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Everything posted by darkston3e

  1. Benyfloci, hai sa facem urmatoarele: 1: Crackuim o aplicatie, oricare alege Nytro 2: Spargem un ssh 3: Spargem orice site ( exceptii; bancare, youtube,yahoo,facebook ), accept orice tip de vulnerabilitate 4: Completeaza tu 5: Completeaza tu Hai sa te vedem Bennyfloci
  2. Ok miezule, accept provocarile, chiar meriti sa fi facut de tot rahatul, asa ca o sa o fac Btw, vom folosi un live stream, sau direct instance, pentru monitorizare ca sa nu cauti pe google ca copii mici si sa vad si eu tot ce faci tu, si sa vezi si tu tot ce fac eu Anunta-ma inainte cu o saptamana sa imi programez timpul
  3. Tu chiar crezi ca imi pierd timpu cu retardatii ? Ai sa vezi pe viitor ce o sa mai public si o sa ramai cu gura cascata asteptandu-ma pe mine sa iti introduc ceva in ea. Cu bine, Dark.
  4. Nu am spus ca nu te pricepi... dar sincer, pentru simplul fapt ca nu exista versiune cracked, m-am gandit sa fac si eu o fapta buna, si sare benny in aer ca nu ii convine lui ca de obicei. Acum ma uitam prin posturile lui, si chiar am nimerito, nu exista persoana de care sa nu se ia ) Benny, ia arata-ne si noua cat de "hacker" esti tu, si arata-ne si noua contributia ta catre RST din cele 2,200 de posturi care le ai tu. Eu din cate observ, tu chiar esti pus pe scandal cu toata lumea, fara motive, te crezi suprem prietene ? Eu am doar 90 de posturi, si din 90 de posturi, am ajutat si am scos deja 2 aplicatii. Sper sa incetezi, si te rog, pana sa scoti 2 cuvinte, invata programare, verifica aplicatia si vei observa ca este packed. Cu bine, Dark.
  5. Precum ziceam, un caine de om, se ia de toata lume airea, incearca sa strice dispozitia tuturor. El este aici doar pentru a jigni si enerva Fking kid
  6. Conteaza ca merge, NU EXISTA CRACK PE NET! gasiti voi daca tot va dati atat de bazati
  7. Zicea warchild acum 2 zile urmatoarele: "Regulamentul se aplica la toata lumea, nu conteaza ca esti V.I.P, mod w/e". In fine, deci din asta deduc ca daca mai vine cu un post reply am sa il injur grav de tot, si multe altele, nu ? Sa ne facem singuri dreptate, nu ?
  8. Ok prietene, daca vrei sa o luam asa, hai let's go:) 1; Pana acum postai 29838274872 linkuri unde "EXISTA DEJA" cum spui tu, un program care intradevar merge. 2: Daca ai sti macar limba engleza destul de bine, te-ai uitat mai bine sus si ai observa urmatorul lucru: "Things that you need to know: This version is 97 % cracked, some futures are not fully working, but the application does it's job, if you do it as I say, it should work properly." Dar, sincer, chiar ma uimesti, esti einstein, pe bune, chiar esti. 3: Iati un trial version, si ai sa observi ca nu iti merge NICI MACAR UN BUTON, dar precum am mentionat mai sus, esti einstein, nimic de reprosat... chiar esti )))))))) Deci chiar nu ma pot opri din ras cand vad ce poti sa scrii. Astept un program crackuit la fel ca asata, sa mearga, sa posteze, sa faca tot, inafara de butonul Start, Options /; aka backtab, si inca 2-3 mici functii. Apropo, you idiotic little kid, ca sa ii dai drumu sa mearga, apesi un click de mouse "Resume from the last position", ia incearca optiunile astea in demo version einstein Anyway, nu stiu de ce imi pierd timpul cu little retarded kids ca tine. P.S: Astept linkurile cu tutorialele la fel ca asta einstein + versiune care merge
  9. Pe bune, cateodata uni ca tine chiar ma uimesc... Nu vrei coaie sa iti dau si offsetu ? Daca nu ai treaba cu programarea, nu mai vorbi, si apropo, am vazut ca tu te cam iei de toata lumea pe forum, ai de comentat cam mult, dar nu este nici de mirare, 2,000 useless posts, si 192 bune ( sper ), toate posturile de la statistics, sunt numai argumente, afirmatii si insulte... asa ca please... gtfo
  10. Daca ai citit mai sus cu mai multa atentie, ai vedea ca e PACKED.. daca esti programator, asa precum spui, ar trebui sa sti ce inseamna packed.. nu ? Nu are virusi, dar, precum am spus si mai spun odata, USE A A DAMN RDP/VNC TO TEST IT! Regards, Dark.
  11. Thank you, very useful
  12. National Cyber Alert System Cyber Security Alert SA12-010A archive Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities Original release date: January 10, 2012 Last revised: -- Source: US-CERT Systems Affected Microsoft Windows Microsoft Developer Tools and Software Overview There are multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Developer Tools and Software. Microsoft has released updates to address these vulnerabilities. Solution Install updates The updates to address these vulnerabilities are available on the Microsoft Update site (requires Internet Explorer). We recommend enabling automatic updates. Description The Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for January 2012 describes multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows. Microsoft has released updates to address the vulnerabilities. References Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for January 2012 - <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/bulletin/ms12-jan> Microsoft Update - <https://www.update.microsoft.com/> Microsoft Update Overview - <http://www.microsoft.com/security/updates/mu.aspx> Managing Automatic Updates - <http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Turn-automatic-updating-on-or-off> Sursa: US-CERT Cyber Security Alert SA12-010A -- Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities
  13. Poftim: https://rstcenter.com/forum/24312-tutorial-nologine.rst Eu ma refeream la anonimitatea ta, nu a root-ului Cu bine, Dark.
  14. Exact cum a spus em20346, joi maxim la ora 7 vei avea banii. In general, bancile proceseaza in acelasi timp, si cam in acelasi interval de timp transferurile din partea paypalului. P.S: Repet, depinde la ce banca ai facut cardu... Cu bine, Dark.
  15. You'r welcomed Apropo, sa nu uiti sa folosesti socks ... e indicat sa fie on non-stop
  16. darkston3e


    Salut, Da, este un site foarte bun... are si feedback foarte mare, ssl, base encryption, etc.. deci, e bun:) gemnation.com - Information from Alexa Internet Cu bine, Dark.
  17. Salut, Chiar nu mi se pare corect sa vad peste 1k utilizatori cu 0 posts, si sa ii vad cum intra si se folosesc de releasurile noastre, si chiar sa le posteze in alte parti... Sugestie: Aplicarea unei restrictii la minimum posts to download/view links... ( 5 / 10 / 15 ). Asa ne va fi mult mai usor sa observam cine intra fara rost, si cine nu .. Cum vom observa asta? Simplu: Daca cineva va vede ca are nevoie de x posts pentru a putea downloada, garantat va incepe sa faca spam, si automat, va intervenii si o limita intre postari ( 5 / 10 min ), daca userul insista, sa fie banat automat, sau, sa fie banat manual de catre moderatori. Aplicand aceste reguli, automat se va mari si credibilitate/securitatea userilor + statisticile forumului. Pasul 2: Marirea mesajelor in reply/thread, minimum allowed characters: 30-35+, pentru a evita mesajele gen: good job!, welcome!, etc.. Cu toate ca sunt niste idei default, ajuta enorm. Acum ramane la aprecierea voastra.. P.S: O idee ingenioasa ( parerea mea ) Banarea tuturor lamerilor care folosesc/copiaza/idolizeaza numele multor mari hackeri, care au fost retinuti... De ce? Pentru ca numele lor ne vor aduce probleme Dupa parerea mea, aceasta regula va rezulta in: Siguranta, securitatea si continuitatea forumului... Nu mi-a placut cand am vazut pe PROTV forumul RST, din cauza unor oameni incompetenti, care nu stiu sa isi ascunda identitatea, si nu respecta regulamentul/legea. Exemple de usere: MiculFum, TK, etc... Cu bine, Dark.
  18. Hi there, nimeni, welcome !
  19. 3mstek, eroarea vine de la curl, ori nu este instalat, ori este outdated. Ca sa fi sigur ca ai curl pornit, intra in php.ini, si caut urmatoarea linie: ;extension=php_curl.dll Sterge " ; ", sa fie asa: extension=php_curl.dll Cu bine, Dark.
  20. Good day RST'ers, As far as I know, everyone is looking for xrumer... so, I did a crack for you guys. I am sorry that I can't offer the latest version now, but I will in the closest future. Things that you need to know: This version is 97 % cracked, some futures are not fully working, but the application does it's job, if you do it as I say, it should work properly. Well, let's get started! BEFORE YOU DOWNLOAD, NOTE THAT THIS APPLICATION IS PACKED, YOUR ANTIVIRUS WILL POP-UP AND PROBABLY BLOCK THE APPLICATION. IT DOESN'T CONTAIN ANY VIRUS... I SUGGEST USING IT ON RDP'S, VNC'S, ETC, FOR SAFER SPAMMING, YOUR IP MAY GET BLOCKED FOR SPAM ABUSE. ALSO, PLEASE USE CONSTANT PROXY LISTS, IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Download: GirlShare - Download RST xRumer 5 Palladium.rar Download: RST xRumer 5 Palladium.rar Pass: rstcenter.com Install crack: Step 1: Extract all files from RST xRumer 5 Palladium.rar to any folder you want Step 2: Copy org_socks64.dll & socks64.dll from Crack folder to Setup/XRumer directory, when asked: "Replace all", select OK/YES. Step 3: Delete Test.xpy from RST Xrumer/Projects Directory ( only if the file is located there ) Step 4: Copy Project folder, and past it on the Setup/XRumer directory Creating a project: Step 1: Open xrumer/Projects folder Step 2: Test.xml with notepad or any text editor Step 3: Delete only Text Fields between <PrimarySection> and </PrimarySection> Tags. Values of type #file_links[C:\nicks.txt,1,NP] are not supported Step 4: Open project.ini and edit all fields. Spinner syntax is supported. Nickname must be 7 characters or more Each time you want to create a new project you can edit these files How to run xRumer: Step 1: Run XRumer by clicking xpymep.exe Step 2: Select the number of Links database ID and LinksList Step 3: Click Resume from the last position ( If you click start, it will never work, it will say "Not available in demo version", so I suggest using the button: "Resume from last position" ) Step 4: To see the status click on "Reports" tab How to use your own links: Step 1: Copy all your links in a .txt format file Step 2: Rename your links file to LinksList idX. Where X is a number which has not been used yet. So you can create your own different links files for example LinksList id1, LinksList id2, LinksList id3 and so on Step 3: Paste this file to Links folder . X is the number which is used as Links database ID. For example if you want to use your LinksList id1 for posting then you should put 1 in Links database ID while using xrumer Step 4: Once you run xrumer you will find xrumer has created a new database file called "ZLinks:ist id1". This list represents all the links from the original file which xrumer actually was able to post to. In the future you can use this ZLinksList from the drop down menu to the left of the "Details" button and your posting process will be extremely quicker than before as you are using only working links. Note: When you close XRumer some errors may popup. Just close them. You may need to close xpymep.exe by using endtask function. Additional information: * Modifying messages that you want to advertise/SEO 1: Go to Setup/Xrumer/Projects directory, and open project.ini, add your advertising text, links, message after the fallowing line: Message= Example: Message= IANA — Example domains 2: Open Test.xml with notepad/wordpad w/e, located in the same folder ( Projects ), and modify all the fields located inside, it shold look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <XRumerProject> <PrimarySection> <ProjectName>[B]Projectname[/B]</ProjectName> <NickName>[B]Forum-Nickname[/B]</NickName> <RealName>[B]Forum-Realname[/B]</RealName> <Password>[B]Forum-Password[/B]</Password> <EmailAddress>[B]Forum-Email[/B]</EmailAddress> <EmailPassword>[B]Real-Email-Password[/B]</EmailPassword> <EmailLogin>[B]Real-Valid-Email[/B]</EmailLogin> <EmailPOP>[B]POP, Example: pop.gmail.com[/B]</EmailPOP> <Homepage>[B]The-Website-You-Advertise[/B]/</Homepage> <ICQ>[B]Not-Required[/B]</ICQ> <City>[B]Any-City[/B]</City> <Country>[B]Any-Country[/B]</Country> <Occupation>[B]Not-Required[/B]</Occupation> <Interests>[B]Not-Required[/B]</Interests> <Signature>[B]Not-Required[/B]</Signature> <Gender>[B]Not-Required[/B]</Gender> <UnknownFields>[B]Not-Required[/B]</UnknownFields> <PollTitle>[B]Not-Required[/B]</PollTitle> <PollOption1>[B]Not-Required[/B]</PollOption1> <PollOption2>[B]Not-Required[/B]</PollOption2> <PollOption3>[B]Not-Required[/B]</PollOption3> <PollOption4>[B]Not-Required[/B]</PollOption4> <PollOption5>[B]Not-Required[/B]</PollOption5> </PrimarySection> <SecondarySection> <Subject1>[B]Thread Subject[/B]</Subject1> <Subject2>[B]Thread Subject 2/Description[/B]</Subject2> <PostText>[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]THIS IS WHERE YOU ENTER YOUR ADVERTISING TEXT[/COLOR][/B]</PostText> <Prior>1980 february flood Flame stuff blah Off-topic Off topic Offtopic Oftopic General Common Business Advertisement Reclama Adver</Prior> <OnlyPriors>false</OnlyPriors> </SecondarySection> </XRumerProject> Anonymity: Using a proxy list wold be grate if you don't want your IP to be on the main page of CNN for spaming tons of forums ! How to; Option 1: You can always use public proxy lists in a htm format Examples; http://botmaster.ru/proxy/httplist.htm http://botmasternet.com/proxy/httplist.htm http://botmasternet.com/proxy/buyall2.htm http://www.proxy-list.biz/ http://www.cybersyndrome.net/pla3.html http://www.proxylist.com.ru/proxy-server/*********-proxy-1-2/ http://www.proxylist.com.ru/proxy-server/*********-proxy-1-1/ http://eliteproxy.us/proxy.php?act=list&port=&type=*********&country=&page=1 http://freeproxies.biz/page1.html http://www.samair.ru/proxy/index.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-01.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-02.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-03.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-04.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-05.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-06.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-07.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-08.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-09.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-10.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-11.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-12.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-13.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-14.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-15.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-16.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-17.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-18.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-19.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-20.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-21.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-22.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-23.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-24.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-25.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-26.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-27.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-28.htm http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-29.htm http://www.proxz.com/index.php http://www.proxz.com/proxz1.php http://www.proxz.com/proxz2.php http://www.proxz.com/proxz3.php http://www.proxz.com/proxz4.php http://www.proxz.com/proxz5.php http://www.proxz.com/proxz6.php http://www.proxz.com/proxz7.php http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.html http://www.proxy4free.com/page2.html http://www.proxy4free.com/page3.html http://www.proxy4free.com/page4.html http://www.proxy4free.com/page5.html http://www.proxy4free.com/page6.html http://www.proxy4free.com/page8.html http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page5.html http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page4.html http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page3.html http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page2.html http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page1.html http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page1.html http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page2.html http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page3.html http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page4.html http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page5.html http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page6.html http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page7.html http://www.anonymitychecker.com/page8.html http://www.digitalcybersoft.com/ProxyList/fresh-proxy-list.shtml http://www.steganos.com/?area=updateproxylist/ http://openproxies.com/ http://www.openproxies.com/ http://proxy4free.com/ http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.html/ Option 2: You can also use a proxy list that you have on your computer... How: Go to Setup/xRumer folder, open xproxy and past your proxy list there Example: Option 3: You can also use socks list if you don't feel safe enough using a normal proxy How: Open xsocks.txt file located in Setup/xRumer and past your socks list P.S: If anyone knows reverse engeniering, and wants to help me crack xrumer 7.x, please let me know via PM. For problems/questions/additional information, please reply here. If you find this tutorial helpfull, please LIKE! Thank you THIS TUTORIAL + CRACK WERE MADE SPECIALLY FOR RSTCENTER.COM BY DARKSTONE, IF YOU WANT TO SHARE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE, PLEASE SPECIFY THE FULL SOURCE LINK + AUTHOR!
  21. Pai, normal dureaza 2-3 zile LUCRATOARE/BANCARE, depinde ce banca folosesti ... sa nu te astepti sa iti intre banii in weekend, ca nu o sa iti intre:) Daca ai dat withdraw acum 2 zile , luni seara / dupamiaza sigur o sa ai banii. Cu bine, Dark.
  22. Pentru win 2008 rc2 iti recomand sygate firewall, sau ce anume hostezi tu / ai pe server, ce fel de securitate ai nevoie ? Sa stiu ce sfat sa iti dau poate chiar un tutorial. Cu bine, Dark.
  23. Va rog frumos sa nu mai imi dati pm sa cereti linkul.... lam criptat ca sa il poata folosi cineva care intradevar are nevoie de ele... Daca nu va pricepeti, nu puteti primi totul pe tava... Cu bine, Dark.
  24. Iti dau eu scanner de "no-loghine" la 50 de euro, unul foarte bun chiar Dami pm daca esti interesat;)
  25. Nice tutorial pyth0n3
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