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  1. right.. bun , coerentia sau quantum , e de acolo bro un braso
  2. i am 24 almost , and i wonder how me or u guys, "network" ingineers , how didn.t create an algorithm made out from dynamic problems , like life , "ussually" and why shouldn.t this be Important ? ?..., well ,we will fuc@ing Find an solution And Go out "Matrix"...,right ? ..., Im wondering from all smart people here how many would really Go for An Real , Peaceful Solution ? My opinion is that we are slowly on spirit bcs , we are having diffrent modes that travel in bank of universe "s .., so im thinking that , if from my 24 years , almost , de ce nu am analizat mai atent viata ...., Aici ma refer La Dumnezeu , El chiar exista si ne.a dat un test , la fel ca si Ingerii Au avut... Asa ca sarlatani, magarii si chiar derbedeii , Merita Educatie si Destin . Guys im( sleeping&420_respect), writinng on haarp cord listenig right now ... Have An Great Choose of Constantly..., We all need more informations and to not waste food . and i will repeat that we need Quality and recover Humanity Fundamental Universal Rights ....mean more atention on what "doing" , before think that life is so simple., shouldn.t Exist Stress , i mean !!
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