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Posts posted by MiniDisc

  1. yes you read right. it's possible to install linux on gmail. richard jones wrote some python that allows you to mount linux within gmail. you can use all kinds of unix commands to communicate with gmail like ls, rm, grep, cp, etc. it's an ongoing project in development but it's very cool and allows you basically a 2gb virtual drive of sorts. you'll need to have libgmail and FUSE at hand to make it work properly. libgmail communicates with gmail while FUSE provides the filesystem. Give it a shot, it looks like it's progressing very nicely.





    source :http://hackaday.com/2005/04/14/run-linux-on-gmail

  2. wicrawl

    Wicrawl is a simple wi-fi (802.11x) Access Point auditor with a simple and flexible plugin architecture. The plugins allow us to find out useful information about an AP so we don’t have to manually check each access point. Plugins are implemented for existing common tools, and new plugins can be written in any language. Wicrawl is able to use multiple cards, and eventually will be able to use multiple computers.

    The goal is to automate the tedious task of scanning wi-fi access points for interesting information. This can be a useful tool for penetration testers looking to “crawl” through massive numbers of APs looking for interesting data. Plugins will be everything from DHCP and nmap to aircrack or hooks to move a motorized directional antenna around.


  3. Scarto wrote: nu e instalat ... daca era instalat trebuia sa apara altceva care sa ceara sa stearga contrib/ si install/ (directoarele)

    Am incercat sa-l instalez eu cu un server de sql de'a meu da n-am reusit

    poate ca nici ei nu au reusit si l-au lasat asa :@

  4. RO:

    Dupa cum stiti a aparut a aparut versiune 2.0 a browser-ului firefox dar e o problema , nu merg instalate extesionurile ( live http headers , add n edit cookies ) ,dar aceasta problema poate fi rezolvata printr-o simpla modificare a fisierului (xpi):

    1.Downloadeaza pe desktop extensia pe care vrei sa o instalezi

    2.deschide-o cu winrar si editeaza fisieru install.rdf

    3.cauta "maxVersion" si punei valoarea 2.0 , salveaza

    4.baga install.rdf inapoi in arhiva si instaleaza-l


    Follow the usual procedure (windows):

    1.download the xpi to your desktop

    2.open it in winrar, extract install.rdf

    3.open that in notepad, change the "maxVersion"s to 2.0, save

    4.drag the changed install.rdf back into winrar and hit ok, close winrar,

    5.drag the xpi icon onto your firefox icon.

    ps:testat de mine si merge perfect

  5. Cobra999 wrote: da la IN este intrarea dar eu de la cd-player, casetofon am iesire cu 2 fire si IN pe amplif este doar 1 fir? al 2 undel pun?

    vezi care e + si - la ierire

    si il conectezi astfel:

    plusul de la cdplayer il pui la IN

    minusul de la cdplayer il pui la masa (gnd)

  6. #!/usr/bin/perl
    use IO::Socket;

    # Radmin with empty password scanner
    # usage: ./scan.pl 213.59.*.*
    # thanx to Forb
    # Coded by Satir (satir@cyberlords.net) from CyberLords [cyberlords.net]

    use IO::Socket; ## ????? ??????

    $pids=10; ## Count of threads
    $port = 4899; ## Default port
    $tout = 5; ## Default timeout
    $log = 'scan.log'; ## Default logfile


    if (@ARGV[0]=~/((.*).(.*).(.*).(.*))/) {
    $netmask = $1;
    $n1 = $2;
    $n2 = $3;
    $n3 = $4;
    $n4 = $5;

    quit("Incorrect port") if ($port=~/D/);
    quit("No hostmask given") unless $netmask;

    while(1) {
    for ($i=0;$i<=$pids;$i++) {
    unless($ips[$i]) {
    exit print "Scan is completen";

    if ($pid=fork()) {
    } else {
    logg($ips[$i],$res) if ($res ne 0);

    sub check {
    for ($i=0;$i<=254;$i++) {
    $ipi = $i;
    if ($n2 ne '*') { $i = 254,$ipi = $n2 }
    for ($j=0;$j<=254;$j++) {
    $ipj = $j;
    if ($n3 ne '*') { $j = 254,$ipj = $n3 }
    for ($k=1;$k<=254;$k++) {
    $ipk = $k;
    if ($n4 ne '*') { $k = 254,$ipi = $n2 }
    my($ipaddr) = "$n1.$ipi.$ipj.$ipk";

    sub quit {
    print "$reasonn" if $reason;

    sub logg {
    $str="NULL PASS!!!" if $ans eq 1;
    $str="need pass." if $ans eq 2;

    print LOGG "$ip:$port : $strn";

    sub killpidz {
    foreach (@forked) {
    kill("TERM" => $_)
    undef @forked;

    sub check_radmin{

    $sock=IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Photo => "tcp");


    $string.=unpack('H8', $_);
    return 1;
    return 2;

    }else { return 0;}

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