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  1. tu esti ala de 6 ani ? ce manga ai pe tine....
  2. 11837 te rog
  3. rhadoo

    Pace cu Wbb

    il felicit pe kwe ca a ajuns la o intelegere cu mup, si il mai felicit pentru ca a ajuns un membru important in wbb.
  4. rhadoo


    deci .....tu nu ai postat pentru noi. Tot la TINE te gandesti. Iaca de ciuda....nu downloadez nimic > :-
  5. SMF pe ea arhiva(de fapt..pe rapidshare.de)....dupa ce ca am asteptat vreo juma de ora....si inca 3 minute....NU MERGE Nu porneste downloadul >
  6. ma omule , ma disperi ..... exista butonul EDIT, nu trebuie neaparat sa faci dublu post.
  7. Nu sunt microbist dar ma bucur ca Steaua s-a calificat....si oricum ma bucur(si tin) pt orice echipa romaneasca care se califica la un turneu final. Mai aud pe unii care nu tin cu Steaua(de exemplu)(cand joaca cu o echipa straina) pentru ca ei sunt dinamovisti sau rapidisti inflacarati. Ma pis pe astfel de copchii.... Acu asteptam meciul Rapidului de maine seara......HAI RAPID
  8. daca ne dai si noua link-ul de download ...o sa ne bucuram de el
  9. 1.PHP & MySQL (Course 01 Installing Apache): http://rapidshare.de/files/30099033/PHP___MySQL__Course_01_Installing_Apache_.avi.html 2.PHP & MySQL (Course 02 Installing PHP4) http://rapidshare.de/files/30099750/PHP___MySQL__Course_02_Installing_PHP4_.avi 3.PHP & MySQL (Course 03 Configuring for PHP) http://rapidshare.de/files/30100325/PHP___MySQL__Course_03_Configuring_for_PHP_.avi 4.PHP & MySQL (Course 04 Adding PHP to HTML) http://rapidshare.de/files/30100950/PHP___MySQL__Course_04_Adding_PHP_to_HTML_.avi 5.PHP & MySQL (Course 05 Intro to Variables) http://rapidshare.de/files/30101445/PHP___MySQL__Course_05_Intro_to_Variables_.avi 6.PHP & MySQL (Course 06 Installing MySQL) http://rapidshare.de/files/30101858/PHP___MySQL__Course_06_Installing_MySQL_.avi 7.PHP & MySQL (Course 07 Intro to DATABASES) http://rapidshare.de/files/30102137/PHP___MySQL__Course_07_Intro_to_DATABASES_.avi 8.PHP & MySQL (Course 08 Intro to TABLES) http://rapidshare.de/files/30102703/PHP___MySQL__Course_08_Intro_to_TABLES_.avi 9.PHP & MySQL (Course 09 Working with DATA) http://rapidshare.de/files/30103041/PHP___MySQL__Course_09_Working_with_DATA_.avi 10.PHP & MySQL (Course 10 Introduction) http://rapidshare.de/files/30103352/PHP___MySQL__Course_10_Introduction_.avi 11.PHP & MySQL (Course 11 User Account). http://rapidshare.de/files/30103705/PHP___MySQL__Course_11_User_Account_.avi 12.PHP & MySQL (Course 12 Integrating PHP & MySQL) http://rapidshare.de/files/30104089/PHP___MySQL__Course_12_Integrating_PHP___MySQL_.avi 13.PHP & MySQL (Course 13 Writing a Counter Script) http://rapidshare.de/files/30104364/PHP___MySQL__Course_13_Writing_a_Counter_Script_.avi 14.PHP & MySQL (Course 14 For Loops and Array) http://rapidshare.de/files/30104530/PHP___MySQL__Course_14_For_Loops_and_Array_.avi 15.PHP & MySQL (Course 15 IF Statements) http://rapidshare.de/files/30104917/PHP___MySQL__Course_15_IF_Statements_.avi 16.PHP & MySQL (Course 16 POST - GET - FORMS) http://rapidshare.de/files/30105185/PHP___MySQL__Course_16_POST_-_GET_-_FORMS_.avi 17.PHP & MySQL (Course 17 Writing a Guestbook) http://rapidshare.de/files/30105987/PHP___MySQL__Course_17_Writing_a_Guestbook_.avi 18.PHP & MySQL (Course 18 Writing a Stat Tracker) http://rapidshare.de/files/30106884/PHP___MySQL__Course_18_Writing_a_Stat_Tracker_.avi 19.PHP & MySQL (Course 19 PhpMyAdmin) http://rapidshare.de/files/30107147/PHP___MySQL__Course_19_PhpMyAdmin_.avi THE END Total size : 406 mb
  10. Adica sa-i multumesti celui de la care ai luat!!!
  11. aceeasi treaba ...copy& paste........ofera credite macar
  12. copy & paste de pe wBB......macar daca ofereai si tu credite. Si nici nu ai postat bine ...trebuia la Web Design. Sa-ti fie rusine :@
  13. 17...anisori
  14. http://www.webtemplateszone.com/
  15. rhadoo


    nici eu nu ma pot conecta la ftp , si nici macar nu ma pot loga ......imi spune "This function is disabled!"
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