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Everything posted by v3en0m

  1. Dau 2 root de scan hmm???
  2. v3en0m

    Root Flood

    dau un root la scan cine da un root la flood?? _________________________ Some defacers attack with some reason.For me is like a war. Fighting for no reason and the best take all
  3. Salut pot sa trimiti o invitatie de filelist?? _____________ Some defacers attack with some reason.For me is like a war. Fighting for no reason and the best take all!
  4. v3en0m

    Vand Steam

    Scimbi cu 2 root ?? ____________ Some defacers attack with some reason.For me is like a war. Fighting for no reason and the best take all
  5. Scimbi cu 2 root ?? ______________________ Some defacers attack with some reason.For me is like a war. Fighting for no reason and the best take all
  6. Dai ID sa vorbim ________________________________________ Some defacers attack with some reason.For me is like a war. Fighting for no reason and the best take all
  7. Tu nu poti sa ridici viteza netului numai providerul tau poate sa mareasca viteaza! _____________________________ Some defacers attack with some reason.For me is like a war. Fighting for no reason and the best take all
  8. Mersi pentru sfaturi le voi aplica si mersi de urarile de bun venit:) ________________________________________________________ Fighting for no reason and the best take al!!!
  9. asta e fain { echo "ERROR! Please go back and try again."; } dar puteai sa modificii headerul sa mearga direct la https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?&.src=ym restul e bun ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some defacers attack with some reason.For me is like a war. Fighting for no reason and the best take all
  10. [x] Nume:Venom [x] Locatia: din Covasna, [x] Varsta:17 Ma pasioneaza calculatoarele si tot ce este legat de programare si hack. Sunt pasionat de tuturialele scrise de voi!Citind tutorialele invat mai repede ....dar si asa o sa am neveie de ajutorul vostru De RST stiam mai demult, dar tocmai azi mi-am facut cont. Sunteti buni. Va felicit si la mai mare. Numai bine va doresc. _____________________________________________________________ Some defacers attack with some reason.For me is like a war. Fighting for no reason and the best take all
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