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Posts posted by adi003user

  1. eu am facut in UPB (poli). Oamenii de acolo sunt foarte priceputi si rar am reusit sa le pun intrebari care sa ii incuie.

    de la subnetare (care multi habar nu au cu ce se mananca dar urca shelluri) pana la vlan-uri si rip o sa iti explice pana inveti.

    ca instructor ti-l recomand pe Radu Costin.

  2. Beej's Guide to Network Programming

    Hey! Socket programming got you down? Is this stuff just a little too difficult to figure out from the man pages? You want to do cool Internet programming, but you don't have time to wade through a gob of structs trying to figure out if you have to call bind() before you connect(), etc., etc.

    Well, guess what! I've already done this nasty business, and I'm dying to share the information with everyone! You've come to the right place. This document should give the average competent C programmer the edge s/he needs to get a grip on this networking noise.

    And check it out: I've finally caught up with the future (just in the nick of time, too!) and have updated the Guide for IPv6! Enjoy!

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