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Deci: 1 la mana, eu nu inteleg de ce vrei sa facem asta, probabil vrei sa-l utilizezi pe anumite site-uri gen: netbet sau superbet etc. (nu ma prea pricep). 2 la mana, daca este asa, trebuie sa intelegi ca acele siteuri utilizeaza anumite biblioteci "random", care sunt diferite de ce gasesti tu in biblioteca python . Deci, daca cineva ar gasi o metoda care sa prezica ce culoare va iesi, acea metoda va functiona doar pentru clasa "random" din python, daca o sa-l folosesti pe alte siteuri nu cred ca va da randament, parerea mea.
Salut RST, sunt nou pe forum si m-am gandit sa creez primul meu topic cu un program 'easy, intrucat foarte multi tineri de liceu doresc sa creeze un joculet intr-o consola si nu au nicio idee despre aceasta. Tehnica mea presupune urmatorul lucru, ci anume nu apelam functia de sistem: system("cls"), pentru a putea da refresh la consola, ci pur si simplu parcurgem fiecare caracter mutand practic pozitia cursorului din consola. Pentru a putea crea o mica grafica la jocul nostru, putem foarte bine sa afisam o matrice cu N linii si M coloane dupa care utilizand tehnica de mai sus putem strabate fiecare caracter din matricea noastra fara a mai da refresh la consola. De asemenea puteti utiliza aceasta tehnica si pentru a putea crea diverse jocuri cum ar fi snake, chiar si mario utilizand codul ASCII Si pentru ca tot am abordat subiectul Mario, lansez un challenge pentru tinerii din liceu cu aceasta tema, utilizand tehnica mea descrisa mai sus PS: "Codul a fost compilat cu succes in code blocks, daca doriti sa-l compilati in alt editor, atunci trebuie sa rezolvati pe cont prorpiu erorile aparute" #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #define LINE 20 #define COLUMN 40 #define BLACK 0 #define GRAY 8 #define BLUE 1 #define LIGHTBLUE 9 #define AQUA 3 #define LIGHTAQUA 11 #define RED 4 #define LIGHTRED 12 #define PURPLE 5 #define LIGHTPURPLE 13 #define YELLOW 6 #define LIGHTYELLOW 14 #define WHITE 7 #define LIGHTWHITE 15 #define GREEN 2 #define LIGHTGREEN 10 using namespace std; char MAP[LINE][COLUMN] = {"#######################################", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# @ #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "# #", "#######################################"}; void gotox(int x, int y) { COORD coord; coord.X = y; coord.Y = x; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord); } void ShowConsoleCursor(bool showFlag) { HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursorInfo; GetConsoleCursorInfo(out, &cursorInfo); cursorInfo.bVisible = showFlag; // set the cursor visibility SetConsoleCursorInfo(out, &cursorInfo); } char getCursorChar() /// Function which returns character on console's cursor position || Totally not copied from the Internet { char c = '\0'; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO con; HANDLE hcon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hcon != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hcon,&con)) { DWORD read = 0; if (!ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hcon,&c,1, con.dwCursorPosition,&read) || read != 1 ) c = '\0'; } return c; } char readChar(int x,int y) /// Function which reads character at specific coordinates { gotox(x,y); char ccccc = getCursorChar(); return ccccc; } void setColor(WORD c) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), c); } void out(char* t, WORD c) { setColor(c); cout<<t; setColor(LIGHTWHITE); } void oout(char t, WORD c) { setColor(c); cout<<t; setColor(LIGHTWHITE); } void cls() { system("cls"); } void drawGraphic(void) { cls(); for(int i=0; i<LINE; i++) { for(int j=0; j<COLUMN; j++) { switch(MAP[i][j]) { case '#': { oout(MAP[i][j], LIGHTYELLOW); }break; case ' ': { cout<<" "; }break; case '@': { oout(MAP[i][j], LIGHTRED); } } } cout<<endl; } } void setMenu(int speed, int x, int y) { gotox(0, COLUMN); setColor(LIGHTGREEN); cout<<"Speed: "<<speed<<" NUM 8 - increase slow"<<endl; gotox(1, COLUMN + 9); cout<<" NUM 2 - decrease speed"<<endl; gotox(3, COLUMN); cout<<"Position: "<<x<<" ; "<<y<<endl; gotox(5, COLUMN); cout<<"SPACE: * block"<<endl; gotox(6, COLUMN); cout<<"NUM 0: Remove all blocks"<<endl; setColor(LIGHTWHITE); } int main() { ShowConsoleCursor(false); drawGraphic(); int speed = 60; setMenu(speed, 0, 0); char player = (char)16; while(true) { for(int i=0; i<LINE; i++) { for(int j=0; j<COLUMN; j++) switch(readChar(i, j)) { case '@': { setMenu(speed, i, j); if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) != 0) { if(readChar(i-1, j) == ' ') { gotox(i, j); oout(' ', LIGHTRED); gotox(i-1, j); oout('@', LIGHTRED); } Sleep(speed - 30); } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) != 0) { if(readChar(i+1, j) == ' ') { gotox(i, j); oout(' ', LIGHTRED); gotox(i+1, j); oout('@', LIGHTRED); } Sleep(speed); } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) != 0) { if(readChar(i, j-1) == ' ') { gotox(i, j); oout(' ', LIGHTRED); gotox(i, j-1); oout('@', LIGHTRED); } Sleep(speed - 30); } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) != 0) { if(readChar(i, j+1) == ' ') { gotox(i, j); oout(' ', LIGHTRED); gotox(i, j+1); oout('@', LIGHTRED); } Sleep(speed); } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD8) != 0) { speed += 10; Sleep(speed); setMenu(speed, i, j); } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD2) != 0) { if(speed <= 30) setMenu(30, i, j); else { speed -= 10; Sleep(speed); setMenu(speed, i, j); } } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) != 0) { if(readChar(i-1, j) == ' ') { gotox(i-1, j); oout('*', LIGHTBLUE); Sleep(speed); } else if(readChar(i+1, j) == ' ') { gotox(i+1, j); oout('*', LIGHTBLUE); Sleep(speed); } else if(readChar(i, j-1) == ' ') { gotox(i, j-1); oout('*', LIGHTBLUE); Sleep(speed); } else if(readChar(i, j+1) == ' ') { gotox(i, j+1); oout('*', LIGHTBLUE); Sleep(speed); } } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD0) != 0) { if(readChar(i-1, j) != ' ') { gotox(i-1, j); oout(' ', LIGHTBLUE); Sleep(speed); } else if(readChar(i+1, j) != ' ') { gotox(i+1, j); oout(' ', LIGHTBLUE); Sleep(speed); } else if(readChar(i, j-1) != ' ') { gotox(i, j-1); oout(' ', LIGHTBLUE); Sleep(speed); } else if(readChar(i, j+1) != ' ') { gotox(i, j+1); oout(' ', LIGHTBLUE); Sleep(speed); } } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) != 0) { exit(0); } }break; } } } return 0; }
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