drives of RapidShare.de are full right now." ashe mama lor de companii cu pretentii ca le cumpar eu un hard in puii mei :@
  5. pe badea il duce mult capul, nush cum de a ajuns sa citeasca ziare, oricum ia banu si aia conteaza, critica pe cei pe care nu ii critica nimeni pentru ca poate le este frica, ei bine el le zice in fata si asta`mi place ..si emisiunile lui sunt urmarite de 75% din romani (conform unui nush ce studiu de pe antena3) .. deci .. toata stima si respectul d`nu badea
  6. inainte de toate, e destul de meserias,nu stiu daca il detecteaza antivirusul ca nu am momentan unul, e beta, Troya is a WebRAT (Web Remote Administration Tool). This is a Remote Trojan without Client. Unlike other Trojans that need a Client program to connect to Remote PC , Troya doesn't need a client. Troya uses Internet Explorer to connect to Remote PC. Which means that you can treat the Remote PC like a Website. And you can connect to it by typing its IP Address into your Web Browser. Example: Main'> Main Troya Abilities 1- File Manager. You can see the drives and directories and files exist on the Remote PC. And download any of them you want. 2- Screen Capture. You can Remotely see the screenshot of Remote-PC's Desktop. And change the size and Quality of it. 3- Window Manager. You can Remotely see the current window's and close , minimize , maximize and restore them. 4- Process Manager. You can Remotely see the currently running processes and programs in the Windows Environment. 5- Screen Resolution. You can Remotely see the supported Screen Resolutions by the Graphic Card of Remote PC, and change the current screen resolution to what you want. 6- Disable Windows XP Firewall. Which lets you easily connect to Remote PC without any prevention. 7- Keep the server against crashing. The AntiCrash system checks if the server is running or not. And if not , the server will run again. http://www.filehost.ro/185114/Troya1_32Beta_rar/ later edit: i`am dat unui vecin care are nod si nu i`a zis nimic dar exista si probabilitatea ca sa nu aiba antivirusul la zi cu update`urile
  7. read!!! "a 23-year-old engineering student and a 37-year-old programmer led the gang"
  8. de acord..auzi omu alta duma la prima la focus.. cica gabi jugaru era la o filmare in zona aceea si a surprins intreaga scena ba chiar a incercat sa intervina in favoarea lui gainusa .. deci prostie mai mare ca asta ... .. o fi fost chioara aia de la stiri altceva nu`mi explic .. oricum mie imi place cum suna .. jugaru se afla la o filmare in zona si a vrut sa intervina .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrH7OJIBlg4&mode=related&search=
  9. john tucker must die .. e destul de frumos saving privat ryan - bestial the notebook - bestial RV - bestial
  10. adik asta merge doar celor cu retea ?!
  11. 1 ca se stiu .. 2 ca sunt la o varsta la care normal nu mai e cu teribilismu si cu prostii din`astea .. l`am postat mai mult ca zice acolo ca e crew de hackeri .. si pana la urma astia din politie ce`s cu netu cu prostii din`astea s`or da si pe site aici .. sfatul mea de simplu cetatean e sa o lasati mai moale cu siteurile la show off ..sau macar sa nu mai puneti link cu siteul asta.. bineinteles cum ziceam ..e parerea mea..daca vreti tineti cont de ea daca nu ... :@
  12. scuze ca e in engleza .. nu am stat sa traduc ...citeam stiri pe net si am dat si de asta ..e de azi, 7nov06 " Chilean police have reported on a significant success in their fight against cybercrime this week. Chile’s special cybercrime unit said it dismantled a major hacking conglomerate, with four arrests made on Monday. The crew, named by sources in the country as the “Byond Hackers Team”, is known to be one of the most prolific in the world, with more than 8,000 website hacks to its name. The arrests were carried out following a long investigation that started in March this year. Two men were apprehended at their homes, while the other two underage members of the group voluntarily came to the police accompanied by their parents. The Chilean hacking group became known across the world in 2005, when it engaged in a virtual shoot-out with their counterparts in Peru. The cyber-conflict between two groups of “patriotic” hackers led to government websites of both countries being broken into. Sources in Chile claim they wielded a constant war not only with their colleagues from Peru, but also neighbouring Argentina. It is believed a 23-year-old engineering student and a 37-year-old programmer led the gang and were well known by their nicks: “Nettoxic” and “SSH-2”. Apart from the conflict with Peru they were famous for hacking the NASA website, as well as government sites in their own country, the US, Israel and many other South American states. The 8-month investigation mostly centred on the leader of the group, who was identified by his place of study. Gerardo Raventos, who led the investigative team in Chile, revealed that the operation was a truly international effort: assistance was received from Interpol, the US, Israel, Turkey and several South American countries. Leonardo Hernandez, 23, known as “Nettoxic”, who was the first to be arrested, revealed to Chilean media that he only carried out his attacks for fun and did not engage in cyberfraud or steal any money through his online activities. In spite of this, he could face up to five years in jail for hacking into websites and illegally accessing private information. The two adults in the group have already been charged with cyber-sabotage and remanded in custody for a period of 90 days, while their two teenage accomplices were temporarily freed. According to some sources, the group used hacking as a form of political protest, placing anti-war and social justice messages on hacked websites. " source: reuters
  13. conform subiectului .. secrete ale html si web design .. succes http://rapidshare.com/files/2233127/250_HTML___Web_Design_Secrets.pdf
  14. copiezi folderul cu skinul aici : Program FilesYahoo!SharedGraphics .. succes
  15. http://elitenick.com/pafiledb/index.php?act=category&id=10
  16. presa spaniola il compatimeste pe banel nicolita .. pana si ziarele de acolo au recunoscut ca steaua merita victoria .. asta e viata .. tin pumnii stelei in uefa (sper sa nu gafeze cumva si sa piarda si locul ala .. oricum slabe sanse ca dinamo kiev sa prinda ea locul de uefa ..asa ca .. hai steaua ) ..eh si inca ceva ... CERNEA A FOST BESTIAL ..
  17. aia e mortala ma .. fata aia e de `un penibil enorm..cand o vazut ca se tot lasa ala de ce nu s`o oprit .. acuma probabil are proteza
  18. super tare .. ti se face gol in burta dar si razi totodata ..
  19. careva .. un help, nici mie nu imi vine .. am trimis de pe un cont pe altu, dau click pe link , si nu imi vine mail , eu am pus pe as.ro
  20. merge ma .. bagi contu tau si passu si imi vin mie in mail .. lol glumesc.. bagi contu tau si passu si useru de la care vrei sa te stergi and .. voila
  21. nu`mi intra..imi zice acces denied
  22. Here is a link for your reference: http://rapidshare.ro/download.php?id=LCD0P5IqkWgXAjGDE4kq ... oricum ... cat ati fi asteptat pe cineva sa puna link .. ati fi intrat singuri pe google si v`ati fi luat programul ... of
  23. DJAx3L


    ddos attacker ... la .. ?! .. ce site`uri sau ?
  24. ma omule ca tine 1 la un milion .. iti multumesc eu in numele tuturor .. acuma ma bag la "treburi" later edit: .. ma ..am dat scan .. am gasit acolo niste calcuri bla bla..am dat pe unu ..dau start si .. nimic ce sa fac :@
  25. azi am treaba la internet cafe`u de langa mine
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