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About alexst

  • Birthday 08/26/1971

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  1. Bravo "joe capitano " Permitemi sà Popun si eu , te rog , numai intrun spirit constructiv bineinteles (Multumesc Frumos !) ; un Tutorial Video - format Dvd ; de la Celebrul Grup " Elephorm- Sectia Francezà " intitulat : " Apprendre (Invatà) WordPress " Vezi Informatia lectiei cu un mic extras video aici :http://www.elephorm.com/apprendre-wordpress-tuto-formation-p-95.html ********************************************* Arhive rar Prt. 1- 8 de 500 Mb si Prt. 9 de 220.4 Mb. Partea 1. Lix.in - Linkprotection Partea 2. Lix.in - Linkprotection Partea 3. Lix.in - Linkprotection Partea 4. Lix.in - Linkprotection Partea 5. Lix.in - Linkprotection Partea 6. Lix.in - Linkprotection Partea 7. Lix.in - Linkprotection Partea 8. Lix.in - Linkprotection Partea 9. Lix.in - Linkprotection Formatie Placutà Tuturor !!! *********************************************** << Try Before You (Die) and .... buy ! lol ! >> ********************************************** !!! Rock n' Roll Baby , Alléluia -Yeah !!! http://www.youtube.com/user/alexandrestark
  2. @ prodil89: care isi portà atit de bine numele ..... : "Ascultà bài poponarule ! // ; Deocamadatà nu am fàcut decit sà-mi inregistrez un rahat de cont infect pe acest "siteu" ;.... doar pentru sà felicit baietii de la RNS " __________ ..vorbeste frumos vacà ! Te rog ! ... ********************************************** !!! Rock n' Roll Baby , Alléluia -Yeah !!!
  3. *************** // ***************** BRAVO TUTUROR DE LA RNS PENTRU TOT CE FACETI !!! SINT MINDRU DE A FI ROMAN ….. si jubilez pentru ” Le Monde ” !!! Pupicuri Dulci ! Cu mulà afectiune !!! *************** // ***************** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8p2y89ayyg
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