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Everything posted by latest-release

  1. Great tools I just want to add this ones also 1) Nmap Online OS Detection 2) 8 Subdomain finder including nmap's dns-brute 3) theHarvester best online OSINT tool
  2. Like the name suggests, theHarvester is used to harvest/gather sensitive information that can help in determining a company’s external thread landscape on the internet. Not just company by even individual information of particular users available on the internet. The Harvester largely depends on public sources and the information theHarvester can gather include: Emails Names Subdomains IPs Urls VirtualHosts Even Port Scanning. Installing theHarvester pip3 install theHarvester Querying for host information (theHarvesters) $theHarvester -d google.com -b google # -d is for domain # -b is for SOURCE usage: theHarvester [-h] -d DOMAIN [-l LIMIT] [-S START] [-g] [-p] [-s] [-v] [-e DNS_SERVER] [-t DNS_TLD] [-n] [-c] [-f FILENAME] [-b SOURCE] Reporting and Saving in external file (theHarvesters) $theHarvester -d nmmapper.com -b google -f nmmapper.com # You will see something like # [*] Reporting started. # [*] Reporting finished. # [*] Saving files. # [*] Files saved. There is more to this tool you can explore for yourself.
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