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Everything posted by p47r1ck

  1. Am un script facut pentru verificarea SMTP-urilor. Dar nu l-am mai folosit de ceva timp si nu stiu daca mai merge. Am nevoie de 2-3 SMTP-uri pentru TEST. The code look's like this : #!usr/bin/python #darkSMTPv.py #SMTP Checker - using Authentication #Coded by P47r1ck & low1z #----------------------------------- #... To be continued ... # # #THE CODE WILL TAKE A LIST OF SMTP ACCOUNTS IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT (IP:USER:PASS) WILL TRY TO LOGIN AND THEN SEND #EMAIL TO THE ADDRESS THAT YOU CAN CHANGE ANYTIME IN THE CODE ( look below the #Create the message at the toaddr= # #EVERY WORKING SMTP ACCOUNT WILL PRINTED ON THE SCREEN WITH THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE : [!] Email Sent Successfully: IP USER PASS # #THE CODE HAS THE FOLLOWING FEATURES. # # 1. IT WILL SAVE THE LIST OF WORKING SMTP ACCOUNTS TO FILE OUTPUT THAT YOU WILL CHOOSE. # 2. YOU CAN ALSO SPECIFY THE EMAIL WHERE THE SMTP CAN SEND THE TEST EMAIL. # 3. IT WILL MAKE A LIST OF SERVERS FOR THE AMS (ADVANCED MASS SENDER PROGRAM), SO YOU CAN INSERT MORE EASIER THE SMTP #LIST INTO THE AMS.INI FILE FROM THE AMS PROGRAM. (LIST IS SAVED TO AMSlist.txt) # # # MORE FEATURES ARE COMING SOON!!! import sys, smtplib, socket, time, random from smtplib import SMTP from random import choice socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) # smtp default timeout, change number to speed up large lists def printHelp(): print '\nHow to use it ? There you go -- > ./darkSMTPv.py <accounts> <outputfile>' print '\nImportant: THE SMTP ACCOUNTS MUST BE IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT : IP:USER:PASS\n' # Create the message fromaddr = "thewonder@wtfbbq.net" toaddr = "someone@yahoo.com" def rndstr(): rndstr = '' for x in range(0,6): rndstr += str(random.choice(range(0,5))) return rndstr rs = rndstr() message = """To: %s From: %s Subject: %s test SMTP mail """ % (toaddr,fromaddr,str(rs)) print "\n _ _ _____ __ __ _______ _____ " print " | | | | / ____| \/ |__ __| __ \ " print " __| | __ _ _ __| | _| (___ | \ / | | | | |__) |_ __" print " / _` |/ _` | '__| |/ /\___ \| |\/| | | | | ___/\ \ / /" print "| (_| | (_| | | | < ____) | | | | | | | | \ V / " print " \__,_|\__,_|_| |_|\_\_____/|_| |_| |_| |_| \_/ \n" print "\n This is not stopping here! ... To be continued." print "More features will be added soon. For bugs p47r1ckro[at]gmail[dot]com\n" print "_______________________________________________________________________" def timer(): now = time.localtime(time.time()) return time.asctime(now) def sendchk(listindex, host, user, password, info): # seperated function for checking try: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host) smtp.login(user, password) code = smtp.ehlo()[0] if not (200 <= code <= 299): raise SMTPHeloError(code, resp) smtp.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, message) print "\n\t[!] Sending successful:",host, user, password print "\t[!] Message Sent Successfully\n" if info != '': LSstring = host+":"+user+":"+password+":"+info+"\n" else: LSstring = host+":"+user+":"+password+"\n" nList.append(LSstring) # special list for AMS file ID's LFile = open(output, "a") LFile.write(LSstring) # save working host/usr/pass to file LFile.close() AMSout = open("AMSlist.txt", "a") AMSout.write("[Server"+str(nList.index(LSstring))+"]\nName="+str(host)+"\nPort=25\nUserID=User\nBccSize=50\nUserName="+str(user)+"\nPassword="+str(password)+"\nAuthType=0\n\n") smtp.quit() except(socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror, smtplib.SMTPException), msg: print "[-] Login Failed:", host, user, password pass if len(sys.argv) != 3: printHelp() exit(1) # Do not change anything below. accounts = sys.argv[1] output = sys.argv[2] try: handle = list(open(accounts)) except: print"\n[+] We were unable to open the SMTP filelist. Check again your path and try again." print"\n[+] Exiting...." nList = [] for line in handle: host = line.split(':')[0] user = line.split(':')[1].replace('\n', '') if line.count(':') == 2: try: password = line.split(':')[2].replace('\n', '') sendchk(handle.index(line), host, user, password, info='') except: print '\n[+] We have found a error in your accounts list' print host, user exit(1) elif line.count(':') == 3: try: password = line.split(':')[2] info = line.split(':')[3].replace('\n', '') sendchk(handle.index(line), host, user, password, info) except: print '\n[+] We have found a error in your accounts list' print host, user exit(1) else: print '\n[!] IMPORTANT: THE SMTP ACCOUNTS MUST BE IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT : IP,USER,PASS' print '\n[-] Exiting....\n' print "[!] Ended at: " + timer() + "\n" print "\n[!] You should visit forum.darkc0de.com from time to time"
  2. p47r1ck


    Thank you Thank you!!
  3. p47r1ck


    Sincer nu stiu. Am fost plecat din tara vreo 2 luni si n-am mai avut timp de darkc0de. Cand m-am intors in tara, siteul era picat. Nimeni nu raspundea la mailuri, nimeni nu stia ce sa intamplat. d3hydr8 ala numai raspunde, nici pe chat, nici pe telefon, nici pe mail. Nu stiu ce sa intamplat ... oricum ciudat! Am vazut ca acuma e inregistrat de nu stiu ce retard.... d3hydr8 ala mi-a zis intr-un timp ca avea probleme cu militia Who knows !!
  4. p47r1ck


    M'am mai prezentat odata, dar se pare ca threadul meu a fost sters. In fine ... nu mai zic nimic decat un simplu : "Salut tuturor!!" Hai pa ... Edited ... Hai sa incerc sa scriu si ceva despre mine, sa nu las doar un simplu salut! Sunt P47r1ck, am activat pe darkc0de in trecut. Stiu : PHP, HTML, Python, SQL. Sistemele de programare care le folosesc : Windows 7 / R2 / CentOS / Ubuntu Ma pricep la orice aproape Ca doar sunt roman si romanu se price la orice!!! EOF
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