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bytzu last won the day on May 1 2011

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  1. I will give you 200+ facebook like for Photo, post, website,comment, fanpage without admin access less than 24 hours for $5 on fiverr.com gasesti si mai multe ~400 insa delivery time-ul e mai mare vezi aici: http://fiverr.com/gigs/search?query=facebook+likes&x=0&y=0
  2. Depinde la ce banca ai cardul. Accesezi interfata lor pe baza unui user si parola si a token-ului care ti-l dau ei, si poti sa vezi tranzactiile efectuate cu cardul respectiv, poti face transferuri online.... Costul e undeva la 5ron pe luna, difera de la banca la banca. Daca aveai Internet Banking puteai sa vezi operatiunea facuta catre Paypal prin urmare si codul care ti-l cer ei. Asa trebuie sa mergi la banca sa il ceri.
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  4. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  5. A bug in a popular WordPress utility is being misused by attackers to upload and make appear on the targeted site annoying and possibly malicious content. The bug was discovered by Mark Maunder, the CEO of Feedjit, when he loaded his blog and an ad that should not have been there popped up. After digging through the code, he narrowed down the problem to TimThumb, an image resizing utility that is widely used by many WordPress themes. In fact, when Googling the timthumb.php script, more than 39 million results show just how widespread its use is. "The utility only does a partial match on hostnames allowing hackers to upload and execute arbitrary PHP code in your timthumb cache directory," explains Maunder. "Timthumb.php is inherently insecure because it relies on being able to write files into a directory that is accessible by people visiting your website." Curiously enough, TimThumb's developer's own site was hacked in the very same way. In a comment on Maunder's blog post, he apologized for the oversight in the code and said he hopes that his error didn't lead to too many problems. "At the moment the best fix is to simply use the latest version of TimThumb," he shared. "There have been a stack of tweaks that will make the script harder to abuse." For those who want to be absolutely sure that the script won't be misused by attackers, the best thing to do is to remove the file using rm timthumb.php for the time being, and make sure the removal didn’t affect the theme. Also, there are a lot of themes in which the name of this script has been modified to thumb.php, so search for that as well. Sursa Zero-day bug found in WordPress themes
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  8. Poti folosi imagini ca border doar in css3 care nu este suportat pentru toate browserele. Pt tabel: <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .top_left{ width : 10px; height : 10px; background : url(top_left.png) no-repeat top left; } .top_center{ width : 1000px; height : 10px; background : url(top_center.png) repeat-x top left; } .top_right{ width : 10px; height : 10px; background : url(top_right.png) no-repeat top left; } .mid_left{ width : 10px; background : url(mid_left.png) repeat-y top left; } .mid_center{ width : 1000px; background : #000; <!-- schimbi codul la culoarea din centru--> } .mid_right{ width : 10px; background : url(mid_right.png) repeat-y top left; } .bot_left{ width : 10px; height : 10px; background : url(bot_left.png) no-repeat top left; } .bot_center{ width : 1000px; height : 10px; background : url(bot_center.png) repeat-x top left; } .bot_right{ width : 10px; height : 10px; background : url(bot_right.png) no-repeat top left; } </style> </head> <body> <table width='1020' align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" > <tr> <td class="top_left"> </td> <td class="top_center"> </td> <td class="top_right"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mid_left"> </td> <td class="mid_center">Aici pui continutul tau;</td> <td class="mid_right"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bot_left"> </td> <td class="bot_center"> </td> <td class="bot_right"> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> trebuie sa schimbi dimensiunea la colturi si numele la imagini, precum si width la tabel si culoarea din centru. Daca vrei sa folosesti divuri in loc de tabel e putin mai complicat, da PM daca ai nevoie. Bafta!
  9. Care este componenta cu probleme? Da-mi pm daca nu vrei sa faci public.
  10. Cel mai simplu la login reusit setezi o sesiune cu usename-ul utilizatorului si verifici daca usernamul celui logat este = cu usernamul dorit de tine, caz in care il redirectionezi catre o pagina in care ii scrii ce vrei tu.
  11. 40 Useful Online Generators For Web Designers - Noupe Design Blog
  12. Si cateva de la fratii nostri "di pisti Prut": EXTRASE DIN DICTIONARUL MOLDOVENESC-ROMANESC: Cuvintelnic - un fiel di dictionar, cu multi cuvinti, din cari oaminii inteleji si ei si pot. Miere - Lichid gros, dulsi, transparient, produs di albini or poami cazuti di mar. Chilot - Nalbituri purtati pisti... rusini or baiet si condusi aerfloturili. Divina - Fatuci draguti din icoani; fatuci draguti si din afara icoanilor; poati hi si fatuci cari ii acuzati di baiet ca a ramas bortoasi: "tu esti di vina!". Palitura - Lovituri pi spinari; di osandi ca la TSKA Moscova or florisici cari si-o pierdut sieva. Papusi - Jucareli pentru bebilusi or opinsilii fari calcai, di casi, pi cari i-o dat fimeia nieputinciosului scriitor al cuvintelnicului. Batigard - Strajer; baiet tuns la chelii, cu minti multi, cari apari pi siniva di batai; atentii, nu reusesti intotdiauna! Perji - Poamili din pruni; dicoratiuni-mozaic pi material moali, di calitatia cuvintelnicului. Piersica - Zarzari flocos; Piron - Suruboi cari si bati cu socanu or locu undi trag in gari trenurili. Tratat - Baiet cari daci vini in bataturi la tini ii dai o vodki sau pajini di hartii pi cari tovarasii domnului siecretar jeneral al PCM Voronin vor sa-l scrii in moldovinesti cu asupritorii di pesti Prut, cari vor sa-i romanizezi cu forta si cari se va siemna la Pasti. La Pastili Cailor. Dobitoc - Poati fi si animal (bou, magar or alsiva din bataturi); cretin, idiot, tiembiel ca sel pi cari l-au pus kaghiebistii di la Moscova sa faci cuvintelnic intri romani. Posolvon - Iesi afari! Mars! (din Dictionarul moldovenesc-romanesc) Manestergura - Prosop, carpi, slugi (din Dictionarul moldovenesc-romanesc) Graunatica - Neindemanatica, proasti (din Dictionarul moldovenesc-romanesc)
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