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tomyk last won the day on March 29 2014

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About tomyk

  • Birthday 05/31/1990


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    pe planeta Pamant

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  1. omnidirectionala
  2. Salut.As dori sa schimb numai antena cu una mai puternica , cea actuala are 4 db.Si nu ma prea pricep. Un pic de ajutor daca se poate.Multumesc frumos
  3. As dori si eu un cont daca se poate.Multumesc mult!
  4. ?PentestBox is not like other Penetration Testing Distributions which runs on virtual machines. It is created because more than 50% of penetration testing distributions users uses windows. It provides an efficient platform for Penetration Testing on windows platform. Features: Best performance: PentestBox directly runs on host machine instead of virtual machines, so performance is obvious. Portable: PentestBox is entirely portbale, so now you can carry your own Penetration Testing Environment on a USB stick. It will take care of dependencies required to run tools which are inside it. Linux environment: PentestBox contains nearly all linux utilities like bash, cat, chmod, curl, git, gzip, ls, mv, ps, ssh, sh, uname and others. Even we contains your favourite text editor "vim". For complete list, please look at tools.pentestbox.com/#linux-utilities. Because of this most of the pentesting tools which were earlier compatible only with Linux are working smoothly in PentestBox. Less memory usage: PentestBox runs on host machine without any need for virtual machine. So it only need's 20 MB for launching compared to atleast 2GB of RAM need for running virtual machine distributions. And many more... [*=center] Download: https://github.com/PentestBox/pentest-box-website/blob/gh-pages/PentestBox-1.2.torrent?raw=true
  5. Framework for Man-In-The-Middle attacks * The framework contains a built-in SMB, HTTP and DNS server that can be controlled and used by the various plugins, it also contains a modified version of the SSLStrip proxy that allows for HTTP modification and a partial HSTS bypass. * As of version 0.9.8, MITMf supports active packet filtering and manipulation (basically what etterfilters did, only better), allowing users to modify any type of traffic or protocol. * The configuration file can be edited on-the-fly while MITMf is running, the changes will be passed down through the framework: this allows you to tweak settings of plugins and servers while performing an attack. * MITMf will capture FTP, IRC, POP, IMAP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMP (community strings), NTLMv1/v2 (all supported protocols like HTTP, SMB, LDAP etc.) and Kerberos credentials by using Net-Creds, which is run on startup. * Responder integration allows for LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoning and WPAD rogue server support. Available plugins * SMBtrap - Exploits the 'SMB Trap' vulnerability on connected clients * Screenshotter - Uses HTML5 Canvas to render an accurate screenshot of a clients browser * Responder - LLMNR, NBT-NS, WPAD and MDNS poisoner * SSLstrip+ - Partially bypass HSTS * Spoof - Redirect traffic using ARP spoofing, ICMP redirects or DHCP spoofing * BeEFAutorun - Autoruns BeEF modules based on a client's OS or browser type * AppCachePoison - Perform app cache poisoning attacks * Ferret-NG - Transperently hijacks sessions * BrowserProfiler - Attempts to enumerate all browser plugins of connected clients * CacheKill - Kills page caching by modifying headers * FilePwn - Backdoor executables sent over HTTP using the Backdoor Factory and BDFProxy * Inject - Inject arbitrary content into HTML content * BrowserSniper - Performs drive-by attacks on clients with out-of-date browser plugins * jskeylogger - Injects a Javascript keylogger into a client's webpages * Replace - Replace arbitary content in HTML content * SMBAuth - Evoke SMB challenge-response authentication attempts * Upsidedownternet - Flips images 180 degrees Source & code :https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/MITMf
  6. programul e pe forum...
  7. arhiva e buna - e file encrypted
  8. Scan: Fucking Scan Me! - Results Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/xbjbui Password: RAR TEA Tested with DC :
  9. vai de pula si de zilele tale daca nu esti in stare sa decryptezi o arhiva...taci draq!!!ce vrei mura in gura?e file encrypted!!!!nici atat nu stii?
  10. testat cu DC pe xp si w7 merge 100%
  11. ...mi-ai dat dislike pentru ca nu esti in stare sa decriptezi o simpla arhiva? ) ... daca nu aveti habar nici macar atat numai cautati programe din astea NU SUNT PENTRU VOI [cum dracu de ati gasit forumul asta?]
  12. prin spusele de mai sus...nu e pentru tine
  13. scan:Fucking Scan Me! - Results download:https://www.sendspace.com/file/q9qlpx password : RAR SIMPLE SYGGGGGY
  14. hello bro, can we chat on skype, i just want to discuss some important matter with you

  15. cum spune si titlul vand:uplay Account --Assasin's Creed Black Flag IV contul este propriu ..nu este "hackuit"..sau alte chestii de genul pentru oferte astept pm
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