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About Zalmoxe

  • Birthday 08/08/1990

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  1. Nu trebuie sa fii un geniu ca sa realizezi ca anumite diferente sunt date de gena. De exemplu,un studiu de la revista Nature a dovedit ca africanii sunt mai apropiati de maimute decat de europeni The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes : Nature : Nature Publishing Group Iar daca compari studiul cu harta IQ-ului din lume,o sa vezi ca diferentele dintre europeni si non-albi sunt genetice Culoarea pielii este corelata in mod direct cu IQ-ul.Cu cat mergi mai mult in sud,cu cat omul este mai prost,simplu!
  2. Tiganii "integrati" (care au terminat liceul) au un coeficient de inteligenta la fel ca al tiganilor nomazi "This is the first study of which we are aware to provide a comprehensive estimate of the IQ of an adult Roma. We found an IQ of 70 on both the Raven's Standard and the Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices, as well as on four “executive function” tests. The Roma sample was large (N= 323) and the results held up over a two year test period, for both younger and older age groups, for both sexes, across three communities including Drenovac where the Roma speak the majority language and are adapted to Serbian cultural norms, as well as across several comparison groups such as Serbian preschoolers, White, Indian, Colored, and Black South African high school students, and Black South African undergraduates" Sursa:http://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/2007%20intell%20(roma).pdf Pagina 10 Mutatii la nivelul creierului ce se produc doar la etnia tiganeasca ""We studied a novel form of ataxia in 3 families in this ethnic group. Clinical and brain-imaging investigations were done in Bulgaria, in collaboration with radiologists from Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital, and were followed-up by genetic studies at WAIMR and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI), Melbourne. "Signs of ataxia were detected in early infancy when motor skills like crawling and rolling over did not develop. The affected individuals presented with global developmental delay, ataxia and intellectual deficit. MRI scans showed signs of degeneration of the cerebellum, which is part of the brain controlling motor and learning skills. Overall, the life expectancy is not decreased but the quality of life is severely affected." Sursa:Gypsy study unravels a novel ataxia gene
  3. Videoclip ce aduce dovezi stiintifice referitor la faptul ca etnia tiganeasca nu face parte din aceeasi rasa precum europenii iar integrarea lor este sortita esecului gratie alcatuirii lor genetice ereditare complet incompatibila cu cea europeana. Videoclipul prezinta studii neutre ce atesta diferente dintre tigani si europeni la nivelul inteligentei si explica cauza handicapului lor. Va rog distribuiti,cat mai multi oameni trebuie sa stie adevarul despre aceasta rasa.
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