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Everything posted by GoodKat
Good shit ! Bravo RST ! :twisted:
No sexing, more coding
http://www.trilulilu.ro/PartzPartzescu/493dd488ff929e Holy shit !! Manele programing... hacking... finding, goddamn.
Microsoft face cadou Windows, Office ºi Encarta Prin Windows Feedback Program Microsoft îþi face o ofertã de nerefuzat: îþi dã sisteme de operare Windows Vista ºi XP, pachetul Microsoft Office ºi programul educaþional Encarta gratuit. Sunã prea bine pentru fi adevãrat nu? Aºa ºi e. Pentru a beneficia de generoasã ofertã trebuie sã renunþi la intimitatea ta digitalã ºi sã-i laºi pe cei de la Microsoft sã te spioneze timp de 3 luni. Vestea cu adevãrat proastã este cã trebuie sã fii cetãþean american pentru a participa la acest program. Haha,,, penibil.
Azi-noapte am exploatat 5 forumuri phpbb cu un bug din 2005 (Session Handling Authentication Bypass ) :\ ... cookies fuckin cookies , cand te uiti la o asemenea exploatare,,, iti vine sa crezi ca phpbb e naspa, dar nu e asa. Administrarea este de vina... Am trecut si eu pe acel forum.., parea a fi o comunitate mare si bine aranjata, shit happends... Anyway, moubik, Punbb rullz .
Daca vrei un raspuns la intrebariile tale de ce nu vorbesti cu staff-ul ? Pe mine sincer nu ma intereseaza daca se prabuseste sau nu, stau aici din plictiseala, nimic mai mult. In fine... pe unele parti ai dreptate, dar trebuie sa realizam ca nu totul poate fi perfect, lucrurile se schimba, vin alte persoane... poate mai imature poate mai de cacat... asta este, trebuie sa se prabuseasca RST pentru asta ? no shit ? eh... cine stie Parca vad ca si topicul asta o sa fie unu plin de drama si cacat...
Bla bla bla bla... Parca acuma se fute lumea, ce e cu depresiile astea si cu posturile astea jenante/penale ? E forum de hacking/securitate ? sau probleme de coitze si sufletzele ? stupid kids ! Daca iti place calculatorul, de ce sa nu stai 24 ore la el ? Cati ani ziceai ca ai ? 15 ?.... hehe... ai timp si de femei si de hacereli baiatule . Nu te mai stresa... mai pune mana pe o bere din cand in cand . Huh... ce ai cu serverele NASA ? is curios si eu. SirVic = Role model for kids ...
Moubik a incercat sa iti deschida ochii, daca era dupa mine, aveai avertisment de mult.
Yes, im male... deh !! Hai sa nu ruinam topicul despre super, magicul "terminal" din windows .
WIndows = No freedom, no ethics (no source code) . yes... he got backdoors too.... Impresionant, merita vazut chiar daca e de 30 min. LE: A compus si o melodie scurta pe tema asta. si-a luat locul in semnatura la mine .
Ah... stai ca am si eu sa-i multumesc cuiva... Multumesc celor care au luat decizia ca cel mai bine ar fi sa ma exmatriculeze, sa imi taie sansele spre orice viitor bun (asa cred ei). Ei bine am un mesaj pentru ei: va scuip in gura de gunoaie imbecile, am trecut de nivelul vostru, poate ne mai intalnim. Scuzati limbajul, eram emotionat, mai degraba excitat...
mskdakdsa, billdubuh shhit !!! Daca intelegi asta inseamna ca esti un betiv/a care foloseste linux si se pisa pe windows...
You will get the genuine microsoft thingyy first... daca nu ai Xp licentiat . Ma tot bate frateme-o la cap sa-i instalez porcaria aia... nu vrea sa foloseasca linux, e invatat cu billy willy .
Frumos lucrat, dar parca mi-a intrat in sange AnEC .
Title: Linux: Introduction to Linux Author: Arthur Griffith SKU: 33482 ISBN: 1932072780 Release Date: 2004-03-12 Price: Single User: US$ 99.95 Multi User(10): US$ 500.00 Duration: 6.5 hrs / 75 lessons Compatibility: Win Vista, XP, 2000, 98SE, Mac OS X, OS 9, Linux Work Files: No Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/60223234/VT-INT-LYN.part1.rar [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/60227644/VT-INT-LYN.part2.rar[/url]
Un om sincer << Sa aveti un craciun fericit si un an nou cat mai implinit ! (Like i care...)
Hacker Linux Uncovered Concentrating on Linux installation, tuning, and administration, this guide to protecting systems from security attacks demonstrates how to install Linux so that it is tuned for the highest security and best performance, how to scan the network and encrypt the traffic for securing all private traffics in a public network, and how to monitor and log the system to detect potential security problems. Backup and recovery policies that provide a structure for secure operations are also considered, and information related to configuring an Apache server, e-mail service, and the Internet gateway using a proxy server, an FTP server, DSN server for mapping DNS names to IP addresses, and firewall for system protection is provided. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/10078297/Hacker.Linux.Uncovered-1931769508.rar
Nu imi vine in minte nici-o metoda... Parca era un programel tampit care presupunea ca verifica asta, parca era Buddy spy sau checker.
Ubuntu Linux is a free, general-purpose operating system for the PC desktop that often rivals Microsoft Windows and Macintosh OS for ease of use, security, and freedom from restrictions. Since its founding a few years ago, Ubuntu Linux has become extremely popular and has helped popularize free and open source software. This step-by-step beginner's course to Ubuntu Linux is designed to guide a user with no previous linux experience. This course, presented by VTC author Chess Griffin, also the host of "Linux Reality," a popular podcast for new Linux users, starts at the absolute beginning. Including an explanation of what Linux is, how to obtain a free copy of Ubuntu Linux, and how to boot the "live" CD to test Ubuntu Linux. You will learn configuration, customization, adding software to the system, and working with the desktop environment. As well as the many included programs and features of Ubuntu Linux. Introduction About this course (04:16) About Linux & Free Software (05:02) About Ubuntu Linux (03:51) Where to Go for Help (05:53) Ubuntu Linux How to Obtain Ubuntu Linux (05:38) Downloading Ubuntu Linux Live CD (03:03) Checking MD5 Sum & Burning to CDRom (05:05) Booting LiveCD Initial Boot Menu (03:12) Default Desktop Environment - GNOME (02:50) Examples Folder (03:58) Preinstallation Steps (04:22) Install LiveCD Pt.1 (04:47) Install LiveCD Pt.2 (02:00) Booting Ubuntu Linux & The GNOME Desktop Initial Boot & Login Screen (03:38) Exploring the GNOME Desktop (05:58) Virtual Desktops (03:29) Nautilus File Manager File Manager Basics (04:11) The Home Directory (06:14) Emblems, Right Click Menus, Drag & Drop (03:57) Nautilus Special Locations (04:59) Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Pt.1 (05:03) Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Pt.2 (04:47) Drives, Case Sensitivity, & Permissions (07:11) Customization Changing the Background (06:21) Changing Themes, Adding New Elements (06:15) Creating Your Own Theme Pt.1 (04:47) Creating Your Own Theme Pt.2 (04:14) Customizing Panels & Applets (03:30) Changing Font Preferences (04:18) Menu Detail Applications Menu (07:23) Places Menu Pt.1 (04:03) Places Menu Pt.2 (03:58) System Menu (06:15) Configuration Tools System/Preferences Menu Pt.1 (06:03) System/Preferences Menu Pt.2 (03:05) System/Preferences Menu Pt.3 (03:05) System/Preferences Menu Pt.4 (04:34) System/Preferences Menu Pt.5 (04:23) System/Administration Menu Pt.1 (06:55) System/Administration Menu Pt.2 (07:21) Mutimedia Applications Legal Issues (05:24) Audio Applications (06:45) Video, Photo, & Image Editing Applications (06:05) Productivity Applications OpenOffice.org Overview (05:12) OpenOffice.org Writer & Calc Pt.1 (04:13) OpenOffice.org Writer & Calc Pt.2 (04:22) OpenOffice.org Base & Impress (06:13) Evolution (06:21) Adding New Software Add/Remove Software Application (05:47) Software Sources (06:02) Synaptic Package Manager (06:17) Easy Ubuntu & Automatix (07:27) Introduction to the Terminal Gnome Terminal Application (05:05) Basic Commands Pt.1 (05:54) Basic Commands Pt.2 (05:30) Applications, System Logs & Apt-Get Pt.1 (04:03) Applications, System Logs & Apt-Get Pt.2 (06:20) Using Text Editors Pt.1 (05:13) Using Text Editors Pt.2 (02:56) Windows Applications in Linux WINE Project (07:23) Crossover Office & Cedega (05:09) Conclusion Concluding Thoughts (01:49) Credits About the Author (02:24) Download: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/47250547/VTCUBUNTU.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/47250005/VTCUBUNTU.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/47246663/VTCUBUNTU.part3.rar[/url]
Pagini false de autentificare (Pishing) Fraudsters send fake emails or set up fake web sites that mimic Yahoo!'s sign-in pages (or the sign-in pages of other trusted companies, such as eBay or PayPal) to trick you into disclosing your user name and password. This practice is sometimes referred to as "phishing" — a play on the word "fishing" — because the fraudster is fishing for your private account information. Typically, fraudsters try to trick you into providing your user name and password so that they can gain access to an online account. Once they gain access, they can use your personal information to commit identity theft, charge your credit cards, empty your bank accounts, read your email, and lock you out of your online account by changing your password. Pardon, Nemessis, am postat in acelasi timp, cred.
De ce nu ? Sunt simplificate si adaugate niste chestii... principiul este tot acelasi.