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Everything posted by dorianpro

  1. Salutare, Fac pentest pe propriile site-uri si incerc pe cat posibil inca de la faza de code sa lucrez "curat", apoi pun pe altcineva sa faca pentest din nou. Am propriul meu mod de testare si evaluare in procente pentru fiecare site. Evident, nimic nu e safe, imi scapa destule, dar nu sunt la un nivel extraordinar incat sa ma pot lauda cu cine stie ce, dar incerc. Tot pentest si SocEn in diverse firme, mi-am perfectionat cateva metode, mai cer ajutorul, dar incepe sa-mi placa si se pare ca ma descurc onorabil. Am cateva case-study-uri dragute, clinetii au fost multumiti de audit iar dupa ce-au aplicat partea consultanta rezultatele au fost evidente. Portfoliul este aici, l-au gasit deja baietii, nu pun link-ul in post, iti trimit un mesaj privat. Multam pentru interes Salut, N-am nimic de ascuns, cine are chef sa sune, n-are decat Nu-mi fac probleme. PS. Nu ma intereseaza sa apar la cautari, nu sunt in competitie cu nimeni, am clientii mei stabili; cu unii lucrez de peste 12 ani, se aduc unul pe altul N-am timp pentru mine si oricum, site-ul apare la cautari, an inbound links destule iar continutul este unic, e tot ceea ce ma intereseaza. Multumesc frumos pentru ochiada, apreciez.
  2. @ManutaDeAur Haha, acum am inteles. Nu sunt sunt rumeno care nu mai stie cum se spune la "tigaie" aici la voi in Romania PS. Sanchiu pour le uelcam
  3. @Ossian & @gaddafi: Va multumesc frumos, ma bucur sa va "cunosc"
  4. Salut, inainte de toate! Da, stiu romana. Am citit regulile forumului si spune acolo ca postarile se fac in romana sau engleza. Din moment ce este mesajul meu de "Bine ati venit", mi s-a parut potrivit ca toata lumea sa poata intelege mesajul. Un mesaj este inteles si-si atinge tinta in functie de canalul de comunicare si limbajul ales. Scuze, intentia mea n-a fost sa fiu diferit, ci sa ma asigur ca mesajul meu este inteles.
  5. Hello everybody! I'm Dorian, 41 years old from Romania, I'm a web & graphic designer quite fond of cybersecurity intelligence and pentest. I've joined this community to offer and receive information on web applications security and vulnerability. I know, normally I should not care about security hence I'm just a designer, but in 20 years I've encountered numerous and various situations of defacing and hacking and I needed to learn how to protect my work or my client's websites. In time I succeeded to offer a minimal and required percent of security and now I'm offering this service to all my clients if they agree. I do web application pentest on my own work and usually I ask other people to pentest and/or give me an opinion. I'm present on a series of websites where I can exchange knowledge but no Romanian ones, thus I've joined RST and I'm greeting the community for a good work and activity. I know that because one of my friends has referred RST to me. My everyday activity consists of designing websites, offering counseling to my clients, pentesting applications, doing some social engineering for a few companies with 100s of employees and filter the weak ones. As tools I use two laptop PCs with Slackware ( Predator Helios 300 17" - for production) and Kali Linux in dual boot with Tails (ASUS Vivobook - for pentest related stuff). I run a couple of VMs, too - I have to (macOS and Windows). I use only FOSS for production and stay with it. I do my graphics using GIMP and Inkscape, I write my code with gEdit and Bluefish, check my mail and handle calendar with Evolution. For penetration testing I use the well-known tools provided by Kali Linux plus a few more like uniscan, SPF, Katana Framework, routerspolit, whatweb, airgeddon, weeman. When it's the case I "drop" the RubberDucky which I took the time to customise a bit, I'm not a pro in pentest (I'm a pro in design), but I've managed to create some scripts that brought me good enough results. Other than that, I have a small KIT of antenna's, loads of cables (perhaps too many, hehe), external drives with tools for cloning machines, extract information etc. Ah, and of course, the screw-driver KIT and pliers and a chocolate, you never know when you need it I'm not sure yet what my contribution will be for the RST community, but I'm glad I'm here and looking forward to make friends, read your threads and perhaps have some geek fun. Cheers, Dorian
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