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  1. Dupa cum se vede si in titlu. Plata prin western , moneygram sau posta. Astept pm
  2. Am luat si eu , e de incredere. P.s : de mai multe ori ..
  3. Nu merge:)
  4. E actrita... nu e bahmu
  5. esti nebun
  6. Pai atunci singura explicatie ar fii ca merge doar pe un pc ...
  7. acum am incercat si e buna ... vrei sa pun si pic la mail ?
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  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Dd5iZ0iYU
  12. Hop si eu cu 1 .. pm
  13. Mancati-as pula ta doamneeeee:))))
  14. HOTFILE User: remixenos Pass: lordodin User: twosavage4u Pass: insane User: shabzone Pass: shabz1 ORON KiknBac:123456 FILESONIC User: aero3choco@yahoo.com Pass: post15 User: aero3choco Pass: post15 User: cirilla1 Pass: cirilla1 User: sara.marco.moroni@alice.it Pass: cirilla1 WUPLOAD User: ko-ta-astray@hotmail.co.jp Pass: rainbow User: serpent0 Pass: rainbow User: maochen1@gmail.com Pass: jessica User: trteam.net/161 Pass: jessica
  15. Fa nani.....
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