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Posts posted by Worm64

  1. A fost un mic pariu cu @Usr6.M-am gandit sa il postez aici pentru cine vrea sa foloseasca functii din windows.h in asm.

    #include "windows.h"

    char a2[]="usr6";
    char a3[]="Salut";
    int main()
    mov eax,0
    push eax
    mov eax,offset a3
    push eax
    mov eax,offset a2
    push eax
    mov eax,0
    push eax
    call DWORD PTR MessageBox
    pop ebx
    pop ebx
    pop ebx
    pop ebx

    • Upvote 1
  2. Sunt Worm64 presedintele asociatiei de trolling profesionist,vreau sa iti atrag atentia ca prin acest post,noi astia care facem trolling ne simtim ofensati.Trebuie sa ne apreciezi ca noi astia care glumim zi de zi,va facem ziua mai frumoasa.Iei viata prea in serios.

  3. Flash0day-965x395.png

    Security researcher Kafeine has discovered a Zero-Day in Adobe Flash Player distributed through the Angler Exploit Kit.

    Flash has been plagued with critical vulnerabilities in the past few months and surpassed the no longer popular Java as the most exploited plugin.

    We immediately got our hands on this new Zero-Day (thanks Kafeine) and were able to replay it as well with the goal of testing our Anti-Exploit product:


    Security researcher Kafeine has discovered a Zero-Day in Adobe Flash Player distributed through the Angler Exploit Kit.

    Flash has been plagued with critical vulnerabilities in the past few months and surpassed the no longer popular Java as the most exploited plugin.

    We immediately got our hands on this new Zero-Day (thanks Kafeine) and were able to replay it as well with the goal of testing our Anti-Exploit product:


    With the latest version of Internet Explorer and latest version of Flash, the exploit was successfully blocked by Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit.

    On unprotected machines, the Angler Exploit Kit will install Bedep, a distribution botnet that can load multiple payloads on the infected host.

    As this is a breaking story, we are still analyzing the exploit and will update this post later accordingly.

    Update: 01/21/15: Some details about the malware payload.

    The payload in this particular instance was ad fraud. Upon infection, explorer.exe (not to be confused with iexplore.exe) is injected and performs the ad fraud calls.

    The following Fiddler capture shows how a zombie PC is gaming the ad networks with bogus requests without the victim’s knowledge:


    sursa:Malwarebytes team

  4. Scris de dimineata la cafea:

    function citeste(file)
    fisier=new FileReader()
    fisier.onload = function(e) {
    var text = fisier.result;
    <input type="file" id="fileInput">
    <input type='button' value='Citeste' onclick='citeste(fileInput.files[0])'></br>
    <textarea id='display' style='height:80%; width: 30%;'>

    • Upvote 2
  5. M-am jucat putin cu sockets in python,verifica toate porturile deschise de pe un ip dat.

    import socket;


    def check(t):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    result= sock.connect_ex((ip[0],int(ip[1])))
    if result == 0:
    print "Portul:"+ip[1]+" este deschis!\n"

    print "Target:"

    print "Target: "+str(target)+"\nConfirm: y/n \n"
    for i in range(1,65536):
    print "Testez portul:"+str(i)+"\n"

    L.E.Daca va duce putin capul si nu il aveti doar sa nu va ploua in gat,il puteti transforma usor in scanner de vnc,smtp,rdp....etc

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