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Everything posted by dragosmk

  1. nu stiu de ce toti vreti iplay? ati vazut ce kkt de sit e? sau doar ca e cel mai vechi tracker romanesc credeti ca e cel mai bun, ramaneti la filelist ..pe iplay trebuie sa ai surse externe sa intrati la preseed ca e mai greu de intretinut decat un filelist
  2. e script perl..salvati in notepad cu extensia .pl si rulati
  3. mai e faza cu disketa si cu ctrl+home la pornire
  4. extrageri si arhiva arhivata http://fisierulmeu.ro/35Z6POME6V51/Windows-XP-64bit-6-in-1-DVD-warezguy-info-rar.html si ajunge de la initialul 8-9 mb in cam 6 gb
  5. http://rapidshare.com/files/123613233/XSS-VIDEOS-SlicK-rstcenter.com.rar.html
  6. As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT, Rapidshare's servers appear to be offline. There are rumors that Rapidshare has been shut down by the authorities after a court order, however, court records do not reveal any issued Rapidshare court order as of yet. Rapidshare technician Steven Gircham has commented on this issue - "There are rumors concerning attacks made on the Rapidshare.com servers. There are also rumors that Rapidshare has been shut down by a court order. These rumors are false. We would like to apologize to our users and inform them that no data has been lost. There have been some hardware issues as a result of high bandwidth and server overload. We are doing our very best to resolve the hardware issues, and users should expect uptime by midnight tonight (GMT)" credits.:freshwap:.
  7. nu merge. am moto v235 fara abonament de la orange. am facut toate setarile cu IPu meu ..astept f mult dar tot ma taxeaza :evil:
  8. merge perfect. Multumim Ras
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