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Posts posted by coolbyte

  1. Buna seara,

    De mult nu am mai contribuit cu nimic pe acest forum dar as dori sa reincep cu ce pot si poate mai sunt si alti in situatia mea.


    Ce limbaj de programare recomandati


    C# pentru aplicatii desktop windows, am vazut ca este si varianta unix dar din pacate am descoperit recent ca orice pusti de 10 ani cu ajutorul unei aplicatii poate sa decompileze .exe/dll si vede integral tot codul sursa

    c++ la prima vedere pare usor si nu cred ca ar fi prea complicat sa migrez de pe c# dar se merita, se pot face majoritatea lucrurilor din c# in c++?

    Java ajung la aceasi dilema cat de sigur este cat timp ai aplicatia pe PC-ul perosonal,

    Nu cred in imposibil dar macar sa se chinuie mai mult daca doreste sa vada sursa 😁.

    Python din cate am vazut aceasta e ok pentru machine learning plus daca vrei sa automatizezi anumite lucruri, parerea mea personala este ca python seamana mai mult cu scripting si i-mi cer scuze daca gresesc.

    Kotlin pare sa fie promitator dar fiind faptul ca e sustinut de google (greu cu grafica in android studio)

    Flutter mi se pare complicat (la design clar arata frumos dar in spate mie i-mi pare complicat)


    Cel mai sigur sa fie oare partea de server php/aspx (aici beneficiezi si de c#) dar asta ar implica orice aplicatie sa vina si cu un server/loc unde sa se stocheze.


    Orice alta sugestie e bine venita.



  2. Am reusit sa instalez gammu pe ubuntu si merge din consola ca ROOT cu comanda /home/user# sudo echo "sms test" | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT 07xxxx... cum pot sa conectez un php sa pot trimite de pe localhost

    am incercat cu www-data ALL=NOPASSWD dar nimic

    in php e

    $output = shell_exec('sudo echo "php SMS" | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT +407xxxx.. );
    echo "<pre>$output</pre>";

    dar primesc No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected.

  3. bajetzashu89 ai putea trimite SMS-uri personalizate sa spunem cumperi o cartela si bagi optiunea de 2000 SMS sau nelimitat si gata. Nu cred ca se poate schimba nr de telefon ca practic u programezi telefonul nu cartela. Momentan am incercat pe un Nokia C5-00 dar nu am reusit o sa incerc si pe alt telefon daca e poate merge apare doar Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0421:03a7 Nokia Mobile Phones

  4. Ce ziceti de o aplicatie care sa faca ea atat client cat si server, sa nu mai depinzi de un server extern introduci ip-ul persoanei cu care doresti sa vb si aplicatia sa deschida un port spre cealalata aplicatie pe baza de IP si sa incercam chiar sa criptam mesajele in timp real.

  5. Salut,

    Detection of the infection

    Fox-IT operates the shared Security Operations Center service ProtACT. This service monitors the networks of our clients for malicious activity. On January 3 we detected and investigated the infection of clients after they visited yahoo.com.


    Clients visiting yahoo.com received advertisements served by ads.yahoo.com. Some of the advertisements are malicious. Those malicious advertisements are iframes hosted on the following domains:

    blistartoncom.org (, registered on 1 Jan 2014

    slaptonitkons.net (, registered on 1 Jan 2014

    original-filmsonline.com (

    funnyboobsonline.org (

    yagerass.org (

    Upon visiting the malicious advertisements users get redirected to a “Magnitude” exploit kit via a HTTP redirect to seemingly random subdomains of:




    and others

    All those domains are served from a single IP address: This IP-address appears to be hosted in the Netherlands.

    This exploit kit exploits vulnerabilities in Java and installs a host of different malware including:




    Advertisement clicking malware



    The investigation showed that the earliest signs of infection were at December 30, 2013. Other reports suggest it might have started even earlier.

    Schematically the exploit looks like this:

    yahoo ads malware


    Based on a sample of traffic we estimate the number of visits to the malicious site to be around 300k/hr. Given a typical infection rate of 9% this would result in around 27.000 infections every hour. Based on the same sample, the countries most affected by the exploit kit are Romania, Great Brittain and France. At this time it’s unclear why those countries are most affected, it is likely due to the configuration of the malicious advertisements on Yahoo.

    yahoo ad distribution


    It is unclear which specific group is behind this attack, but the attackers are clearly financially motivated and seem to offer services to other actors. The exploit kit bears similarities to the one used in the brief infection of php.net in October 2013.


    Block access to the following IP-addresses of the malicious advertisement and the exploit kit:

    Block the 192.133.137/24 subnet

    Block the 193.169.245/24 subnet

    Also closely inspect network traffic for signs of successful exploits for any of the dropped malware.

    Yahoo is aware of the issue and looking into it.

    Please watch this page for updates.

    Sursa Malicious advertisements served via Yahoo | Fox-IT International blog

    Din cate am vazut se raspandeste prin Java.

    Intrebarea mea este daca folosesc Ubuntu 12.04 cu java oare pot sa stau linistit?


  6. Salut,

    Poate ca asta e prea de tot dar...

    In timp ce scanam reteaua mea am gasit doua dispozitive wifi care nu prea inteleg ce e cu ele.

    DC:85:DE:6D:A5:D0 - Azurewave Technologies., inc.

    7C:C5:37:7A:87:13 - Apple, Inc.

    Exista o posibilitate prin care as putea sa gasesc locatia aproximativa geva de genul radio localizare, numai ca nu prea as vedea cum pot sa fac asta ca trebuie 3 puncte.


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