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Everything posted by Cuboid

  1. Mai ai?
  2. mersi man
  3. Acum o s?pt?mân? si câteva zile.
  4. A? da o lab? pe pornhub, dar n-am cont premium si f?r? premium nu se poate.
  5. Acum de vreo s?pt?mân? mi s-a furat contul de Steam (s? nu-l ajute Dumnezeu pe cel care mi l-a furat). Am dat ticket catre Steam, dar r?spuns nu. Nu inteleg cu mi s-a furat, aveam steam guard si toate c?caturile si mi l-a luat. Ce s? fac ca s? îl recuperez? S? scriu catre Steam tickete în toate limbile posibile ?i imposibile? Aveam vreo 85 de jocuri.
  6. Nu mai ai ce sa vinzi pe extreamcs ?
  7. Alabalaportocal parola noua. nu am umblat la nimic. Succes
  8. Mersi, eu l-am luat.
  9. Recomand, da conturi bune.
  10. Tu ce crezi ma? Vi pe RST si gata noi iti c?utam vulnerabilitati pe un c?cat de server privat de Metin2? Nimeni de aici nu ar cauta vulnerabilitati pe un asemenea site. O pierdere de timp. V? rog TC.
  11. use Sentry Mba. Search on forum.
  12. Nu le moda. Mai bine cumperi de la cineva un cont de PSN cu jocuri si tot acolo esti.
  13. Cuboid

    Mojang Brute

    Am gasit pe un forum un cracker pentru Mojang si am zis sa-l postez si aici. MojangBrute.rar https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/012e03afd086fb741b310d46fa9ddf5639e4bd856c3c5daa0dc188bb336ad74e/analysis/1421182408/
  14. Kent. Cati boti sa pun pe origin? tu cati pui?

  15. Cuboid


  16. Zippyshare.com - Proxies L1L2L3 (8856) NO DUPS 1.13.2015.txt
  17. Nu am card atasat, si 0 euro am avut.
  18. Am o intrebare despre google play. Am dat recent peste Play Music si era optiunea cu 30 de zile trial si am apasat la confirmare plata "Factura Orange" eu sunt pe cartela prepay si am mai intrat sa cumpar Goat Simulator si a functionat. Intrebarea mea este daca sunt pe cartela de unde trage bani?
  19. Eu l-am gasit, daca il folositi bine daca nu treaba voastra.
  20. hello in this tutorial i will talk about getting brazzer account for free Requirements: Mozilla Firefox VPN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Before you begin connect to a VPN* 1st) Ok, so the first thing you need to do is go to http://hidemyass.com/ 2nd) Click on “IP: Port Proxies” on the top icons 3rd) Go over to the Proxy Country box and uncheck “All Countries” and change it so it is GERMANY only (Highlight Germany). Then click “Update Results” 4th) Now, a list of proxies will show (I recommend using the fastest one). Make sure the type is HTTPS/HTTP. 5th) Now, head over to Mozilla Firefox and go to “Tools” and click on “Options” 6th) Then, click on “Advanced” tab and then the “Network” tab and then click “Settings” 7th) Now, click on “Manual proxy configuration” and enter in one of the IP addresses from hidemyass that you should have gotten and the port number (don’t change any of the other settings). Then click “OK”. 8th) Now, head over to Brazzers and click on “Join Now” in the top right corner. 9th) Now, this screen will come up and on the left put in a username/password that you will use. On the right you can pick whatever membership you want but I just do the 19.98 Euro one. Now, click on “Lastschrift” in the membership option of your liking. 10th) Now, this page will come up and what you will need to do is go into a different tab and go to Fake-it.biz - Fake the World and copy and paste all the information into the billing page. Use http://mailinator.com/ to get the email to use because the one provided on fake-it.biz does not work. 11th) Enjoy your new Brazzers account all for free. If your account gets banned/locked simply just make a new one! if mailinator.com don't work , use gmail Ramane problema de numar, daca aveti pe cineva in Germania si are un numar care nu ii trebuie e perfect. Pe numar online gratuit nu functioneaza, decat daca aveti numar cumparat. Pe romania nu am testat.
  21. pentru site-urile de la noi nu am niciun combo, vorbeste cu io.kent

  22. Cuboid


    in ce e codat?
  23. Sarbatori Fericite kent, pacat ca nu ai ocazia sa te bucuri de Craciun alaturi de cei dragi.
  24. Deja ati nenorocit contul ))), Pun altul.
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