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Everything posted by MaHaReT

  1. mie mia cerut fisierele acelea .... dar nu merge ...
  2. MaHaReT


    sau encoded
  3. ok ... ! Bafta la cautare ... new prog. new fonts [era aiurea sa fac post numai cu "ok"]
  4. Va mai cere 3 fisiere care le aveti aici : http://rapidshare.com/files/31884891/3rar.rar.html p.s. va-m scapat de o cautare
  5. MaHaReT


    dragut , imaginea de pe laptop , cred ca elias a fcauto mai de mult cand era rst-crew
  6. pai imagine nu am ... ma gandeam la un ochi ceva , un rosu ici colo , ceva verde ... unmetal zgariat pe fundal ceva de genu ...
  7. sunt noob si recunosc nu prea le am cu asteaincep sa invatz , am lipsit o perioda lunga si am pierdut multe ... daca se poate cat mai multe info. despre XSS daca se poate ...
  8. NetLimiter este utilitarul ultimativ pentru controlul traficului pe Internet si pentru monitorizare, proiectat pentru sistemele de operare Win98/Win98 SE, WinME, Win2000 si WinXP. Puteti utiliza programul pentru a stabili limitele ratei de transfer pentru download/upload-ul aplicatiilor sau chiar a conexiunilor individuale si pentru a le monitoriza traficul pe Internet. Alaturi de aceasta caracteristica unica, Netlimiter ofera un set de ustensile statistice pentru Internet, care pot fi intelese de oricine. Programul ofera masuratori ale traficului in timp real si statistici pe termen lung ale traficului pe Internet/aplicatie. http://www.fileshare.ro/312305030.42
  9. un usersig pt. mine se poate ?
  10. are cineva ?? edit : google rulzz ! http://www.ascentive.com/support/new/images/lib/MSWINSCK.OCX
  11. asa si .msi cu ce il deschid ? imi arat icon ca la .exe da nu mi-l deschide
  12. o descriere ? ce face programu-l ? cum se foloseste ... etc ?
  13. Hacker tulcean trimis in judecata. Joi, 10 Mai 2007 Lucratorii din cadrul Serviciului de Combatere a Criminalitatii Organizate Tulcea au dat o noua lovitura hackerilor tulceni. Un elev de liceu in varsta de 17 ani, Catalin G., a fost prins in flagrant si apoi trimis in judecata in baza rechizitoriului incheiat pe 25 aprilie, pentru savarsirea infractiunilor de acces ilegal la un sistem informatic, interceptare ilegala a unei transmisii de date informatice si alterarea integritatii datelor informatice, fapte prevazute si pedepsite de Legea 161/ 2003 privind prevenirea si combaterea criminalitatii informatice. Liceanul a clonat mai multe site-uri comerciale, printre care eBay si Morgan Chase, cu scopul de a obtine parole si datele de pe cartile de credit. Lucratorii de la Serviciul de Combatere a Criminalitatii Organizate Tulcea spun ca tanarul a postat in mod neautorizat pe un spatiu gratuit al unui site romanesc pagini contrafacute si a spart un server din Tulcea incercand in mod fraudulos sa obtina nume de utilizatori si parole ale cartilor de credit. Interesant este faptul ca procurorii Biroului Teritorial Tulcea al Directiei de Investigare a Infractiunilor de Criminalitate Organizata si Terorism au tinut la secret acest caz, poate si dupa ce s-au fript cu un alt rechizitoriu privind astfel de infractiuni ce a fost returnat de Tribunalul Tulcea. In alta ordine de idei, se pare ca Tulcea a capatat un oarece renume de fruntas la capitolul infractiuni electronice si mai comic este faptul ca activitatile unor tineri sunt arhicunoscute in oras, existand chiar si unele intreceri pe ramura, daca se poate spune asa…
  14. ISBN: 1928994741 Author: Allen V. Keele / Daniel Kligerman / Drew Simonis / Corey Pincock Publisher: Syngress URL: /http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F1928994741 Summary: Check Point NG aims to teach its readers how to install and set up VPN-1/FireWall-1 Next Generation, the latest version of the highly respected firewall software from Check Point. Its authors--all with significant network and security certifications--accomplish their objective: it seems likely that this book will travel with a lot of Check Point consultants and stand ready on the shelves of many organizations' network security specialists. The book has plenty of unadorned how-to procedures that get straight to the point, and enough background information to help you make good designs and troubleshoot problems. The Syngress style, which incorporates a carefully considered list of questions and answers at the end of each chapter, suits this subject well. It's easy to locate sections of interest or to scan straight through and accumulate knowledge. Your security requirements are unique, of course, but the authors do a good job of explaining how to satisfy common requirements and implement variations upon them. For example, they show how to configure Network Address Translation (NAT) in a general way, then--in a Q&A section--show how to combine sequentially numbered networks into a single network object for easy administration of rules. This is documentation worth having. --David Wall Topics covered: Installation of VPN-1/FireWall-1 and setup via the graphical user interface. There's deep coverage of security policies, naturally, and of user authentication, content filtering, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and Network Address Translation (NAT). The specifics of configuring for various protocols--including RPC and LDAP--are covered well. Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/30432762/Syngress_-_CheckPoint_Next_Generation_Security_Administration.rar Pass : www.RSTzone.net
  15. # Publisher: Springer # Number Of Pages: 268 # Publication Date: 2005-03-29 # Sales Rank: 1379687 # ISBN / ASIN: 0387240055 # EAN: 9780387240053 # Binding: Hardcover # Manufacturer: Springer # Studio: Springer Computer Security in the 21st Century shares some of the emerging important research trends reflected in recent advances in computer security, including: security protocol design, secure peer-to-peer and ad hoc networks, multimedia security, and intrusion detection, defense and measurement. Highlights include presentations of : - Fundamental new security - Cryptographic protocols and design, - A new way of measuring network vulnerability: attack surfaces, - Network vulnerability and building impenetrable systems, - Multimedia content protection including a new standard for photographic images, JPEG2000. Researchers and computer security developers will find in this book interesting and useful insights into building computer systems that protect against computer worms, computer viruses, and other related concerns. http://rapidshare.com/files/21162115/compsec21c.rar.html
  16. PC Today Magazine - May 2007 JPG | English | 5.30 Mb http://rapidshare.com/files/27306989/PCT-may2k7.pdf.PC.Today.May.2007.pdf
  17. oricum il faceai degeaba , nu-i vad sensu ... nu potzi fransfera bani de pe un conmt pe altu , daca schimbi adresa ... e aiurea , iti lasi numele + adreza pe contu "spart" ?
  18. nu l arezolvat nimeni inca ? )) o doamne de cand ii topicu asta ...
  19. de ex.. pe geocitiesc.com cum pun ? 2 fisiere .... ca leam pus diferit si nu merge ... !
  20. C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that is viewed by many as the best language for creating large-scale applications. C++ is a superset of the C language. A related programming language, Java, is based on C++ but optimized for the distribution of program objects in a network such as the Internet. Here is the C++ released by Borland. costs 149$$!! Its the full compiler with the help files.. Download: http://www.getupload.com/file/1823/TURBOC3.zip.html
  21. Tutorial For "C Programming Language" | 50692 KB This tutorial was made in Flash To Learn C. It teaches you from the beginning. Even if you dont know the basics of C, this tutorial teaches you from the first (the very beginning)!! You dont need to worry! I have provided some screenshots of this tutorial. Remember its worth downloading even if you are a master in C. File Format: RAR --> iSO Size : 48.3 Mb http://rapidshare.com/files/22212694/L_C.rar
  22. http://rapidshare.com/files/19863006/se79g77ul.rar or http://rapidshare.com/files/19845729/se79gu77l.uha
  23. Book Description Your Web site is a way to communicate who you are to the world?your style, your interests, your voice. "Web Design for Teens" gives you the skills you need to create your first Web site. You don?t need any coding experience to begin. You?ll cover everything from how to write the code to how to create a cool design. Begin by learning HTML as you move from the basics to advanced coding topics. Then it?s on to design as you conquer the fine points of color and navigation systems. Wrap things up as you learn how to put your Web site online, advertise it, and attract visitors. About the Author Maneesh Sethi is a student at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. As a high-school student, Sethi founded Standard Design, a web-site design company. He is the author of Game Programming For Teens, first and second editions, and Web Design For Teens. Sethi lectures on game programming topics at conferences across the country and has been a guest on G4TechTV. http://rapidshare.com/files/11084378/Web.Design.for.Teens_CHIPOLLO.rar or http://www.mytempdir.com/1159293 password: www.Chipollo.Info
  24. No gift! Serious - boot "card system Disk-reanimator" -Utility Cd Bootable 2007 includes virtually all the best and most necessary for the service, diagnosis, repair and restoration of the computer. Specially created to write it on the telephone cm disc to 210 MB that it is always with you, that has not happened either you or from your friends or from your customers. Includes DOS Menu with testinga, user, treatment and care, including plastic ERD Commander 2005 with a multitude of utilities, which is to go on the Internet, write to the CD / DVD drive, and much more, key Windows Menu-containing about 90 of the choicest, from the anti-virus and antispiona programmes optimization and clean registry and the system as a whole, testing and the hardware, clean program, before selecting passwords and rebuild damaged archives. A complete list of programs below ... DOS MENU Drive Image Norton Ghost Partition Magic Boot Magic Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro Winternals Disk Commander Paragon Boot Corrector HWiNFO - Hardware Info Tool PCI - PCI Card Info Tool AIDA - Sysinfo Tool 2 GoldMemory - Memory Diagnostic Tests PC-Check NTFS Dos Pro. Volkov Commander - With NTFS Pro Lost & Found Active Uneraser Norton Disk Editor HDD Regenerator Norton Disk Doctor SpinRite SMARTUDM - HDD S.M.A.R.T. Viewer Ontrack Data Advisor Active Partition Recovery KillDisk ReBoot SeaTools Desktop Edition Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools Maxtor PowerMax Fujitsu ATA HDD Diagnostic Tool Samsung HDD Utility IBM-Hitachi Drive Fitness Test MHDD Dos with USB, SCSI or Interlink support USB Support... Load USB Drivers With EMM386 Load USB Drivers NO EMM386 SCSI Support... Load SCSI Drivers With EMM386 Load SCSI Drivers NO EMM386 InterLnk support... InterLnk support at COM1 InterLnk support at LPT1 Dos (15Mb Ram Drive) Dos (No CD) Dos (No Emm386) Dos (No SmartDrv) Dos WINDOWS AUTORUN MENU: 1/ McAfee Avert Stinger 2/ McAfee Anti-Virus 3/ McAfee AV on C: 4/ Ad-Aware 5/ X-Ray PC 6/ Hijack This 7/ CWS Shredder 8/ Diagnose Windows 9/ RegRun 10/ AutoRuns 11/ Process Manager 12/ Service Manager 13/ MultiMon 14/ Norton Windoctor 15/ Registry Optimizer 16/ Registry Supreme 17/ RegCleaner 18/ Registry WorkShop 19/ Everest Sysinfo 20/ NetInfo 21/ Disk Recon 22/ WinAudit 23/ Unknown Devices 24/ Windows Update List 25/ Replacer 26/ Mboot 27/ Modem Test 28/ Network Stumbler 29/ TweakMaster 30/ Norton Disk Doctor 31/ HDTune 32/ DefragNT 33/ Defragmenter Pro Plus 34/ Page Defrag 35/ Wipe It 36/ Small CD Writer 37/ Final Data Enterprise 38/ BadCopy Pro 39/ Unstoppable Copier 40/ Floppy Image [Various Images on CD] 41/ Norton Ghost Explorer 42/ V2i Image Restore 43/ Expand For Windows 44/ X-Setup Pro 45/ FreshUI 46/ XP REG TWEAKS 47/ BackRex 48/ Application Mover 49/ WinDriver Ghost 50/ Your Uninstaller 51/ Driver Cleaner 52/ Installer Cleaner 53/ Disk Cleaner 54/ OffByOne Internet Browser 55/ SYS Exporter 56/ PW Microsoft Office 57/ PW WinRAR 58/ PW WinZip 59/ AIMPR 60/ IPW Toolbox 61/ PW SAMInside 62/ Proactive System Password Recovery 63/ Zip Repair 64/ Excel Repair 65/ Outlook Express Repair 66/ Word Repair 67/ Outlook Recovery 68/ AccessEnum 69/ XP Security Console 70/ MJ’s Help Diag 71/ MM View 72/ Popcorn 73/ Register Controls 74/ Active X Helper 75/ ShellEx View 76/ MSIFix 77/ AutoPlay Fix 78/ XP Taskbar Repair 79/ XP Toolbar Repair 80/ XP Fix logon 81/ Tiny HEXER 82/ WinSock Fix 83/ WinLogin Remove 84/ ExPcFix 85/ OfficeINS 86/ MORE XP UTILS 87/ PDF Reader 88/ UnCHK 89/ WinRAR 90/ System Restore Download : http://rapidshare.com/users/P7JE9V - No Pass !
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