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ZeroCold last won the day on June 4 2015

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About ZeroCold

  • Birthday 03/06/1994


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  1. ///
  2. Salut , mai ai contul de filelist la 2E , sunt interesat de el

  3. Check it here: http://www.asecib.ase.ro/cc/carti/Securing%20the%20Cloud%20[2011].pdf
  4. The American security Agency NSA is infamous for its mass surveillance programs. Every alternate day, we are greeted with new revelations regarding its policies and tools being used to track people. Recently, it was announced that NSA will be continuing its phone spying program for another six months. Putting aside the numerous allegations, NSA has open sourced one of its cyber security tools. The security agency has released the source code of the system integrity management platform, SIMP, on GitHub. NSA has taken this step to help the government departments and private organizations to improve their security measures. SIMP aims to enhance the network security systems’ efficiency by keeping them updated and compliant with the latest security standards. It is a part of a layered and defense-in-depth approach to the security. NSA says that this cyber security tool release is to avoid duplicity as certain US governments and groups were trying to forge the tool to meet the minimum security standards set by US intelligence and defense bodies. At this point of time, only RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) versions 7.1 and 6.6 and CentOS versions 7.1-1503-01 and 6.6 are supporting SIMP. Recently, NSA launched its technology transfer program to develop new technologies in public as well as the private sector. Linda Burger, Director of the program, said that open sourcing of the federal laboratory products is very efficient. She added that the open source community should leverage NSA’s work that will benefit the society and the nation. Such programs and open sourcing efforts have seen the daylight due to the leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. Read the release here.
  5. ###### Info ###### Title : Beyond SQLi: Obfuscate and Bypass Author : "ZeQ3uL" (Prathan Phongthiproek) and "Suphot Boonchamnan" Team : CWH Underground [http://www.exploit-db.com/author/?a=1275] Date : 2011-10-06 ########## Contents ########## [0x00] - Introduction [0x01] - Filter Evasion (Mysql) [0x01a] - Bypass Functions and Keywords Filtering [0x01b] - Bypass Regular Expression Filtering [0x02] - Normally Bypassing Techniques [0x03] - Advanced Bypassing Techniques [0x03a] - HTTP Parameter Pollution: Split and Join [0x03b] - HTTP Parameter Contamination [0x04] - How to protect your website [0x05] - Conclusion [0x06] - References [0x07] - Greetz To #Link: https://www.exploit-db.com/papers/17934/ @Nytro, Aveti un bug pe campul tags, se completeaza automat cu mai mult de 5 taguri si nu te lasa sa postezi sau sa dai preview. E aiurea daca vrei sa formatezi un articol/tutorial.
  6. Va salut! Daca ar fi sa va dati licenta pe domeniul securitatii informatice, ce titlu ati alege sau despre ce ati scrie? (Incerc sa gasesc un titlu, un "subdomeniu" ca sa zic asa si nu pot sa ma hotarasc). Mersi!
  7. Introduction to Cyber-Warfare: A multidisciplinary approach Link: https://www.semperfidelis.ro/e107_files/public/1378551874_2073_FT9124_paulo_shakarian__jana_shakarian__andrew_ruef_-_introduction_to_cyber-warfare_-_a_multidisciplinary_approach.pdf
  8. be welcome!
  9. E un pdf, nu are rost sa dau copy/paste, va pun doar link-ul. Also, asta cred ca ar trebui pus pinned pe undeva. Link: https://ugc.futurelearn.com/uploads/related_file/file/6921/83ab50301b94a1043043b9fb9b6ef4f8-Week_3_Sophos_Threatsaurus_AZ.pdf
  10. Aveti link aici: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/introduction-to-cyber-security
  11. Link: ebooks.shahed.biz/HACK/
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  12. Ca programator php fara exeperienta eu luam undeva la 1100/luna, program de 5 zile / saptamana, 6 ore pe zi. Dar pe langa programare mai faceam si alte chestii (gen instalari bloguri, SEO, plati si ce mai era nevoie). Aveam program flexibil puteam sa ma duc cand vroiam si sa plec la fel important era sa fac alea 6 ore in intervalul 8 dim. - 8 seara, daca nu reuseam stateam a 2-a zi mai mult
  13. Nu cred ca mai am arhiva, dar daca am timp weekend-ul asta o sa fac altul la fel de simplist. (nu imi mai dati PM-uri referitoare la postul asta, va rog...)
  14. Mi-a cerut cineva sa uploadez si laboratoarele 1 si 9. Laboratorul 1 contine Norme de prevenire a incendiilor si prostii de genul, nu cred ca intereseaza pe cineva, iar laboratorul 9 este defapt laboratorul 10. E trecut pe site ca fiind 9 dar in titlul pdf-ului este 10. Le-am pus si pe zippy: csi.rar (aceeasi parola)
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