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Posts posted by adonisslanic

  1. Multe distro linux se aseamana din motivul ca interfata grafica la aceste distrouri linux este aceeasi in cele mai multe cazuri: Gnome, KDE, Fluxbox, Blackbox etc. deoarece sunt cele mai populare interfete. De fapt sunt niste programe care iti overa o interfata prietenoasa... De fapt, toate distrourile linux sunt "la fel" deoarece sta pe acelasi kernel Linux.... diferenta o face pachetul de programe oferit si mici adjustari la kernel, deoarece kernelul linux este cel mai tare din parcare si e inutil sa reinventezi roata... poate doar in cazul Mac-ului, ca sistemul lor de operare este de fapt bazat pe kernelul Linux, modificat asa de mult, incat poate fi numit kernelul lor.... Partea amuzanta mi se pare ca multa lume nu stie de linux, dar cam toata lumea se bazeaza pe Linux( marea majoritate a serverelor are running Linux, Android OS e linux based, supercomputerele are running linux, linux distros are starting to conquer the user world) deci.... welcome to the party :)) Apropo, iti recomand sa uiti de Windows, nu stiu de ce lumea inca foloseste Windows....( in afara ca merg jocuri pe el din cauza ca asa au vrut producatorii mituiti de microsoft :)) )

    Apropo, ordinea de evolutie pentru tine in domeniul de OS primar pe hddul tau in decursul timpului: Mint, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Slackware, Gentoo( aici te opresti fiindca realizezi ca cel mai tare distro linux este Gentoo) si in final kernelul linux in sine :)) . Poate intre timp folosesti si Backtrack :D

  2. Message: 5

    Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 01:21:02 -0600 (CST)

    From: InfoSec News <alerts@infosecnews.org>

    Subject: [iSN] Hacker attacks Royal Navy website

    To: isn@infosecnews.org



    Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

    Hacker attacks Royal Navy website - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

    The Independent

    8 November 2010

    The Royal Navy Website has been taken offline after it was "compromised"

    by a hacker, the Ministry of Defence said today.

    A Navy spokesman said no "malicious damage" had been caused by the cyber

    attack, which was now being investigated by security teams.

    A hacker operating under the name TinKode claimed to have compromised

    the site on Friday.

    He was also reported to have posted user names and website data on the


    Visitors to the Navy website this morning were greeted with the message:

    "Unfortunately the Royal Navy website is currently undergoing essential

    maintenance. Please visit again shortly."

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